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Superbowl in the Palace (Game 1) Tom Brady won again :(

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:25 am
by PokerFace
Welcome I am running a Super Bowl themed version of War in the Palace

You are Joe Burrow, the Tiger King! You came back to Ohio from LSU, but where the hell is the Bengals offensive line? Penei Sewell would be great right now!

You win if Matt Stafford is eliminated, Tom Brady retires, and you avoid elimination the entire game.

If Matt Stafford is currently not eliminated, you can send Trey Henderickson to sack any one player by posting
Sack: Playername
in the game thread. This ability cannot be used if Matt Stafford is eliminated

If Matt Stafford is eliminated, then you can PM the moderator to throw a touchdown to Jamar Chase because Jalen Ramsey cannot block. This will result in a player of your choosing being eliminated from the game. You can just pm the mod
Eliminate: Player Name
and I will oblige

Good Luck. Go Bengals!
You are Matt Stafford, the Mo Town King! You changed your city just like the rams, but where is Andrew Whitworth? Oh right he is busy winning the Walter Payton Man of the year award!

You win if Joe Burrow is eliminated, Tom Brady retires, and you avoid elimination the entire game.

If Joe Burrow is currently not eliminated, you can send Arron Donald to sack any one player by posting
Sack: Playername
in the game thread. This ability cannot be used if Joe Burrow is eliminated

If Joe Burrow is eliminated, then you can PM the moderator to throw a touchdown to Cooper Kupp because Eli Apple cannot block. This will result in a player of your choosing being eliminated from the game. You can just pm the mod
Eliminate: Player Name
and I will oblige

Good Luck. Go Rams!
You are Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr. The Goat! But where is Antonio Brown? Oh right, let's not talk about that :lol:

When you are eliminated from the game, you will retire. You can win the game while retired, but retiring will make Rob Gronkowski sad :cry:

If Rob Gronkowski is sad and both Joe Burrow and Matt Stafford are not eliminated, Gronk will spike the ball twice allowing you to eliminate 2 players as you retire. Simply pm the moderator during Twighlight who Gronk is eliminating.

If Rob Gronkowski is sad and only one of Joe Burrow and Matt Stafford is eliminated, Gronk will spike the ball once allowing you to eliminate 1 player as you retire. Simply pm the moderator during Twighlight who Gronk is eliminating.

You win if Joe Burrow and Matt Stafford are eliminated.

If you can't win the Superbowl no one can!
You are a Guard of Joe Burrow who is ______

You win if Tom Brady Retires, Joe Burrow is not eliminated, and Matt Stafford is eliminated.

When a Guard is eliminated, they will be eliminated as Guard. I will not announce the team they play for until the end of the game.

You can win while being eliminated yourself.

Good Luck. Go Bengals!
You are a Guard of Matt Stafford who is ______

You win if Tom Brady Retires, Matt Stafford is not eliminated, and Joe Burrow is eliminated.

When a Guard is eliminated, they will be eliminated as Guard. I will not announce the team they play for until the end of the game.

You can win while being eliminated yourself.

Good Luck. Go Rams!
Locking shortly. This post has been edited just like a Patriots phone text. It even has emojis! A countdown to gametime and rules page will go up soon!

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:26 am
by PokerFace
Hi, I'm John Madden

And I am PokerFace.

How did I get here?

Time Machine.

Very well, we will be your announcers for this great game of FOOTBALL!

Let's go over the rules:
The Rules, Stolen from shaft.ed, TSQ, Mr. Stoofer, Flameaxe, Jdodge:

00. I reserve the right to edit these rules at any time should something truly unexpected occur.
01. All votes must be made bold or made using the vote tag. Unvoting is not required but I heavily prefer it. Any attempts at disguising your voting will be prohibited. If it's treated as a vote and I think its a vote, its a a vote!!
02. A majority of votes is required to for someone to be eliminated. If there is a elimination, no amount of bitching will prevent the elimination from happening. I am a moderator, not a charity.
03. When you live, live well. Live long. Prosper. When you're out of the game, shut up! Don't post or even pm me please, you have no idea how hard it is to run a game like this!
04. All days have a 45-minute deadline. All nights have a 15-minute deadline.

05. You can vote No elimination during the day. Simply Vote: No One. Should this vote reach a majority. It will happen. If no majority is reached during a day then there will be a no lynch when that day ends

06. Quoting or faking any PMs you receive from the mod will get you modkilled and blacklisted from any games I am running now or in the future. You may paraphrase anything in the pm. If you are worried you are quoting more so then paraphrasing you should probably pm me before you are ejected from the game. Seriously no one wants the Refs of all people to win this game!

