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Post Post #27 (isolation #0) » Wed Sep 08, 2021 11:26 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

Perfect Balance+shootout - This is probably too much? If scum just prevents the first crossing then ALL players are in a shootout(or at least all minus the one who is sent to cross?), and with scum having knowledge on who to shoot in advance they have massive advantages - essentially one nightkill per scum player PLUS ONE with the sabotage whilst the townie's targets might be much more concentrated(and the most dangerous townie will be secretly nightkilled and roleblocked).
In fact, even if SCUM crosses and there are 4 scum alive then it might be worth to Nightkill scum(to prevent more scum crossing), that's how bad it is.
With the massive advantages of scum in earlier games 2 scum eliminations are difficult and 3 are extremely difficult at this point.

Of course, if scum plays atrociously they lose but that should not be the gold standard.

What do you do if e.g. a town player(with the gun) says "I am just shooting [NAME OF OTHER PLAYER] until they die"? What's the rule for town stumbling upon the secret action? What counts and what does not?
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Post Post #30 (isolation #1) » Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:01 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

What happens if a deadline is missed(e.g. Fateful Duel with no votes except on one person)?
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Post Post #32 (isolation #2) » Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:35 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

Is the usage of Sabotage in Perfect Balance public? If not, then this could generate tons of false info, especially if town sends the towniest players first.
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Post Post #35 (isolation #3) » Thu Sep 09, 2021 11:21 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

I need more time to think...
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Post Post #37 (isolation #4) » Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:50 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

I don't really like how
the second AND the fourth event punish players for being on decisive wagons, or rather reward players for being OFF wagon,
regardless of if the wagon is good or not.
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Post Post #39 (isolation #5) » Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:54 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

The fix for 2 is good.
4 might have made things worse.
Essentially, people are now punished for having resisted two wagons regardless of if they were good or not.
They have a double chance to be nominated for elimination instead a single.
They could be eliminated outright if both teams nominate the same person.
And they are barred from defending themselves before being put up, maybe even eliminated whilst being muted.
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Post Post #42 (isolation #6) » Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:07 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

You may as well give scum a free nightkill instead of sabotage in 4. If the teams are roughly equal and scum destroys the Shift of Team A and Hold for Team B it's game over for the Team A nominee. Even if there's just ONE scum...
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Post Post #47 (isolation #7) » Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:09 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

I have thought about the sabotages for a moment, and the rest, and have come to an unfortunate result.
We have 12 vs 4, which is 50% town EV in Vanilla Nightless.
Many of these events allow for loopholes and/or vengekills by scum, or otherwise restrict town power.
The only pro-town(more pro-town than successive town executions) event is crossing the bridge, which can be slightly more townsided to extremely powerful.
But it's mostly extremely powerful for town which would probably have won anyways.
With event 7 being heavily anti-town(to the point that 3v2/4v2/5v3 are actual or de-facto auto-losses) the game is probably heavily scumsided.
13v3, perhaps?
Rule by One sabotage: You may give a player a secret "yes" that will show up as "mysterious voter" if, and only if that player reaches majority or is otherwise eliminated due to that game.(Note:Deliberately very weak as scum should have used sabotage before)
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Post Post #56 (isolation #8) » Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:16 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

About locking out that's a great idea.
About the to hell game, the sabotage could be as well that they control the next two heaven/hell votes, but not the first.
About sparing:Here's a potential reward:If Town has been spared then there will be an undisclosed benefit for the next game. (Benefit:The secret action is not usable on anyone but the duel opponent. Scum cannot choose Chamber 1)

About Hell: The game will not be disclosed, right? So, here's an alternative:The first player to be sent to hell may choose another player to save, sacrificing themselves. Then the next unchosen player may choose another player to save, sacrificing themselves. And so on. If no one chose save, scum may rescue a player, unless the last player to be sent to hell is the only townie in Hell.
Secrets:Scum can only save ONE scum player by themselves unless sabotaged.

Hell Sabotage: Scum may choose to save up to two players instead. However, the following rules must be observed: 1.At least half of the hell players must die. 2. At least one player must be saved.3. If the majority of players in hell is scum only one scum can be saved.
Note:Scum can also use this to prevent two townies from being saved if hell is free of scum

Scum ruler: If the scum ruler openwolfs then one townie dies. Either not a big deal(outside of ExLo) or a just reward of being chosen as scum.
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Post Post #59 (isolation #9) » Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:10 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 58, Morning Tweet wrote:There are no longer open or closed events in the advertisement. No getting locked out of the thread required!

Are there any other big changes you foresee possibly being enacted that would mess with a game advertisement? I mainly need to know if you think 12v4 can be fair enough.
12v4 can be fair enough. Slight scumsidedness is fair, and there's now more pro-town stuff in this. More big changes are probably not required. Let me see the ad again...
- Only activate participants of an event are liable to the bodily injury or other harms that may be contained thereinof.
- In other words, if you can't give input, you can't be harmed!
This needs changing.
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Post Post #61 (isolation #10) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:21 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 60, Morning Tweet wrote:Spoiler: Welcome to the Show!
- No daytime and nighttime or power roles. Instead, the play progresses through a series of events! Ten, to be exact.
- Events are like mini-games -- but you've gotta stake your life on the line to play!
- Our legal team has notified me that we are legally obligated to remind you this is all just a part of the show.
- Events typically involve a group decision, many small individual decisions, or something else entirely!
- The games will almost always involve all players. If they don't, their deadline will be very short.
Up to ten events.
What's the deadline for ruler/hell decisions?
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Post Post #62 (isolation #11) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:21 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 61, Not Known 15 wrote:
In post 60, Morning Tweet wrote:Spoiler: Welcome to the Show!
- No daytime and nighttime or power roles. Instead, the play progresses through a series of events! Ten, to be exact.
- Events are like mini-games -- but you've gotta stake your life on the line to play!
- Our legal team has notified me that we are legally obligated to remind you this is all just a part of the show.
- Events typically involve a group decision, many small individual decisions, or something else entirely!
- The games will almost always involve all players. If they don't, their deadline will be very short.
Up to ten events(at least 5).
What's the deadline for ruler/hell decisions?
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Post Post #64 (isolation #12) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:08 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 63, Morning Tweet wrote:
Event #8 (Ascended/Trial by Fire)

Each player in hell whose turn it is to sacrifice has 48 hours or until they make a decision saying who they sacrifice for (or that they won't sacrifice).

