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Mini Theme 2255 | UPick a Normal | Endgame

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:20 pm
by Mizzytastic
Mafia Mini Theme 2255 | UPick a Normal

A game of hidden roles and social deduction.

Modded by
. Backup modded by
. Design reviewed for normal balance by

Welcome one and all. I am Mizzytastic, your Master of Ceremonies for tonight. In this perfectly normal game of normal compliant mafia we will be using only the most normal compliant of theming. No risk of giving anything away or building narrative here. So we've taken all the various themes from normal games, put them all in this pot, and who knows what will come out? Now lets all have fun and only kill each other with the greatest of respect. Take some time to mingle and familiarise yourself with our freshly installed execution tube, you'll be needing that shortly.

  1. Galron
  2. mastina
  3. Yume
  4. Flea The Magician
  5. MegAzumarill
  6. Taly
  7. Titus
  8. Greeting
  9. ɀefiend
    Prods: 1

  10. Enchant
  11. House
    Prods: 1

  12. CheekyTeeky
  13. Scorpious

Spoiler: Alive (at endgame)
  1. Galron
  2. mastina
  3. Dwlee99
  4. Titus
  5. Enchant

Spoiler: Dead
  1. MegAzumarill, a
    Vanilla Townie
    , Eliminated Day 1
  2. CheekyTeeky, a
    Town Hider
    , Killed Night 1
  3. Flea The Magician, a
    Vanilla Townie
    , Eliminated Day 2
  4. Scorpious, a
    Mafia Jack of all Trades
    , Eliminated Day 3
  5. ɀefiend, a
    Town Ascetic Jailkeeper
    , Killed Night 3
  6. Greeting, a
    Town Tracker
    , Eliminated Day 4
  7. Andante, a
    Town Mason
    , Killed Night 4
    (and Taly is in the Dead Thread too)

  8. House, a
    Vanilla Townie
    , Eliminated Day 5

Spoiler: Replacements

    Spoiler: Spectators
    • Gypyx
    • Datisi

    Important Events
    Night 0
    : Pregame

    Day 1
    : 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Dwlee99 replaces Yume 1.6 1.7 1.8 MegAzumarill was eliminated

    Night 1:
    CheekyTeeky was killed

    Day 2:
    2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Flea the Magician was eliminated

    Night 2:

    Day 3:
    3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Scorpious was eliminated

    Night 3:
    ɀefiend was killed

    Day 4:
    4.0 4.1 4.2 Greeting was eliminated

    Night 4:
    Andante replaces Taly Andante was killed

    Day 5:
    5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 House was eliminated

    Night 5: Endgame

    Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:28 pm
    by Mizzytastic
    Feedback on rules/format at any point during the game via PM will be appreciated. Evolution of my rules/formatting has been inspired by Korina and Plotinus, and feedback from xofelf.

    Golden Rule
    Golden Rule
    : If I think it counts it counts. Don't play around with edge cases then plead you didn't mean it to be interpreted that way.

    Content and Etiquette
    Site Rules
    : Follow all site rules. Common mistakes are talking about ongoing games and discussing replacements, and players not playing to achieve their win condition.

    Keep it civil
    : This is a game where we get to call each other scum and manipulate and lie to others. Beyond that please keep it civil, I don't ever want to reach the point where I don't want to read the game I'm running. If you feel like a player has gone too far but hasn't stopped after you ask them to please contact me.

    : Everyone should be able to read your posts. This is an English language site so use English. Avoid using text
    smaller than 75
    . Don't use BBCode features in a way that makes your posts difficult to read.

    Concealed messages
    : Cryptography is not permitted. Steganography (hidden text/messages) is not permitted other than breadcrumming.

    Provable randomness
    : You are not permitted to use a provably random or pseudo-random (most computer generated random numbers) results in the game. Saying you did without showing the evidence is not provable and so permitted.

    Communications and Private Threads
    Other threads
    : You may talk in any game threads you have access to at any time, unless specified elsewhere (e.g. the
    Game Setup
    post or your Role PM).

    Private Notes Thread
    : You may request a private note thread. You may post in that thread at any time.

    : Quoting this thread in this thread is always ok. You may quote this thread in other game related threads you have access to. You may not quote any other game related threads in this one. You may draft a post in a private notes thread, but copy and paste the content without quote tags. You may not quote any mod communications. Paraphrasing any of these things is ok, creating a fake quote is not.

    Claiming mafia
    : Part of paraphrasing mod communications is claiming roles. Claiming to be part of an anti-town faction is ok. Many mods ban claiming your team mates, whether real or faked. If you do want to claim your team mates, real or fake, I ask you to strongly consider if it could be considered playing against your win con and check with me if you are unsure.

    : The
    Dead and Spectators Thread
    will be released at the end of the game. Any other threads will be released 48 hours after game end, or when all players in them have said it is ok to release them. You can use that 48 hours to redact posts or request the thread isn't released.

    Communicating with the mod
    : If you want to VOTE: XXXX or UNVOTE: XXXX use the appropriate tags, I skim looking for those tags when doing a vote count and may miss it otherwise. If you want to get my attention for some other reason
    it or PM me, otherwise I may miss it and not answer.

