[CYOA] D&D - The Ghost of Lion Castle

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[CYOA] D&D - The Ghost of Lion Castle

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sun May 30, 2021 5:17 pm

Post by petapan »

Anyone can play in this CYOA, just post and vote on the choices

The Ghost of Lion Castle is a solo module for the D&D Basic rule set, published in 1984 by TSR. In this topic we will be playing it together and you, the readers, will get to vote on the choices we make. This is an experiment so please bear with me as I figure things out.


How to Play
Tables and Maps
Prerolled Characters
Adventure Start

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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sun May 30, 2021 5:17 pm

Post by petapan »


Spoiler: Rules

Read all of the "R" rules entries before starting the adventure.

Welcome to the world of Sargon the Wizard. You're about to set out on a thrilling, magic-filled adventure in a dangerous, haunted castle, and you'll be on your own. Only your wits and your weapons can help you.
If you choose one of the prerolled characters provided with the adventure, your character will be a magic-user or an elf. If you decide to use your own character for this adventure, the character cannot be higher than third level. Your character cannot use any spell, magic item, or equipment that is not listed on p. 31-32.
This is a solo adventure. You read entries just like this one. Each entry asks you to make a decision about where you want to go or what you want to do. Some entries, like this one, simply direct you to the next entry. Read entry

R2. Choosing an entry:
Most entries in this adventure list several options for you. There are many different areas to explore in and around Lion Castle. Because of this, all of the adventure entries are lettered and numbered. If you are exploring the areas outside the castle, all entries begin with the letter "
" (courtyard entries). If you are exploring inside the castle, all entries begin with the letter "
" (Lion Castle entries).
The "C" entries are divided into five areas: the castle outskirts, the outer curtain, the outer ward, the inner curtain, and the inner ward. The "L" entries encompass several levels of the castle, but are not divided into specific categories.
For details on keeping records during your adventure, read entry

R3. Keeping records:
You will keep a record of your adventure as you explore Lion Castle. Each time you find an item on your journey, add it to your character sheet. If you lose an item, cross the item off your character sheet. When you take an item from a room, that room's entry will direct you to cross out the sentence that describes the item. Doing this
allows you to change the adventure the next time you or someone else plays it.
For details on the magic journal, read entry

R4. The magic journal:
The solo adventure pages in this booklet are bounded on each side by spaces marked "Magic Journal." Reminders on recordkeeping and how to play certain entries are here. You may also use the journal to make notes to yourself about a specific entry or direction.
You may write anything you wish in the magic journal. Some examples are: "Avoid
," and "Enter through the postern gate." These notes will come in especially handy when you decide to play the adventure again as a different character.
For details on mapping, read entry

R5. Mapping:
Several maps of Lion Castle are shown on the booklet cover. These maps are not complete. You will have to fill in some of the blank areas as you explore the castle. A light grid is printed over the maps to make mapping easier. Most "L" entries list room dimensions for you.
All walls, ceilings, and floors in Lion Castle are made of stone, and all inside walls are 10 feet high.
You may erase the additions you have made to the maps when you play the adventure as another character, or when other players take characters into the castle.
For details on fighting monsters, read entry

R6. Fighting monsters:
When an entry states that you encounter a monster, go to the Combat Checklist on the booklet cover and follow its steps. You never encounter more than one monster at a time during this adventure. The following entries explain the steps of the Combat Checklist. For details on initiative, read entry

R7. Initiative:
Roll 1d6 for yourself first, and then for the monster you have encountered. If your die roll is higher, you may attack, or you may try to talk to the monster. (If the die rolls are the same, roll both dice again.) If you speak the monster's language, the monster does not attack and allows you to pass unharmed. If you try to talk to a monster in a language it doesn't know, you lose initiative and the monster attacks.
For details on movement, read entry

