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Post Post #36 (isolation #0) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:16 am

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Post Post #38 (isolation #1) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:29 am

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In post 22, Greeting wrote:
i Stil dont see what this is in referens to
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Post Post #40 (isolation #2) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:46 am

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In post 39, fua wrote:Never mind, I don’t want to deal with this gimmick.

VOTE: Hella Jeff
OK. Who else
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Post Post #41 (isolation #3) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:52 am

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VOTE: Greeting
Do you only know Cape90 from mafiascum? Your takes irk me the most right now
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Post Post #45 (isolation #4) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:14 am

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In post 42, Greeting wrote:Yes, I do only know Cape90 from MafiaScum.

And why do my takes irk you the most right now?
I feel like you're using your interactions + vote with Capo to stall, solidified by the fact that the person you're talking about has only one logged town game on here
content-wise, i just wouldn't have come to the same conclusion so easily, but that's most likely a difference in perspective
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Post Post #47 (isolation #5) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:17 am

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In post 44, Scorpious wrote:Would you regard it different if they knew them from anywhere else?
Yes, namely MU where they've efforted the most as both alignments, I'm not sure they can glean anything from MS Cape
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Post Post #48 (isolation #6) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:20 am

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if it's personal curiosity then i'll drop it
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Post Post #52 (isolation #7) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:56 am

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In post 49, Greeting wrote:I think that knowledge is important and might be relevant for me reading that slot later.
My vote on them is still very much an RVS vote.

If you think I’m stalling, then by all means, take the wheel and steer me away into another destination. I’m all ears, plus it’s not like I can’t go back either.
alright, i'll admit a bit of my bias here then; capo's one of the only people i got a gutread on from skimming, projecting the "i have gutreads" part to your vote is good for shit-stirring but is ultimately false

but i do think those reads should be present, do you haves? :]
In post 50, butterchurn wrote:
In post 45, Hella Jeff wrote:I feel like you're using your interactions + vote with Capo to stall
To stall? This strikes me as a strange choice of phrasing to apply to the current situation, I don't think I follow. Can you expand on what you mean by this?
greeting asks "are you cape90?" to their (RVS) vote and makes it their primary talking point. it felt pretty insignificant to bring up once more after capo decided he wouldn't answer it the first time. the thing greeting would be stalling here is any additional input on Capo
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Post Post #56 (isolation #8) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 1:20 pm

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In post 54, Greeting wrote:It's honestly surprising that you already have a gutread on Capo22 from their three posts, but question me about wanting to have a meta read from a game where Cape90 had more than a hundred posts.

I don't form reads, not even gutreads until at least half of Day One and even then I'm usually not very confident about any of them. So the answer is nope.
my read - a weak read when it is acceptable to have one
your future meta read - a weak or completely inapplicable read when it won't be reasonable to have one

i've seen exceptional meta reads. in the first game i played, a player was convinced andante was scum through extensive reading of their town games ... #p13126770
i reserve my right to poop on people who are planning to pedal half-baked meta reads in the future. refer to
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Post Post #57 (isolation #9) » Mon Jan 17, 2022 1:26 pm

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I m annoyed how ANGRY i sound, if anyone feels the same enjoy this cat
Spoiler: miau
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Post Post #89 (isolation #10) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:55 am

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In post 72, geraintm wrote:@ scorpious

i am saying people should ignore me because i am going to spend the rest of today saying we should all skip to Night because day 1 is pointless.
2nd time i've heard this from you, second time i wonder how you even have fun playing mafia
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Post Post #90 (isolation #11) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:57 am

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galron giving people an out and then acknowledging his mistake later makes me happy
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Post Post #102 (isolation #12) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:34 am

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In post 95, Galron wrote:god i hate relyingon meta but you can't get away from it
i think itś a GREAT tool in the earlygame in the absence of information but it just so happens that the people i know from previous games have not posted more than twice (aside from geraint, praise be)
In post 94, butterchurn wrote:I don't see a recent scumgame where
took this approach, but it's a clear enough attitude
that I would assume him to be capable of imitating it),
this is correct
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Post Post #120 (isolation #13) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 10:25 am

