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I know who the original modified traffic analyst is. They claimed.
They were going to investigate Noraa- this is why I said that no one should add Noraa to a hood.
Once that decision was made, Noraa outed as a mass neighborizor. I gave her the choice of either adding herself + the claimed traffic analyst to the hood, or adding neither. She did not trust the traffic analyst claim, so choose neither.
I'm not actually paying attention to the game anymore I might come in and shitpost some more later.
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 6:42 am
by House
Dammit Stephen, you're pissing in my Cheerios.
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 7:48 am
by Dunnstral
Ah by the way I'm a friendly neighbor.
So. It's not me.
And it's not Noraa, because they have the traffic analyst result on them.
And it's not StrangeMatter, because they are the Traffic Analyst, of which there was a backup.
And it's not Lukewarm, because he coordinated the above, and didn't interfere with it when he had knowledge*. And their role. And they're organizing favorable checks for the town.
*It may not have been possible to interfere with it due to the nature of neighborhoods
And it's not Flea, because they outted Malcolm when only they had access to that information.
So that leaves Almost50, Enchant, Morning Tweet, Bell, House, and Lady Lambdadelta.
Feel free to try to narrow it down further, but this is where I am most comfortable drawing the line without feeling like I'm falsely putting someone as town.
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 7:54 am
by Stephen A Smith
oh you didn't have to tell them you are a friendly neighbor.
i think house is town
might be LLD/Bell
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 7:54 am
by Stephen A Smith
I have stupid reasons to townread Tweetie Enchant and House.