R8. Movement:
Movement rates are used only in combat. During this part of step B on the Combat Checklist, you may use a
defensive maneuver (retreating, or throwing food or treasure to a monster).
If you choose to retreat, compare your movement rate per round with the monster's movement rate per round. If your rate is greater than the monster's rate, you escape the monster, and you may go on to the next entry of your choice. Before you leave, however, the attacking monster gets one more chance to hit you, gaining a +2 bonus to its hit roll. For this attack, you must calculate your Armor Class as if you had no shield. Also, you cannot defend yourself. If your movement rate per round is less than or equal to the monster's rate, you must stay and fight the monster. You may decide to throw food or treasure to the monster at this point.
If you choose to throw food or treasure to a monster, subtract the item you threw from your character sheet. Intelligent monsters are stopped only if you throw treasure (a coin, gem, or magic item). You may encounter the following intelligent monsters in this adventure:
bugbear, gnoll, goblin, hobgoblin, orc, wereboar,
. All other monsters in this adventure stop only if you throw food (1 ration).
After you have thrown the food or treasure, roll 1d6. On a 1, 2, or 3, the monster stops and marvels at its "gift." Consider the stopped creature as a "defeated" monster. You cannot take its treasure, however. On a roll of 4, 5, or 6, the monster ignores your gift and attacks.
For details on morale, read entry

R9. Morale:
During this part of step B on the Combat Checklist, roll 2d6 (only if you have hit the monster once). If the dice roll is greater than the monster's morale, the monster is demoralized and tries to retreat. You gain a +2 bonus to your hit rolls when a monster retreats. If the monster's movement rate per round is greater than your movement rate per round, or if you do not attack the monster as it retreats, the monster escapes. You cannot take treasure from a monster that escapes.
During your combat round on the Combat Checklist, you hit a bugbear, causing 2 points of damage. In the bugbear's combat round, you roll 2d6 to determine if the bugbear's morale will fail. Its morale is 9. You roll an 11. The bugbear has failed its morale check. It retreats at the rate of 30 feet per round. You move at the rate of 40 feet per round, so you can attack the creature as it retreats. Add 2 to your hit roll because the bugbear is retreating.
For details on using magic in combat, read entry

R10. Using magic in combat:
If you decide to cast a spell when you attack a monster, you cannot use hand-to-hand combat in the same round. You may cast only one spell per combat round.
When you cast a spell at a monster, consider the monster to be in a 10-foot-square area and within 10 feet of you.
Some spells allow for the monster to make a saving throw to avoid the spell's full effect. Consult the monster's "Save" rating and then check Table 4: Saving Throws on the booklet cover. Monster saving throws are explained further on p. 23 of the Dungeon Masters Rule Book.
Because of the strange magic in Lion Castle, some spells do not work the same as they normally would. Elf and magic-user spells higher than second level do not work at all in the castle. For details on spells whose effects are altered in this adventure, read entry
For details on hand-to-hand combat, read entry

R11. Hand-to-hand combat:
If you attack a monster and do not use a spell, you are engaging in hand-to-hand combat.
When it is your turn on the Combat Checklist to attack, consult Table 5: Character Hit Rolls on the booklet cover and make a hit roll. If you hit, check Table 6: Variable Weapon Damage to see how much damage you cause to the monster. If you have no weapon, your bare fist does 1 point of damage. If you have Strength bonus modifiers, add these to the damage. Subtract the total damage from the monster's hit points. When a monster's hit points reach 0, the monster is defeated. If a defeated monster had treasure, you may add that treasure to your character sheet.
When a monster attacks you, consult Table 7: Monster Hit Rolls on the booklet cover and make a hit roll for the monster. Some monsters may have more than one attack. For each of the monster's attacks that hits you, roll to find the damage the attack does to you, using the dice indicated in the monster's statistics. Subtract the damage from your hit points. If your hit points reach 0, you are defeated. Entry
(Defeated Characters) explains what to do when this happens.
If a monster hits you with a poisonous attack, you must make a saving throw vs. poison. If you fail the saving throw, you take 1 hit point of damage per Hit Die of the monster that hit you.
Special rules apply for some of the monsters you may encounter in this adventure. For details on these special monsters, read entry