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In post 108, butterchurn wrote:I don't really buy it. I've read all of Greeting's past games (he's the only one in this game that I've played with before) and he picks up votes for things like this as town very often, and his behavior seems pretty in character for how he is as town. I agree that his wording in that post is strange, but his wording is often strange, I don't think it's AI for him here. He has no scum games onsite, so I don't know how he'd play if that were the case, but to me this seems like much lower hanging fruit than geraintm. [snip]
bumping my response to you here, i didn't see an answer

is his stalling a behavior that doesn't deviate from his towngames?
(also, what games are you using? this is probably more important than anything else)
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Post Post #122 (isolation #14) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 10:55 am

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In post 116, Greeting wrote:
I'm actually quite critical of overreliance on meta, but it's better than nothing when starting to tackle the game Day One.
And, since I played with that user before, I have analysed their behaviour before so I'd notice if something is different right away.

And I'd argue that saying x is town because of two or three posts isn't very helpful. I've gotten absolutely no useful clues from these posts in any of my games like, ever. Why would I trust a read that was formed by looking at three posts, even if made by town?

Even if we use any reads we can find when considering associations, I think associations is, quite frankly, a deeply flawed and unreliable strategy to try early in Day One.
i agree! the majority of my argument however was "cape has a lot of experience offsite, and it's going to take a lot of work to achieve consistent results that are worth using in a game". the argument's pointless now, but it's that amount of experience that shows me that if they are a hard read inside of a game, looking at other games will be just as hard

i like gutreads because in forum, the only people who care are people with similar thought processes. kinda hard to convince someone that isn't "in on it", you're right :wink:
also cuz i'm pretty good at pegging town as long as i don't go off the deep end. kinda all
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Post Post #124 (isolation #15) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:05 am

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In post 123, Scorpious wrote:This is E-2 btw and one of the worst wagons I've ever seen...
VOTE: Greeting
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Post Post #127 (isolation #16) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:21 am

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that's actually so awesome it refreshed my position in the wagon
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Post Post #148 (isolation #17) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:32 pm

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In post 147, Andante wrote:yall I was maf with gerain in a game recently, and he's playing the exact same card he did there, so can we just lim gerain and move on?

Fish in the Sea for those who are curious, we endgamed... and gerain did this exact same play
i have my own piece about this, dug deeperbut i do want to hear more about your experience
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Post Post #152 (isolation #18) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:09 pm

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In post 150, Ahri wrote:Scorpious / Hella Jeff / (geraintm, fua)

it's a next boys.
i town
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Post Post #155 (isolation #19) » Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:35 pm

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In post 134, butterchurn wrote:I didn't see a question. The stalling seemed fairly insignificant to me, or perhaps it's just nuanced enough that it's not something I pick up on. So on that point specifically,
I don't recall it occurring previously, but if I didn't pick up on what you're talking about here I think I'd be unlikely to pick up on it elsewhere.
didn't mean to phrase it as a question, i was more looking for some acknowledgement of my post since you were talking about greeting votes in general
the question i DID give you was shitty and the answer was in arm's reach soz
i dont think the stalling thing is nuanced, just underexplained
i think if i were to tie it to something to develop my idea, it'd be a consequence of busywork, which i can't seem to find the definition of

the games deserve a read to check a few behaviors, expect that when school no longer has a chokehold on me
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Post Post #169 (isolation #20) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 5:45 am

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In post 158, geraintm wrote:are you calling me suspiscious because of my vote on Greeting? my random vote?
gun to head, who would you be voting if not Greeting?
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Post Post #170 (isolation #21) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 5:47 am

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In post 163, Galron wrote:Getting, we have played what maybe 3-4 games now in the past month or so and you have yet to center-spose me. I'm hurt.
this cat smells unconscious guilt :P
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Post Post #171 (isolation #22) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:00 am

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Holding geraint hostage until they do something that isnt backed up by years of games isn't a bad idea
i feel terrible making this comparison but they remind me of Not_Mafia and that man is absolutely not readable w time
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Post Post #172 (isolation #23) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:03 am

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In post 167, Andante wrote:There's a case for Greeting maf? I'm feeling Greeting town tbh
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Post Post #197 (isolation #24) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:16 pm