07. This is a SEMI-BASTARD MOD type game. Your mod isn't evil or intentionally out to get you, but then he also isn't sober. Roles will be funny, crazy, unusual, and alcohol related. But they won't be intentionally evil like a "Night 0 Suiciding Emo"

08. Don't talk to each other outside of the game thread unless your role says you can.

09. No small or invisible text. Don’t edit/delete previously submitted posts either.
10. This is a game. Have fun and respect the other players. Don't be a dick.
11. It is encouraged that you be under the influence of alcohol, but not a requirement. If you are underage, you should not drink, but you can still play. Just know that due to the nature of the game, almost every other player will be drunk. The Mod will be shitfaced for one, so please be helpful and understanding when it comes to his vote counts. My ability to count is usually the first to go when I am drunk

12. If it seems like it should be illegal, it probably is. Considering the fact rules sometimes can't cover everything. Please use your common sense. PM me if you think something you are about to do could break the rules or possibly ruin the game.
13. I am human. If I fuck up and make a mod error that personally loses you the game, then I will give you a technical auto win at the end of the game to make up for it
14. You can NOT vote no one. Every day must end in an elimination. All days have a 30-minute deadline. At the end of that time, the player with the most votes will be eliminated. If there is a tie, then the first to reach that amount will be eliminated.
15. There are no nights. The thread will be locked while I am making a vote recount and an elimination scene. But after that the next day will start.
16. Twighlight will only occur if Tom Brady Retires. This will result in the thread being locked and Tom Brady having 10 minutes to make the Spike choice(s)
17. Fake voting and fake sacking is prohibited! I will count it as a vote or count it as a sack if you have those powers. And if you don't then you are ejected from the game for taunting!
18. It is unlikely but possible for Tom brady to retire and eliminate all players but Matt Stafford and Joe Burrow. If this occurs the game will end in a tie and only Tom Brady will lose. The alternative to this is for us to have a race to see who sacks who first. And since that is practically a coin flip, I will not be allowing that!

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:47 am
by PokerFace
Reserved for player listings and reveals

All Players:

1. petapan
2. Save The Dragons
3. Who
4. Andante
5. Cephrir
6. Enchant
7. Something_Smart

When you signup for WITP you need to cast a vote. Vote one of the following:

A. Yes, I want people to be able to claim king and say stuff about kings in game. Crazy WIFOM FTW!

B. No, shut your mouths! No talking about kings, it bad for town! PF should modkill anyone that breaks this rule!



Lady Gaga will sing the National Anthem and be the Halftime Show!

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 6:16 am
by PokerFace
Reserved for vote count copy and paste to help PF!

Pregame Phase

1. petapan (0) - People voting them
2. Save The Dragons (0) - People voting them
3. Who (0) - People voting them
4. Andante (0) - People voting them
5. Cephrir (0) - People voting them
6. Enchant (0) - People voting them
7. Something_Smart (0) - People voting them

Countdown to gametime:

(expired on 2022-02-12 20:00:00)

Oh say can you see...

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 12:24 pm
by PokerFace
bumping to see if there is interest

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 12:25 pm
by Save The Dragons
there might be interest once SH is over

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 12:50 pm
by PokerFace
Then i may wait for that to end, ignore the countdown please

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:14 pm
by petapan

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:18 pm
by Save The Dragons

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:20 pm
by Who
/in, vote for wifom being legal.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:20 pm
by Enchant
... How to play this.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:20 pm
by Andante

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:24 pm
by Cephrir
/in, vote in favor of wifom, I hope it's ok that I don't care about football

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:25 pm
by PokerFace
In post 10, Enchant wrote:... How to play this.
If you are Joe Burrow, use votes to figure out who Stafford and Tom Brady are so you can sack or vote them out. Stay hidden as long as possible

If you are Matt Stafford use votes to figure out who Joe Burrow and Tom Brady are so you can sack or vote them out. Stay hidden as long as possible

If you are Tom Brady stay hidden as long as you can until you are caught then use what you learned in game to find Burrow and Stafford and eliminate them

If you are a guard then protect your QB either via spread misinformation or by keeping your mouth shut. Your choice. If you can help get rid of Tom Brady and apposing QB, do it!!

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:26 pm
by Enchant
Well okay

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:28 pm
by Enchant
What sacking does?

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:29 pm
by PokerFace
We have 2 votes for wifom

No other votes

I would like at least 7 people total in game. You guys want to start at 7 players or start in 30 minutes?

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:31 pm
by Andante
uh I'll also vote for yes wifom and I'm good with starting whenever

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:32 pm
by PokerFace
In post 15, Enchant wrote:What sacking does?
Eliminates another player. its basically a kill in game BUT using it means you are exposing yourself as either Joe Burrow or Matt Stafford since only they can use it. So you better save it for after Tom is gone and when you are sure. Or use it as a last resort

Fake Sacking is not allowed! It will get you mod killed if you can not sack. And if you can sack then that means I will count the fake as a successful sack.

Please do not get ejected from the game for taunting like that. Never let the Refs win!

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:47 pm
by PokerFace
For anyone having trouble understanding the game, go to War in the Palace

That is what we are playing. The Football stuff is just flavor

We need at lease 7 or another odd number for the game to happen

I really hope someone joins in the next 13
minutes :)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:00 pm
by PokerFace
Seems like we are holding at 6 people. See if anyone can get anyone

If not I am contemplating if its fair to eliminate tom brady and just play with 6 though I am not sure if that can be done

What are your thoughts?

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:04 pm
by Something_Smart

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:04 pm
by Save The Dragons
We got 7 woo

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:05 pm
by Andante

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:06 pm
by PokerFace
locking to get this going

Option A is being used:

When you signup for WITP you need to cast a vote. Vote one of the following:

A. Yes, I want people to be able to claim king and say stuff about kings in game. Crazy WIFOM FTW!

B. No, shut your mouths! No talking about kings, it bad for town! PF should modkill anyone that breaks this rule!