R12. Combat for special monsters:
The following monsters in this adventure have special attacks or defenses.
Giant bee:
If a giant bee stings you, the bee dies, but you must make a saving throw vs. poison. The stinger causes 1 point of damage before you are able to pull it out.
If a stirge hits you, it attaches itself to you and causes 1-3 points of damage per round until it is defeated.
Lycanthropes (wereboar, wererat, weretiger):
You may use a sprig of wolfsbane as a weapon against any of these creatures. If you use wolfsbane to hit one of them, the creature must make a saving throw vs. poison. If its saving throw fails, the creature runs away, leaving behind its treasure. When a lycanthrope is in animal form, only magic weapons, silvered weapons, or spells can harm it. If you defeat a lycanthrope, it returns to human form. The wereboar and weretiger cannot speak normal languages when in ani-mal form, but a wererat can speak Common in any form.
If you lose more than 1/2 of your hit points in combat with a lycanthrope, you contract the disease lycanthropy. If you are an elf, you die in 2d12 days, unless you find a cure. If you are a magic-user, you turn into the same type of werecreature as the one you were fighting. This transformation occurs in 2d12 days, unless you find a cure.
Giant Rat:
If a giant rat bites you, you have a chance of becoming diseased. Roll 1d20. If you roll a 1, the rat infects you. You may be able to avoid the disease by making a saving throw vs. poison. If you fail the saving throw, roll 1d4. If you roll a 1, you die in 1d6 days unless you find a cure. If you roll a 2, 3, or 4, you are sick and have a -1 hit roll penalty. The penalty lasts until you find a cure for the sickness.
For details on fighting monsters in the dark, read entry

R13. Fighting monsters in the dark:
Elves have infravision and can fight monsters in the dark. If a magic-user has no light source and is fighting a monster in the dark, the magic-user suffers a -4 penalty on all hit rolls. The monster gains a +4 bonus to all hit rolls. These hit roll modifiers apply until the area is lighted or combat has ended. The magic-user may cast a
continual light
spell in this situation, if he has learned the spell that morning. He cannot read his spell book in the dark.
For details on wandering monster encounters, read entry

R14. Wandering monster encounters:
Entries occasionally ask you to "check for a wandering monster." To check for such an encounter, roll 1d6. If you roll a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, you do not encounter a monster, and you may go on in the adventure. If you roll a 1, you encounter a wandering monster. Follow these steps when you have such an encounter:

Refer to Table 1: Monster Die Rolls and Modifiers to determine what die roll and modifier should be used on Table 2: Wandering Monsters. Your location in the castle affects what type of monster you encounter. For example, if you are exploring Castle Level 1, you roll 1d12 and add 6 to your die roll. If you rolled a 4, your final result would be 10.

Refer to Table 2 to determine which monster you encounter, using the modified die roll from step 1. For example, if your modified die roll from step 1 is 10, you check to see which monster corresponds to that number on Table 2. The monster you encounter is a giant black widow spider.
If you encounter a boar, a giant rat, or a tiger, roll 1d6. If you roll a 1, 2, or 3, the creature is a lycanthrope (wereboar, wererat, weretiger). These creatures' statistics are listed on Table 2 next to their "normal" counterparts.

After you have resolved your wandering monster encounter, record any treasure additions or hit point losses on your character sheet. Then return to your current entry. For details on healing and resting, read entry

R15. Healing and resting:
If you want to regain lost hit points and do not have any magic means to do so, you may stop at an entry and rest. When you decide to rest, follow these steps:

Subtract 1 day's rations from your character sheet. If you have no rations, subtract 2 hit points because of hunger.

Roll 1d6. If you roll a 1, a wandering monster surprises you as you sleep. (The monster finds you even if you are invisible.) Refer to entry
(Wandering Monster Encounters) for details on how to run the encounter.

If you do not encounter a wandering monster while you are resting, add 1 hit point to your hit point score on the character sheet.

You may study your spell book and regain any spells you lost so far during the adventure. Return to your current entry.

For details on how Lion Castle alters certain spell effects, read entry
For details on defeated characters, read entry

R16. Altered spell effects:
These spells have different effects in this adventure.

First level magic-user and elf spells

Charm person.
This spell may affect one living bugbear, gnoll, goblin, hobgoblin, ogre, or orc. The monster makes a saving throw vs. spells. If the saving throw succeeds, the spell has no effect. If the saving throw fails, the monster does not attack and hands over its treasure (if you ask for it). The monster does not answer questions, fight for you, or go with you. If you attack the monster with a weapon or another spell, this spell's effect is automatically broken. The spell's effect is also broken as soon as you enter another room or area.