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In post 174, Greeting wrote:
Hella Jeff
, you don't sound like new players. Who are your mains?
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Post Post #201 (isolation #25) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:24 pm

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In post 198, Andante wrote:hey jeff, do I hammer it without reading anything?
not without writing an essay on how greeting feels town
because you still owe me that btw
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Post Post #203 (isolation #26) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:29 pm

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Andante wrote:I owe you a greeting town essay? then I'm supposed to vote greeting?
every day 1 hammer has to end like that, it's tradition
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Post Post #224 (isolation #27) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:57 pm

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ok i looked back and it turns out it was not an essay, but in fact a song
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Post Post #226 (isolation #28) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:59 pm

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In post 213, Greeting wrote:
In post 212, Andante wrote:Greeting, just ignore them, I shall be on team Greeting! and we can find maf
I'd love to be scumcased so I could defend myself, but this has got to be the most ridiculous wagon I've ever seen - not just on myself but on anyone ever.
kinda hurts tbh i tried hard to make it tangible because when the responses i get are lackluster and it's my fault i feel stupid
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Post Post #229 (isolation #29) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 1:03 pm

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so no song?
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Post Post #230 (isolation #30) » Wed Jan 19, 2022 1:04 pm

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no but i actually wanted to dive them assuming that they'd try to do it back since i outted myself
should i have mentioned that
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Post Post #250 (isolation #31) » Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:45 pm

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guess what
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Post Post #263 (isolation #32) » Fri Jan 21, 2022 3:17 pm

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In post 250, Hella Jeff wrote:

guess what
i got boosted yesterday
i am Sick
thank you
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Post Post #264 (isolation #33) » Fri Jan 21, 2022 3:18 pm

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In post 257, Scorpious wrote:Aww I didn’t even get a mention :sad face:
should ve been on the award winning wagon you fool :!:
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Post Post #265 (isolation #34) » Fri Jan 21, 2022 3:32 pm

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VOTE: Andante
State Thy Intentions
i have.. the receipts
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Post Post #271 (isolation #35) » Fri Jan 21, 2022 3:59 pm

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andante simply put i am afraid
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Post Post #273 (isolation #36) » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:00 pm

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In post 268, Ahri wrote:
In post 266, Quiet Owl wrote:Thoughts:
- Scorpious seems town.
- No idea about Ahri yet.
- There's probably 3 mafia members.
- Dwlee is a mafia doctor lets gooo VOTE: Dwlee99
You have Scorpious town but no idea on me?

it's more likely than you think...
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Post Post #278 (isolation #37) » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:09 pm

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In post 272, Andante wrote:afraid of what?
21th letter of the alphabet
Ahri wrote:
In post 273, Hella Jeff wrote:
In post 268, Ahri wrote:
In post 266, Quiet Owl wrote:Thoughts:
- Scorpious seems town.
- No idea about Ahri yet.
- There's probably 3 mafia members.
- Dwlee is a mafia doctor lets gooo VOTE: Dwlee99
You have Scorpious town but no idea on me?

it's more likely than you think...
again, if I claim investigative on Scorpious with a sussy result, would that change your mind?
dayplay > mechs for evar but it depends on how cool your role sounds
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Post Post #281 (isolation #38) » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:11 pm

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Ok gobba eat
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Post Post #309 (isolation #39) » Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:49 am

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In post 307, Andante wrote:wild guess Quiet and Dwlee are town then, maybe not dwlee, but definitely Quiet
mm do you have any ideas on when they should fullclaim then?
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Post Post #310 (isolation #40) » Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:50 am

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nice RT btw quiet i dig that shit
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Post Post #313 (isolation #41) » Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:56 am

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In post 312, Andante wrote:didn't quiet already claim gs?
i mean dwlee, mb
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Post Post #316 (isolation #42) » Sat Jan 22, 2022 7:06 am

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In post 314, Andante wrote:why make dwlee claim?
Andante wrote:it's day 2.. we don't need everyone claiming now
it shouldn't happen today i agree
but i think it should happen at some point to cover our bases
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Post Post #340 (isolation #43) » Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:16 pm

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Post Post #361 (isolation #44) » Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:04 pm