    Mod Colour
    is my prefered colour. You can use it but don't
    it, or use it to imitate me.

    Deadlines, Activity and V/LA
    : The game is locked during pre-game and confirmation. First I will be PMing people to ask and/or confirm UPick submissions. People will have 48 hours to respond before I start looking for replacements. Then I will design the setup and get it conformed for Normal balance with Gypyx. Once all Role PMs have been sent people have 48 hours to reply via PM or the
    Mafia Private Thread
    with their role and alignment. The game will start after more than 75% of players have confirmed or the 48 hours have passed, after which unconfirmed players will be replaced.

    : Day 1 lasts for 10 days (240 hours). Later days last for 8 days (192 hours).

    : Night lasts for 48 hours. The game thread is locked during night. See
    Night Actions
    in the next section for more info about how they work.

    Quick night
    : If all living players request a quick night, I will resolve the night phase as soon as possible.

    Prods and replacements
    : You will be prodded after not posting for 48 hours, or 72 hours over the weekend or when
    . You will have 24 hours to post or be replaced. If you are prodded 3 times you will be replaced. If you repeatedly post close to prod timer or respond to prods without game advancing content I reserve the right to give you stricter activity requirements.

    : You can go Vacation/Low Access by requesting in thread, by PM or the option in your User Control Panel. If you are V/LA for longer than 72 hours with no expectation of access request a replacement instead. I reserve the right to seek a replacement if a player is V/LA for a long period of time.

    Game Actions and Death
    : You can vote for a player or a no elimination with VOTE: XXXX vote tags. If a majority is reached that player will be eliminated and the game will enter twilight. If at least half of the players vote for no elimination no one will be eliminated and the game will enter twilight. If the deadline for the day is reached without a majority no one is eliminated. (
    votes will be counted but I am very likely to miss them so please don't)

    : Twilight is the time period between a majority vote or deadline and me locking the thread. The voted player is not currently dead and may talk normally. Votes are no longer counted.

    : You are dead once I have revealed your role and alignment. You will gain access to the
    Dead and Spectators Thread
    . You may still post in a Private Notes Thread but not in any other game threads, not even a contentless BAH post.

    Night Actions
    : Night actions can be submitted by PM or the
    Mafia Private Thread
    . You will be reminded of any pending night actions 24 hours before night ends - this is not a prod. Night actions submitted after the deadline but before I process the results are forfeited.

    Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:50 pm
    by Mizzytastic
    Design ProcessBelow are the steps I will take to produce a design.

    UPick Submissions:
    Players will submit their UPick submissions. This will be up to three Normal legal mafia and town power roles (so up to six roles in total), including any modifiers the player wants to include. A player may also submit a
    Mafia Preference
    or a
    Town Preference
    , and a
    Vanilla Preference
    if they would prefer to avoid a power role. Preferences are only that and may end up not being followed, but the role you receive will be a town power role or mafia power role from the ones you submitted, or the town vanilla or mafia goon roles presented below.

    Faction Randomisation:
    The player list will be randomised in such a way that all players with a Mafia preference are at the top and all players with a Town preference are at the bottom. All people with a vanilla preference will have that penciled in. The top 3 players will be penciled in as Mafia.

    Role Randomisation:
    If there is at least one vanilla player penciled in the Mafia, then the other Mafia will receive a power role. If there isn't then a random number of Mafia players will receive a power role based on a dice roll on this table (weighted towards more power roles:
    1 (12.5%): 1 Mafia power role
    2-3 (25%): 2 Mafia power roles
    4-8 (62.5%): 3 Mafia power roles

    Design sketch:
    Based on the number of Mafia power roles calculated, Mafia players will be assigned roles from their UPick, starting at the player at the top of the random player list and Town players will be assigned roles starting from the bottom of the player list, skipping over Vanilla preferences where possible. Once I have a setup designed I will ask Gypyx to check it for balance. If he is happy the game will go ahead. If not I will make alterations based on his feedback and the available UPick roles until a design is confirmed.

    UPick considerations:
    My assumption is I will receive more Mafia preferences than available slots, making a Town preference very likely to be certain. I also do not expect to receive many Vanilla preferences so I expect to be able to fulfill all of those. However, any of these are preferences and not certain. I also expect roles with gating modifiers to be easier to fit into a balanced set up, so consider that when making your submission, especially if your main desire is to be most likely to get a power role of some sort, not a particular role if you do get one.

    Day talk
    : If you are a member of a shared private thread you may talk there at any time, including the day, as long as you are alive, unless your Role PM says otherwise.

    Action Resolution and Multitasking
    : Actions are resolved according to Natural Action Resolution. If you have multiple night actions available you may only perform one unless your Role PM says otherwise.

    Win Conditions
    : Win conditions for
    are as follows:
    : You win when all threats to the town are dead, and at least 1 town aligned player is alive.
    : You win when all players not aligned with you are dead or nothing can prevent that from happening, and at least 1 mafia aligned player is alive.