Hold portal.
This spell's effect is broken as soon as you enter another room or area.

This spell defeats a monster if you cast it on the monster's eyes. The spell's effect is broken as soon as you enter another room or area.

Protection from evil.
This spell's effect is broken as soon as you enter another room or area.

Read magic.
This spell's effect is broken as soon as you enter another room or area.

Roll 2d8 when you cast this spell. The dice roll indicates how many of a monster's Hit Dice are affected. If the dice roll is greater than the monster's number of Hit Dice, the monster falls asleep. No saving throws are allowed. The spell's effect is broken as soon as you enter another room or area. The spell does not affect giant draco lizards, lions, tigers, or weretigers.

Second level magic-user or elf spells

Continual light.
You may cast this spell at any monster's eyes. The monster must make a saving throw vs. spells. If the saving throw fails, the monster is blinded and defeated. If the saving throw succeeds, the globe of light appears, but the monster suffers no ill effects. The spell's effect fades away as soon as you enter another room or area.

This spell's effect is broken as soon as you attack a monster or cast another spell.

You may cast this spell on yourself when you retreat during combat. If the monster you are fleeing cannot fly, you escape. The monster cannot hit you. This spell has no effect if the monster you are fleeing can fly. The spell's effect is broken as soon as you enter another room or area.
You may also use this spell to scout out the surrounding area when you read an entry that lists any entry from
as an option. You may use the spell to read ahead to any of those "C" entries without actually traveling to that entry. In this case, the spell's effect is broken as soon as you have read all of the entries listed in your current entry.
Other "C" entries indicate when you may use this spell. These entries also tell you how long the spell's effect lasts.

Web. This spell's effect is broken as soon as you enter another room or area.

For details on how certain magic items work in Lion Castle, read entry

R17. Magic items in Lion Castle:
Sargon's power within Lion Castle affects how some magic items work within its walls (all "L" entries). This entry lists these items' altered effects.

Potion of gaseous form.
This potion does not work within Lion Castle ("L" entries).

Potion of healing.
If you have a potion of healing, you may drink it at any time, except when you are fighting a monster. Roll 1d6 and add 1. This modified die roll is the number of hit points you regain from drinking the potion.

Potion of invisibility.
This potion does not work within Lion Castle ("L" entries).

Potion of levitation.
This potion does not work within Lion Castle ("L" entries).

Ring of invisibility.
This ring does not work within Lion Castle ("L" entries).

Ring of protection +1.
This ring works at all times. You may wear two
rings of protection +1
at the same time, doubling the effects of one ring. Each ring improves your Armor Class by 1 and adds a +1 bonus to all of your saving throws.

Wand of paralyzation.
You may use this item during the Magic Spells part of step B on the Combat Checklist. When you use the wand in combat, the monster you are fighting must make a saving throw vs. paralysis. If the saving throw fails, the monster is paralyzed until you leave the room or area.

Elven boots.
This item has no effect in this adventure.

Rope of climbing.
This item works only when a specific entry lists its use as an option. You may always use it as a normal rope. If you cut the rope during the adventure, the rope's length still stays the same.

Magic items whose effects are not altered by Lion Castle include
gauntlets of ogre power
elven cloaks
, and
bags of holding
For details on hand-to-hand combat, read entry
For details on defeated characters, read entry

R18. Defeated characters:
If a monster defeats you, go to your character sheet, cross out the character's name, and circle the possessions still held by that character when he was defeated.
In the magic journal next to the last entry you read, write the following notes: "Skeleton of (character's name). Refer to circled items on character sheet."
When you play the adventure as a new character, you may find a defeated character's possessions. You may take these possessions and use them in your new adventure. Add any items you find in this manner to your character sheet. You cannot read another magic-user's spell book.
For details on beginning the adventure, read entry

R19. Beginning the adventure:
Pages 31 and 32 of this booklet list six characters you may use for this adventure. Tear page 31 along the perforation and use it as your character sheet. Choose one of the characters from this sheet.
Now you are ready to begin! Read entry C1.