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In post 360, yeezys wrote:mmmmm i'm shit at scumhunting but in my opinion fua's scumteam seems legit
we should make a poe though umm who's the most towny
hi yeezys (and future bababooey replacement)
ur caught up right

right now i'm working with jeff-dwlee-quiet as a base and churn-capo below
scorp used to be in there but that's in the gutter rn
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Post Post #404 (isolation #45) » Mon Jan 24, 2022 8:41 am

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In post 401, Nero Cain wrote:If Arhi is indeed in a masonry then a buddy could have a gulity but if they do and she's dancing around it then its dumb as fuck to do so.
@ahri confirm this?
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Post Post #448 (isolation #46) » Tue Jan 25, 2022 7:40 am

Post by Hella Jeff »

sorry that i've been lurking
this week so far has been terribad and full of other priorities,
ill be sure to cut out some time for this tonight and find the Objectively Correct Decision
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Post Post #498 (isolation #47) » Fri Jan 28, 2022 8:20 am

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yeah taht self vote killed a lot of my motivation tbh

i concur with butterchurn, namely their point abt
if a slot, across accounts has a history of slimy votes then i'm pretty damn sure they're open wolfing lol
VOTE: yeezys
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Post Post #499 (isolation #48) » Fri Jan 28, 2022 8:23 am

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enchant wagon ?
i liked capo
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Post Post #511 (isolation #49) » Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:45 pm

Post by Hella Jeff »

Nero Cain wrote:
In post 499, Hella Jeff wrote:i liked capo
they were one of the only funny people in the game
that's abt all i remember
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Post Post #535 (isolation #50) » Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:35 am

Post by Hella Jeff »

In post 530, Scorpious wrote:I think it’s worth nothing that Emchant has played this same game in EVERY game we’ve been in.

Im almost honored..
what do you mean by this?
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Post Post #539 (isolation #51) » Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:22 am

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the game gives me a headache now, i plant my feet down on the andante slot and they were gambiting without doing anything after
like, i got snowed by her the last mini normal we played together because she made an effort to directly appeal to me (to the point where she changed her opinions on the fly) and they do the exact same thing here
i figured it was some sort of reaction test but zero follow-up when asked is just

right now i think scorpious is just as slimy (in=game) and they're certainly not a mason, i'll put that into more words later
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Post Post #557 (isolation #52) » Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:46 pm

Post by Hella Jeff »

In post 545, Nero Cain wrote:Enchant is prob a green pm with how Hella Jeff treated his slot. I originally thought they were scum together with how Jeff went after Greeting for voting Capo but then Jeff questioning an Enchant wagon b/c capo was funny feels like a straight up scum reaction to me.
you're going to have to spell this one out for me.
i think you have no idea at what i was getting at with my response so i'll outline it:
- nonconformist player is +town
- in general, cocky attitudes are +town [emphasized by enchant's joker impression later]
what reason is there to dismantle this read right now?
In post 548, Nero Cain wrote:also
In post 539, Hella Jeff wrote:right now i think scorpious is just as slimy (in=game) and they're certainly not a mason, i'll put that into more words later
just felt like going with the flow and it being day 3 with no scum flipped having a singular focus just doesn't seem honest
this is wack also, since you're ignoring just about everything i've shared today to say this
your quote strengthens the fact that i'm well aware that zero scum have flipped, i'm doing my own work on a wagon that someone else spearheaded after a wagon of my own doing flopped and the other i had no agency over

so like is this accusation because i'm not evaluating entire scumteams ? because i feel like it is and if so, that's a conscious decision, last time i did that it completely ruined the accuracy of my reads
here's ... #p13157850 onward, read and tell me your entire body doesn't wrinkle up in disgust
In post 548, Nero Cain wrote:of course, he has these excuses for not participating very much
i've been participating just fine, thanks
at least by this game's standards
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Post Post #558 (isolation #53) » Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:47 pm

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tl;dr i'm staying in poland good night
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Post Post #571 (isolation #54) » Sun Jan 30, 2022 12:29 pm

