MS Plays: Pokemon Red
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:26 am
MS Plays Pokémon Red
Play through the entirety of Pokémon Red, but with forum posts!
Inspired by the infamous "Twitch plays Pokémon", I bring to you the exact same thing (kind of).
Here's how it works:
- You will post what input you want, and at what frame in the game you want the input to happen. (Ex. A 2000 ( A button on frame 2000)
- The frame number HAS to be higher than the post above, and no farther than 600 from the most recent post
- I will also accept +n (ex. +100) if you don't want to do the mental math
- You can also just post the input if the frame part is confusing.
- You may "hold down" a button, for no more than 240 frames.
- You may have multiple inputs at the same time
- You MAY NOT post more than once consecutively (think "Quick before the mods come")
- If your post has no frame number, I will default it to n+30.
- If your frame is lower than the most recent post, or the input is incorrect, I will ignore your post, and edit in a "ERROR" on it.
- After about 50 or so posts I will post a gif of where we're currently at. If things are moving slowly I may post more.
- When a significant event happens (let's say, beating a gym) I will post the entire thing in video form up to that point.
(If the frame part is confusing for you, just post the input. Don't worry about it.)
To make this easier for me, PLEASE use the bolded letters to indicate your input. If you're going to write a message to strategize or something,
please at least bold your input
U 2450
D 2510
Player 5:
D 2750
Player 6:
S 999999
(ignored)Player 7:
U 3550
(Ignored)Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 1:
Player 3:
A +200
Player 4:
Player 3 :
Player 4:
Player 5:
U 4000
Player 1:
Player 1:
Player 2:
Hold D for 30 frames 4150