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Slaughter Hour: The Grand Debut! | Fin

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:26 pm
by Morning Tweet

           Director Morning Tweet         
       Producer Not Known 15  
    Graphics DaTacoX   


Contestant One 

Contestant Two 

Contestant Three 

Contestant Four 

          Contestant Five 
Tamora's Angel Harley Quinn Saber
       Contestant Six 

Contestant Seven 

  Contestant Eight 

        Contestant Nine 
Gypyx Prism
      Contestant Ten 
Infinity 324     

 Contestant Eleven 

       Contestant Twelve 
unwnd Galron

Contestant Thirteen 

     Contestant Fourteen 

Contestant Fifteen 

              Contestant Sixteen 
the worst
Gamma Emerald

Spoiler: Tossed Out
, ran out of stuffing in event 2
, stranded at sea in event 2
, walked the plank in event 3
Infinity 324,
, divided by zero in event 4
, faded to obscurity in event 5
, reduced to ashes in event 6
, laughs no more in event 6
, entered hibernation in event 6
, cannot be found in event 8
, was a lie in event 8
, lost in the stars in event 8
, flown the coop in event 9
, partied too hard in event 10
, ran out of lives in event 10
, clocked out early in event 10
Spoiler: Carrying the Show
the worst,
, survives and wins the show
Spoiler: Understudying
None! PM me if you'd like to replace!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:00 pm
by Morning Tweet
General Rules

  1. 1. Obey all site rules, which can be found here.
    2. Do not, under any circumstances, quote your role PMs or any other PMs sent by the moderator. Paraphrasing is okay.
    3. Do not contact other players to discuss the game outside of the game thread. This includes both PMs and offsite communication.
    4. Play to win this game, not your future games.
    5. Do not use extremely tiny text, cryptography, invisible text, or anything of the sort. Everything you post should be public info.
    6. Do not use provable randomness. This includes dice tags.
    7. Do not impersonate the moderator.
Bolded #D972FF
is my mod colour. Don't use it!
8. Once you have died, you lose the ability to post. Do not make a “bah” post.
9. When in doubt about the rules, do not hesitate to ask me for clarification.
10. Morning Tweet is the moderator, Not Known 15 is the backup moderator and setup reviewer.[/list][/size]
Voting and Deadlines

  1. 1. All votes and unvotes must be put in bold or with VOTE:   tags. Vote tags are highly prefered.
    2. Votes made in spoilers will not be counted.
    3. Abbreviations and nicknames in votes are acceptable, as long as I can clearly tell who you are referencing.
    4. When a player reaches a majority of votes or a phase otherwise meets a condition to come to an end, all votes are frozen and all effects, such as eliminations, are resolved. All players may continue to post up until the thread is locked.
    5. No eliminations or no votes are not permitted. You must make a decision each time one is presented, unless otherwise noted.
    6. Deadlines are highly variable, however-- day-like phases tend to have around 5-10 day deadlines. Night-like phases tend to have 48-hour deadlines.
    7. If all living players participating in a phase agree to it via PM, I will end any phase deadline early.

  1. 1. While participating in an active event (that is, one that has not yet reached a decision), you are expected to make at least one game-relevant post every 36 hours. Players who go 36 hours without posting during such a time period will be prodded.
    2. Prod timers are reset at the beginning of each event.
    3. If you are prodded, you have 24 hours to post in-thread. Prod dodges do not count. If you do not respond within 24 hours, you will be replaced. Additionally, if you accumulate more than 3 prods, I may force replace you.
    4. If I have not yet found a replacement for a player being replaced and they post in thread, they may retake their slot. If I am force replacing a player, this rule does not apply.
    5. If you are going to be V/LA, please announce it in thread or PM me. Players on V/LA are exempt from the prod rules for the duration of their V/LA. V/LA banners are much appreciated.
Sample Roles

  1. 1. All town roles look like this:

Welcome to the show, Player! You are a
. Lucky you, you've made the final cast!

Aside from your voice and your vote, you possess no special abilities of your own.

You are aligned with the
Unpaid Actors
. You win when all stagehands have been decommissioned.

The game thread is located here.

Please confirm by replying with your role name and alignment, as well as by acknowledging there are exactly four scum and they possess daytalk.

2. All scum roles look like this:

Welcome to the show, Player! You are a
. It's strange, though. I don't remember hiring anybody on..

Your partners are
, and
. You may speak with them privately and at any time here.


You are aligned with the
Gameshow Staff
. You win when all regular contestants are eliminated from the show, or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

The game thread is located here.

Please confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:04 pm
by Morning Tweet

Greetings, contestants, and welcome to the grand debut! Our show today functions in ways similar to, but also distinct from a normal game of mafia. Please read all of the following rules carefully.

The Main Events

This game has no daytime or nighttime! Instead, we will play through
event phases
. There will be at least five, but no more than ten events played!

are like mini-games and typically involve all living players making a big decision or many small ones! If the game doesn't involve all living players, the deadlines will be made as short as possible as to mimick a typical night-phase.