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In post 559, Nero Cain wrote:ok, so when I asked you what you liked about him instead of explaining that you have a town read on him for ^ reasons you opted to NOT talk about his alignment but tell me that he was funny. Even if your "he's funny" was meant to be that you thought he was town how was I supposed to get that? To me, saying that you don't want to vote a guy b/c he's "funny" seems like a great excuse to not vote someone but leave your options open.
because you asked why i was questioning his wagon along with the fact that he weren't here anymore to be "funny"? i understand that it isn't as clear cut as i could've made it but the read has
In post 559, Nero Cain wrote:no. that's just busywork. Like I sorta get it..."I called 3 people scum and only one of them was." You weren't very accurate, no sweat, most of us aren't. But saying that you have to change your playstyle b/c of it just seems silly to me.
And you were still 1-3 there
and if scorp is town you'll be 0-2 here. There's a good chunk of scum motivation in singular hunting and going with whatever popular wagon there is.
was 0-2 instead of 1-3, one scum had flipped prior but that's not too important to what i have to say

so i'm an alt right
i use this acc to experiment
doing that ruined my otherwise fine reads
i use alternatives to that behavior in another game to see what sticks
maybe silly? wtvr
regardless you're overblowing the fact that i'm singular hunting here, i'm town, i see the potential in pushing a tight POE but there's Reasons i'm refraining, at least for right now
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Post Post #602 (isolation #55) » Wed Feb 02, 2022 4:21 pm

Post by Hella Jeff »

you guys didn't force a solve out of scorpious that didn't have any masons, that's a cardinal sin
not that it matters anymore
i need owl's second gunsmith check
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Post Post #604 (isolation #56) » Wed Feb 02, 2022 4:43 pm

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VOTE: Nero Cain
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Post Post #664 (isolation #57) » Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:31 pm

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In post 616, butterchurn wrote:Jeff, who do you think is scum?
i did some work that i'll organize tommorow
i have nero/geraint/(you, owl) when taking both associatives and individual reads into account. don't think there are other feasible pairings
latter is more likely than the former, quiet desperately needs to open w something so i can close in on 3rd position.

unrelated but i just skimmed the day-long bickering, all i took from it is that 'if you have a singular townread in the non-masons then any 2 of the remainder contains scum' :)
was there anything else
In post 662, Ahri wrote: ig we have to vote in them two bc lylo votes locked
is not locked .
but, not keen on switching votes
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Post Post #673 (isolation #58) » Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:01 am

Post by Hella Jeff »

In post 668, butterchurn wrote:Incorrect. There's 2 masons, and 5 others. 3 of the 5 are scum.
For any town among that 5, it should be immediately obvious to them that 3 of the remaining 4 are scum, and therefore that 1 of any 2 out of that 4 is scum (because there's only 1 town in the group).
If you have a townread, then you know the remaining 3 are the scumteam. What you said is true only if from your perspective, the remaining 4 is actually composed of 2 town and 2 scum, and I can think of exactly one reason why that might be the case. I feel like you should know this already if you're town, but it seems like Nero didn't really get it either, and you're not both town, so maybe I'm overestimating how much other people think about this sort of thing.
that's cool and all but like, i townread myself, it's not a slip, i wanted to make the statement as general as possible so it made sense from an outsider's perspective
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Post Post #705 (isolation #59) » Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:09 pm

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In post 674, Ahri wrote:they say you cant have a full town GY

I say watch me.

VOTE: Hella Jeff
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Post Post #706 (isolation #60) » Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:14 pm

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In post 703, butterchurn wrote:I didn't blast you at all, I thought it was odd behavior from you, and mentioned how my perceived likelihood of teams had changed as a result, but was still open to a switch. And no, earlier I was also willing to vote Jeff, and expected that I would be voting either Jeff or you. I thought Jeff was more suspicious than you (and said so), but wanted to wait to see how he responded to some questions I had for him. He mostly ignored them.
that was because of time, but i'll continue to do so because my slot is going to get annihilated in the coming hours, there's no way that ahri's going to unvote before then
i'm VT
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Post Post #729 (isolation #61) » Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:07 pm

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VOTE: Not_Mafia
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Post Post #743 (isolation #62) » Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:47 pm

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In post 741, Andante wrote:lol wow... not how I expected that to play out... town had 3 masons...
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