Last edited by petapan on Mon May 31, 2021 12:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun May 30, 2021 5:17 pm

Post by petapan »

Spoiler: Tables

Spoiler: Castle Outside Map

Spoiler: Castle Dungeon, Level I and II

Spoiler: Castle Level III, IV, and V

(you may want to open the images in a new tab, the resizing makes them very hard to read)
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Sun May 30, 2021 6:02 pm

Post by petapan »

Prerolled characters:



Setting this up for the night, once enough people have voted on a character to play we'll go forward from there and start the adventure. Don't worry too much about knowing all the rules, I'll be sure to keep track of everything
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sun May 30, 2021 6:11 pm

Post by unwnd »

VOTE: Philiam
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sun May 30, 2021 6:21 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i would like to play either zayghel or cortayo.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sun May 30, 2021 9:30 pm

Post by Menalque »

15 charisma AND 17 intelligence? It’s like VOTE: nathel was made for me
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sun May 30, 2021 9:32 pm

Post by Menalque »

AND a rope of climbing!? Would be rude not to tbqh
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 12:07 am

Post by unwnd »

Compromise will need to be met lol
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 4:10 am

Post by Bell »

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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 4:11 am

Post by Bell »

VOTE: Zaygel
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 4:36 am

Post by Bell »

I am excited to venture into this bouncy castle.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 8:40 am

Post by OkaPoka »

clearly what we need to do is create a complicated political/bureaucratic structure

i would like to sell my vote in exchange for someone's future vote
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 8:45 am

Post by Bell »

Sold to the devil chicken.

Vote zaygel with me and you shall have my vote by proxy (1) once.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 8:47 am

Post by OkaPoka »

VOTE: zaygel
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 8:48 am

Post by OkaPoka »

soon enough, i will be able to take over the world! muahahaha
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 9:30 am

Post by Ydrasse »

okay i'm taking cortayo.

VOTE: cortayo

yes i am going to be weak no i do not care.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 9:30 am

Post by Menalque »

I will lift you up so u can reach things
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 9:52 am

Post by Bell »

There's only one adventurer. and I think this is a democratic choice thing.
If one of them dies we pick a new adventurer and can pick up their stuff.
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 10:05 am

Post by petapan »

In post 18, Bell wrote:There's only one adventurer. and I think this is a democratic choice thing.
If one of them dies we pick a new adventurer and can pick up their stuff.
this is correct

i'll update later tonight, future updates will be faster just wanted to stay on character selection a bit to get a majority/let people get in on the ground floor
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 10:13 am

Post by unwnd »

VOTE: Zaygel

Wagoning consensus then
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 11:03 am

Post by Ydrasse »

oh only one? damn

VOTE: zayghel
warrior cats mafia is now in a queue near you!
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 12:18 pm

Post by petapan »

okay, i get the message, people are eager to move on. i've typed up zayghel's character sheet for ease of reference/future editing.

Spoiler: Zayghel Seer
Second-level magic-user

Strength 14
Dexterity 15
Intelligence 17
Constitution 14
Wisdom 11
Charisma 9

Armor Class 8
Hit Dice 2

Hit points:

120' (40')


First level:
hold portal, read magic

Common, Gnoll, Hobgoblin, Neutral


dagger +1

four oil flasks
tinder box
full wineskin
full waterskin
two large sacks
magic journal
potion of levitation
potion of
gaseous form

iron rations (21 days)
Lion Castle Maps
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 12:34 pm

Post by petapan »

