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Micro 1061: If Trees Could Scream [Game Over]

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:54 am
by Aisa
Micro 1061: If Trees Could Scream

| Set-up by:
Micc (wiki link)

Game status:

  1. Don Draper x Mistress (
    hydra of
    Nancy Drew 39
  2. Porkens
  3. furtiveglance
  4. Herta
  5. Vanderscamp *
  6. Ircher
  7. Titus
  8. Enchant *
Asterisk denotes a prod.


Spoiler: alive
Don Draper x Mistress,
, survived.
, survived.
, survived.


Spoiler: stumped
, stumped Day 1.
, stumped Day 2.


Spoiler: dead
, run off Day 3.
, stumped Day 4, burned Night 4.
, burned Night 4.
, run off Day 5.


Spoiler: events

Quick post-game links

Public thread
Mod PT
Arsonist PT (Arsonist House)
Dead/Spectator PT (Ceme-tree)

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:58 am
by Aisa

Site rules:

1. Obey all sitewide rules.

Have fun and let others have fun:

2. Enjoy yourself.
3. If you are not having fun or feel that having to play the game is making your life worse, please consider replacing out. If I feel you are damaging game integrity, you may be warned to stop or replace out.
4. Toxicity is moderated strictly. Toxic behaviour includes, but is not limited to:
- flaming
- personal attacks
- use of slurs or derogatory language
- spamming
- excessive AtE
- otherwise being a jerk

Out-of-game influence:

5. Play to your wincon.
6. Private communications:
- Do not communicate about this game outside the public game thread and any associated PTs.
- Do not quote, copy-paste, or link to any private communication into the public thread or inappropriate PTs. Private communication = anything in a PT, your role PM, any correspondence with a moderator. Exceptions:
- You may quote or copy into any Notes PT you possess.
- You may copy, but not quote, posts clearly drafted with the intention of being posted into the main thread later.
- Do not claim to have a Notes PT. Exception:
- You accidentally linked or copy-pasted something you shouldn't have, in which case you may claim it was from a Notes PT.
7. Do not discuss replacing out, conceding, reporting a player, or blacklisting a player before the game is over. If you have any concerns, please PM me, the backup/co-mod, or a listmod as appropriate.


8. Day 1 will last 10 days. Days 2 and onward will last 7 days.
9. Nights will last 48 hours. Fast Nights are always an option provided all living players PM me saying they would like one.
10. During Days, players
other than Tree-Stumps
must make a game-advancing post once every 36 hours or receive a prod. Players have 24 hours after a prod to make a game-advancing post. Upon receiving their third prod, players will be automatically replaced.
Tree-Stumps will not be required to post.

11. Players who are due for a prod at the end of a Day will be prodded as normal and should respond to the prod by PM within 24 hours.
12. Players on V/LA will be prodded every 60 hours (2.5 days) and have 24 hours to respond to a prod. V/LA should be used reasonably.

Votes, eliminations, Night Actions:

13. Vote by using VOTE: Aisa or
. Reset to voting no-one by using UNVOTE: or
. Vote tags are preferred.
14. Votes in spoiler tags or otherwise obfuscated will not be counted.
15. When >50% of alive players are voting the same player, that player is eliminated and the Day will end early. No takes-backsies: changes of votes after an elimination is achieved have no effect.
16. If an elimination is not achieved by the deadline, there will be no elimination.
17. Players may use VOTE: No Elimination to end the Day early with no elimination. If 50% of players vote for no-elimination, the Day will end early.
is an alternative, in-flavour name for the elimination.
19. Any Night Actions you have should be submitted to me via PM or in a PT where I have indicated that this is acceptable. You can always change Actions before the Night deadline. Night Actions submitted after the deadline will not be accepted, even if the game thread has not been unlocked yet.

Moderation notes:

20. These rules cannot possibly cover everything. I reserve the right to add to the rules (you will be notified) and to take action on any situations even when they are not explicitly covered here.
21. Pretending to break a rule will be treated the same as actually breaking a rule.
22. I am always up for a chat! If you're in doubt about anything, or want to give feedback, just PM me. If it's a minor piece of feedback or not related to this game you can even submit anonymously through this Google Form.
23. SirCakez is the lovely listmod in charge of this game. You should feel free to contact them about any concerns you have.

The abridged version- Day 1: 10 days, Days 2+: 7 days. Nights: 48 hours. Prods: every 36 hours with 24 hours to pick them up.
- Toxicity is moderated strictly.
- FIRE! <3

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:03 am
by Aisa
Setup information

This is a 9-player game. It uses the open setup Forest Fire. There will be some handwritten flavour, with no bearing on the game.

The roles in the game are:



You are given the following points of clarification:
  • The Arsonists have Daytalk.
    This is different from the Role PMs in the wiki page for this setup.
  • Trees only become Tree-Stumps upon being eliminated via the Day vote.
  • Tree-Stumps can be primed and ignited.
  • Tree-Stumps don't count as alive for endgame purposes.
  • Tree-Stumps are not subject to posting requirements.
  • The only situation in which an Arsonist victory is guaranteed to be declared is when 50% of players left alive are Arsonists. I will declare a win earlier if I am sure it is mechanically inevitable, but if there is any doubt, the game will go on.
Spoiler: Full setup description
Also see Forest Fire on the MafiaScum wiki.

The Arsonists are the informed minority faction in this game. The Trees and Firefighter constitute the uninformed majority faction of the Forest.
Arsonists win when they are 50% or more of the players left alive or nothing can prevent this from occurring. The Forest wins when only Forest-aligned players are left alive.