The ruler is decided on hammer or whoever has the most votes in 24 * # of players in heaven hours.

So 2 players in hell have 48 hours, then 48 hours (4 days max) to decide while the 3 players in heaven have 72 hours (3 days) overall.

5 players in hell have 48 hours x5 (10 days max but likely will take a lot less) to decide while the 6 players in heaven have 6 days overall
- The games will almost always involve all players. If they don't, their deadline will be very short.
These are essentially two seperate games. But their deadlines aren't really short.
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Post Post #66 (isolation #13) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:46 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

Ad is now ok, but I will not yet let this pass review.
What I need to consider the rest is:
1.Your updated OP posts with
1a:the special rules of the game
1b:the normal mod rules.
These might need tweaks. For example, the alignment PM examples are missing.

2.Deadlines for all of these games(some are missing)
3.Alignment PM's.
4.The preambles for all the games, updated.
5.The direct flavor for the games, updated.
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Post Post #68 (isolation #14) » Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:48 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 67, Morning Tweet wrote:So posts like 5 will all be done for the game. But posts like 19 I might not be done with. Are you alright with that?

I need to double-check that you are not accidentally spoiling info or similar due to flavor.
That could affect player enjoyment and balance, after all!
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Post Post #75 (isolation #15) » Wed Sep 15, 2021 11:01 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 69, Morning Tweet wrote:I mean I'm not exactly a first time mod

If you would like you can backup mod and look over the flavour if u want

But typically i do about the first 50% of my flavour in advance and write the second half during the game's run. Too much to do in advance and i tune it a little bit
I gladly offer you to backup mod this game.
But the preambles for the first three games should be done because this game can move quite fast(Quickhammer 1, fast decisions for 2...)
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Post Post #266 (isolation #16) » Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:19 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

Can I have access to Room Pink, please?
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Post Post #271 (isolation #17) » Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:55 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 270, Morning Tweet wrote:Hey Not Known,

some serious IRL shit just went down. If I end up not being able to moderate for a period of time, are you available? I'm really sorry for the short notice on this. If not no biggie. But yeah. I can't guarantee I'll be here to mod for the entire remaining duration of this game so I just wanted to ask.
I am.
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Post Post #273 (isolation #18) » Fri Oct 15, 2021 10:38 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

I think it happened.
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Post Post #279 (isolation #19) » Wed Oct 20, 2021 10:56 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 278, Morning Tweet wrote:I missed that "Put bullet in slot 1, shoot opponent" was such a strong strategy that you'd ignore the secret action in the case of the bulletproof glass getting put up though. Fortunately didnt happen.
Well, but that was only avaliable for the second chosen player. Not the first.
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Post Post #294 (isolation #20) » Mon Oct 25, 2021 12:53 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 293, Morning Tweet wrote:Not really sure why I didn't warn scum in advance about this event. It was not written in the secrets. I probably had a reason at the time but I do not know what it was.
Maybe because scum has enough power and doesn't deserve all the info?
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Post Post #296 (isolation #21) » Mon Oct 25, 2021 1:00 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 295, Morning Tweet wrote:Maybe

although i dont like the tactic of "Rush everything before scum has time to understand what is happening" which is primarily what id try to counter. This event is a little tricky
That's also risky for town, if town misunderstands the event. In any way, quick and sound reactions to unexpected events(e.g. watcher guilty results, cop results on unknown millers) are also a skill scum needs to have.
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Post Post #309 (isolation #22) » Fri Oct 29, 2021 1:10 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

Oh dear...
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Post Post #313 (isolation #23) » Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:04 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

The deadline is in: 0 days, 23 hours, 57 minutes
7 days for first decision. 6 days for the second. And so on, all the way down to 2 days, where it remains at 2 days for all remaining decisions.
? :?
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Post Post #317 (isolation #24) » Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:06 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 316, Morning Tweet wrote:Not that I think that is going to end up mattering considering every elimination has been under 24 hours. in hindsight maybe could have made it shorter idk
Town isnt settled yet for the last ones, I am sure...
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Post Post #320 (isolation #25) » Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:10 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 315, Morning Tweet wrote:How do you remember the setup so well
I didn't, but I thought I wouldn't have approved that so I double-checked.
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Post Post #327 (isolation #26) » Fri Nov 12, 2021 4:03 pm

Post by Not Known 15 »

you might need to do the ending flavor now, its still missing and Gamma Emerald could be eliminated this stage, ending the game at Event 9.
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Post Post #339 (isolation #27) » Sat Nov 13, 2021 6:35 am

Post by Not Known 15 »

In post 338, Morning Tweet wrote:I declined Ydrasse sharing a document that had every single post in the Hell PT summarized down to the exact post number as I think it would be unreasonable for someone to fake what happened in Hell using that. It's too precise and goes behind paraphrasing in my opinion. Will be open to talk about that after the game of course
Good decision on your part, in my opinion, and its good that Ydrasse asked you!