    Sample Roles
    : Below are an example role for a
    Vanilla Townie
    and a
    Mafia Goon
    . At least 2 players are a Vanilla Townie. 1 or more players might be a Mafia Goon.

    Vanilla TownieYou are a
    Vanilla Townie

    Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

    You win when all threats to the town are dead, and at least 1 town aligned player is alive.

    The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.

    Mafia GoonYou are a
    Mafia Goon

    You form a
    family along with REDACTED.

    Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

    Each night a member of your family may perform a factional kill. A member of your family will attempt to visit a player, and assuming no interference that player will die.

    You win when all players not aligned with you are dead or nothing can prevent that from happening, and at least 1 mafia aligned player is alive.

    The game thread is here and your Mafia private thread is REDACTED, please confirm your role and alignment via pm or your private thread.

    Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:53 pm
    by Mizzytastic
    Night 0 Checklist:

    UPick submissions/confirmations

    Game design

    Setting up private threads

    Sending role PMs


    12/13 Confirmed
    . Players have until (expired on 2022-01-07 18:00:00) to confirm before I start looking for replacements.

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:37 am
    by Mizzytastic
    Day 1 | Game Begins

    Fish of the sea, Mini Normal 2249 by MegAzumarill

    Official Votecount 1.0Anyone (0): Nobody

    Not Voting (13): Galron, mastina, Yume, Flea The Magician, MegAzumarill, Taly, Titus, Greeting, ɀefiend, Enchant, House, CheekyTeeky, Scorpious

    With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to achieve an eliminaton.

    Day 1 will end in (expired on 2022-01-15 21:40:00).

    have until (expired on 2022-01-07 18:00:00) to confirm. Once the deadline is reached I'll start looking for replacements for anyone who hasn't confirmed.

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:45 am
    by Greeting

    VOTE: MegAzumarill

    Hands in the air!


    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:50 am
    by MegAzumarill
    VOTE: Greeting

    Hands in the air!


    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:50 am
    by MegAzumarill
    Wave em like you just don't care

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:56 am
    by Scorpious
    VOTE: Galron

    Because drugs are bad

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:54 am
    by House
    Hard claim compulsive self-targeting friendly neighbor.

    I confirm my claim.

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:54 am
    by MegAzumarill
    In post 9, House wrote:
    Hard claim compulsive self-targeting friendly neighbor.

    I confirm my claim.
    I actually cc this

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:59 am
    by Titus
    In post 10, MegAzumarill wrote:
    In post 9, House wrote:
    Hard claim compulsive self-targeting friendly neighbor.

    I confirm my claim.
    I actually cc this
    Did we just get Taly fever or something?

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:09 pm
    by Taly

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:10 pm
    by Taly
    Hey scum

    I get lazy the longer I survive, got PLENTY of recent meta to back that shit up

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:30 pm
    by Flea The Magician

    VOTE: MegAzumaril
    Gengar is better.

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:22 pm
    by House
    @Titus: I'm pleased to see you're town this game
    Please don't spend the entire game trying to figure out the same about me, so we can work together.


    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:48 pm
    by mastina
    Hi I am a mason. :)

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:48 pm
    by Flea The Magician
    In post 15, House wrote:@Titus: I'm pleased to see you're town this game
    Please don't spend the entire game trying to figure out the same about me, so we can work together.

    VOTE: House

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:50 pm
    by mastina
    Btw everyone here should be outting the scum role(s) they submitted, but
    the town roles (for obvious reasons).
    Mafia role submissions:
    1-Shot Strongman, 1-Shot Universal Backup, PT Cop

    Everyone should also be outting their submitted alignment preference.
    I submitted

    (We should do this because while scum can lie about their submitted preference, we can still conftown some players.)

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:54 pm
    by MegAzumarill
    We should NOT claim any submitted preferences

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:55 pm
    by MegAzumarill
    I submitted Mafia Informed Commuter Traitor (know a random tpr in game)

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:56 pm
    by Enchant
    Outing preference is useless as mafia will simple tell they submitted to be town.

    My mafia picks:
    Informed Goon
    Macho 1-Shot Strongman

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:59 pm
    by MegAzumarill
    It actually may be -town based on how roles are calculated so I'd suggest against it

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:05 pm
    by mastina
    In post 19, MegAzumarill wrote:We should NOT claim any submitted preferences
    We absolutely should.

    The mafia might lie about theirs, but they are only 3/10 of the players. They can't prevent 10/13 players from telling the truth.

    If we have players truthfully claim their alignment preference (without claiming PR/Vanilla preference), then we can narrow down the gamestate.

    For instance, if we have 12/13 or so claim they submitted town preference, then that means that everyone who submitted scum preference probably got it and some of them lied.

    In contrast, if we have 6/13 or so claim they submitted mafia preference, then that means that everyone who submitted town preference probably got it.

    There's zero downsides to this. It genuinely can POE the game on D1.

    Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:07 pm
    by MegAzumarill
    Considering town preference was on the same side of the lists that town power roles were pulled from it actually can out prs