The stagehands (scum faction) have access to greater knowledge surrounding the events than the uninformed individual might have from reading the public thread. What this private knowledge may entail... that's up to you to figure out.

Addtionally, the stagehands have a two-shot factional ability to
an event. This will typically bend the rules to their favour, and it may cause the game to contradict its previously stated rules.
An event being sabotaged may or may not be publicly announced!

Promises and Disclaimers

Our show today is bastard! However, there are no cults, mid-game alignment changes, or secret wincons. There's no direct moderator influence (including before the game), and I will never tell ridiculous lies!

However, some sabotages may cause moderator info to become inaccurate or not include the full details in some capacity. There are also elements of randomness and misdirection within the setup, but they are very uncommon and are also influenceable by the players despite being deceptive or random.

Serious Content Warning - Unintentional self-harm/suicide is a component of one game. It's not described in detail.

A Final Note

Always remember to have fun and makes lots of laughs!
I look forward to the performance...

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 6:33 pm
by Morning Tweet
Role PMs are being sent out. The show will begin when 14/16 players have confirmed, or in 24 hours.

Presently, 13/16 players have confirmed.

There are exactly four scum. They have daytalk. Neither side has power roles. Don't make me repeat it!

24 hours have passed, so the show may begin!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:38 pm
by Morning Tweet
"Welcome one, welcome all!"

Bright floodlights shine from overhead.

Every direction you look, there's a camera pointed your way -- each and every one, blinking red.

"....and.... action! We're on the air!"

Your decorated host gestures to a roaring crowd, before flourishing her cape and spinning around to address you.

"Ready, everyone? I hope you're as excited as I am! Let's have a great time and make lots of laughs!"

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:40 pm
by Morning Tweet
A curtain lifts to reveal a grand cast-iron throne covered in restraints, from the back of the headrest, to the base of the legs.

"It's time for the first event! Let's make it a great one, everybody!"

Not counting yourself, there are fifteen contestants in total. The emotion on their faces range anywhere from pent-up excitement to a muted expression of dread.

"Listen up! Four of you are not really true contestants, but fake implants sent by the studio to steal all the prize money! Gasp!"

You don't remember hearing anything about there being prize money.

"This will never do! Therefore, I have gifted you a way to deal with them. Behold.. the 'Chair of Execution'!"

You like where you're sitting currently. This grand metal chair doesn't sit well with you.

"Ta-da! Don't worry, it's all a part of the show!"

She flashes you a warm smile, before leaving center stage to greet members of the crowd.

You figure the show has truly begun!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:41 pm
by Morning Tweet
Event #1



Infinity 324
Gamma Emerald

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:43 pm
by Morning Tweet
"Throne of Execution"

All players discuss and vote on who to place in the Throne of Execution.
That player will be forced into a very, short trial.

Decision 1.0
Not Voting [16]:
Cephrir, petapan, ulyana, Ydrasse, Saber, PookyTheMagicalBear, SirCakez, skitter30, Prism, Infinity 324, Toogeloo, Galron, Dunnstral, Dwlee99, Taly, Gamma Emerald

With 16 contestants remaining, it takes 9 votes to place a player in the chair. If deadline is reached, plurality is in effect.

The deadline for this decision is in:
(expired on 2021-10-12 01:43:44)

Now playing..

Caravan Palace - Lone Digger

▶ ❚❚ ──────────────────────────────  0:00 / 3:50

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:44 pm
by Ydrasse
VOTE: petapan

Kill this. His posting is so scummy his tone is off already and he’s frozen. He. IS. Scum.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:44 pm
by ulyana

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:45 pm
by ulyana
hi ydrasse

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:45 pm
by Ydrasse

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:46 pm
by ulyana
are they paying you to be here?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:46 pm
by Ydrasse
no i’m an extra

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:55 pm
by Cephrir
VOTE: Ydrasse for having a name that consists of one capital letter followed by six lowercase letters. Now that's scummy.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:57 pm
by ulyana
In post 14, Cephrir wrote:a name

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:58 pm
by ulyana
do you think
it is just an elimination?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:59 pm
by Cephrir
it sounds like there might be a twist, but i plan on treating it as an elim

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:59 pm
by Ydrasse
In post 14, Cephrir wrote:VOTE: Ydrasse for having a name that consists of one capital letter followed by six lowercase letters. Now that's scummy.
Wait a minute.......... Cephrir............ Are you bussing me?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:00 pm
by Cephrir

i'm going to powerwolf this one, you can relax

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:12 pm
by Toogeloo

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:14 pm
by ulyana
In post 20, Toogeloo wrote:Hi.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:25 pm
by Dwlee99
VOTE: Peta


Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:26 pm
by petapan
In post 8, Ydrasse wrote:VOTE: petapan

Kill this. His posting is so scummy his tone is off already and he’s frozen. He. IS. Scum.

VOTE: ydrasse

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:39 pm
by Prism
Leave it to petapan to steal another unpaid actor's line

I'm tired and will play tomorrow.