Castle outskirts

Roars of laughter and the sound of hearty voices in song rise from the tables in this warm, smoky tavern. You make your way through the crowd, listening as people talk of the great wizard Sargon and his haunted castle.
Several of the tavern's patrons are apprentices of local magic-users, and that is your occupation as well. You have joined the others tonight in the village of Sarsdell to trade stories and talk of your favorite topic—Lion Castle.
"Sargon was the greatest magic-user of all time, he was," says an old woman who has stopped at your table. "No magic worked on him, no sir, none but his own. Why, I see warlocks, wizards, and sorcerers pass through here every day, and not one of them will go near that Lion Castle of his. They're afraid they'll lose all of their powers!"
"Not us, ma'am!" says one of your friends. "We've nothing to lose and everything to gain by exploring Sargon's castle."
"What is this Lion Castle?" a newcomer asks. The tavernkeeper, who has told this story many times before, eagerly steps forth to inform the newcomer.
"Sargon was a strong wizard indeed, son, and his castle is a sight to behold. He built it on the grassland plains in the land they now call the Ethengar Khanate. Lion Castle is a beauty, son. She rises above the landscape, built so she looks like a great cat about to pounce!"
The newcomer is entranced. You smile, because you know how this story goes. The tavernkeeper continues.
"Sargon's ghost resides there now, along with more than a few creatures, I suspect. The old wizard's ghost haunts the hallways, waiting for a worthy heir. Well, plenty have tried to enter that great stone cat, after having heard of all its great magical rewards. Not many return, though, and would you believe, those who make it back have turned into wild creatures! Whole armies have been defeated trying to enter Lion Castle, but they never knew the secret."
"What secret? What secret?" the newcomer pleads.
"Only one person at a time may pass through the magical defenses of Lion Castle, son, and magic-users and elves are about the only ones who even stand a chance."
The tavernkeeper's tale has stirred you and the others once again, and you decide to draw lots to see who will be the first to enter Sargon's Lion Castle.
The tavernkeeper gladly watches over your table, waiting to see who will go forth to face Sargon's ghost.
The lots are drawn. You are chosen! The tavernkeeper claps his hands and skips back to a cabinet in the back of the room. "You're a lucky one, my friend," he says as he pulls pieces of parchment from the cabinet. "Take these maps, and this magic journal with you. If you do not survive your quest, this journal magically reappears here in the tavern, so your friends and I know what sort of fate you befell."
The tavernkeeper hands you the journal and some incomplete maps of the castle. "Others before you were able to map this much before, ah, retiring. Finish these maps, and find that ghost, and you will be a hero indeed!"
"Now listen closely," says one of your friends. "Follow the Streel River east for six days, and then hike north for two. After eight days, you should be able to see that great stone lion rising from the plain."
"Be careful as you approach it," another friend cautions. "Wild beasts may attack you."
The tavernkeeper breaks in, "You'll come to the outer curtain wall, and you'll see towers and gatehouses. Once you get beyond the curtain, you have to cross the outer ward. From there, friend, you can explore the castle's towers, gatehouses, and inner levels. Somewhere in that castle roams the ghost of Sargon, waiting for you to inherit all his possessions!"

In the morning, you pack for your journey, study your spell book, and prepare your weapon. You pack 3 weeks' worth of iron rations for the long quest.
Your friends accompany you to the edge of Sarsdell, shake your hand, and wish you luck.
"I almost forgot to tell you," one of your friends says. "Legends say that entering the castle at night is very unwise. Rest before you enter, and approach in the light of dawn." You thank your friend and turn to leave.
You cross the river by ferry and turn east to walk along the river. The great grassland of the Ethengar Khanate stretches out ahead of you.
Six days pass. You have seen few animals since you left Sarsdell, and you have talked to no one. You turn north away from the riverbank, and begin crossing the flat grasslands.
As the sun begins to set on the 8th day, a slight gray mound appears on the north horizon. The head of a huge stone beast pokes above the waving grass. Lion Castle stands ahead, only 1 day away!
Dawn comes quickly, and you set out toward the castle. The time seems to drag. Finally, in the late afternoon, you come upon a slight rise in the land. All of Lion Castle stands majestically before you. A 10-foot-high outer curtain wall stretches for 255 feet at the base of the castle. Twenty-foot-high towers rise from the wall, which is rimmed by a dry moat. Lion Castle itself rests on a 10-foot-high mound within the outer curtain wall. The lion's head rises 66 feet from the mound. Its great, roaring mouth faces west.
Subtract 9 days' worth of rations from your character sheet.

If you
read entry
circle to the east
circle to the west
decide to rest here

Spoiler: Equipment
dagger +1

four oil flasks
tinder box
full wineskin
full waterskin
two large sacks
magic journal
potion of levitation
potion of
gaseous form

iron rations (12 days)
Lion Castle Maps
Last edited by petapan on Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Sharp Note
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Sharp Note
Sharp Note
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Mon May 31, 2021 12:43 pm

Post by Bell »

Wait till morning
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