During the Day, all alive players vote to axe (eliminate) a player. If an Arsonist or Firefighter is axed, they are removed from the game thread as per usual. If a Tree is axed, they become a Tree-Stump. Tree-Stumps may no longer vote and do not count as alive for endgame purposes, but can continue to post in the game thread.

During the Night, the Arsonists may choose to either prime a single target or ignite (kill) all previously primed targets. Tree-Stumps are valid targets. The Firefighter may target someone to block them from being primed (on that Night only).

Spoiler: Role PMs
PLAYERWelcome to Micro 1061: If Trees Could Scream, [PLAYER].

What an outstanding member of your community! You are well known in the village for being a constant presence at the yearly bonfire night. They say you do great work with kids, too; you are a Mega Vulture Scout Guide and can light a fire from flint and steel in 6 nanoseconds. It is somewhat of a running joke that you would do anything to spark a flame...

You are an
, along with your partner, [PARTNER]. You may post in the thread and vote as you see fit. Your additional abilities are listed below.

  • Factional Communication:
    at any point during the game, you may talk with your partner here.
  • Factional Pyrotechnics:
    each night phase, either you or your partner may take one and only one of the the following actions:
    • Prime
      a target for ignition by dousing them with gasoline.
    • Ignite
      all previously primed targets by lighting them on fire and thus killing them.
Win Condition
  • You win when at least 50% of players left alive are Arsonists, or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this role PM with your role and the name of your partner.

PLAYERWelcome to Micro 1061: If Trees Could Scream, [PLAYER].

Life here sure is sweet and charming. The soil is soft and nutritious, the rain falls plentiful, and you have plenty of friends to play with. Fall and spring mix into one, old leaves turning yellow as new gems grow to replace them. You can even whisper, talk, sing; this is an
Forest, where nothing is as it seems...

You are a
, aligned with the
. You may post in the game thread and vote as you see fit. Your additional abilities are listed below.

  • Stumped
    : upon being axed (eliminated via the Day vote), you become a Tree-Stump. This means you will still be allowed to post in the thread, but you will not have a vote. Being killed in any other way overrides this ability, and will cause you to be removed from the game.
Win Condition:
  • You win when only Forest-aligned players are left alive.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this role PM with your role.

PLAYERWelcome to Micro 1061: If Trees Could Scream, [PLAYER].

You love nature, and trees, and things that are green - well, more than human interaction anyway. You have been coming to the forest since you were a little kid. Other children had imaginary friends, you talked to trees. To be honest, you never really grew out of the habit. Sometimes you think you can even hear the trees talking back to you...

You are a
, aligned with the
. You may post in the game thread and vote as you see fit. Your additional abilities are listed below.

  • Fire Prevention
    : each Night phase, you may choose one other player to douse with water. The doused player will be immune to being primed for ignition during that Night phase.
Win Condition
  • You win when only Forest-aligned players are left alive.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this role PM with your role.

Post-game bonus info
Spoiler: Role assignments
  1. Don Draper x Mistress -

  2. Porkens -

  3. furtiveglance -

  4. Herta -

  5. Vanderscamp -

  6. Ircher -

  7. Titus -

  8. Enchant -


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:50 am
by Aisa
All Role PMs have been sent out. We will begin in (expired on 2022-10-01 00:45:00) or when 8/9 players have confirmed, whichever happens sooner.

We also won't begin for at least 8 hours as I need my beauty sleep. Sorry!

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:51 pm
by Aisa
Day 1

There may be no wind, but all Trees are rustling their leaves in trepidation. There was a wildfire somewhere last night. The horrible smell of burnt trees, the roaring sound of fire, a slight warming of the air... it must have been close. What could possibly have caused it?

Day 1 starts now and ends in (expired on 2022-10-12 11:55:00).
The deadline has been extended by 3 days to compensate for site downtime.

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 to axe someone.

8/9 players have confirmed. The remaining player has (expired on 2022-10-01 00:45:00) to confirm before being replaced.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:52 pm
by Aisa
Votecount 1.00

Not Voting (9):
Don Draper x Mistress, Porkens, furtiveglance, Herta, Vanderscamp, Ircher, Titus, Enchant, SCRRRDBEAR.

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 to axe someone.

Day 1 ends in (expired on 2022-10-09 11:55:00).

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:15 pm
by Enchant
I ruin disbelief and say that trees kill each other with axes and murder people (arsonist and firefighter are humans) with... axes as well.

Live with this.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:59 pm
by Auro

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:00 am
by Don Draper x Mistress
In post 6, Enchant wrote:ENT SUPREMACY.
VOTE: Entchant


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:04 am
by Enchant
Who the hell is Entchant


Fine, it was actually pretty good

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:30 am
by Ircher
VOTE: Don Draper

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 2:22 am
by Titus
Is it bad that I almost want to get axed so I csn say the game stumped me?

VOTE: Herta[/vote[

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 2:22 am
by Titus
VOTE: Herta

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 2:33 am
by Enchant
VOTE: Titus

np get axed

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 3:00 am
by furtiveglance
How's it going, fellow trees

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:14 am
by Porkens

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:48 am

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:49 am
In post 14, furtiveglance wrote:How's it going, fellow trees

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 5:33 am
by furtiveglance
In post 17, SCRRRDBEAR wrote:
In post 14, furtiveglance wrote:How's it going, fellow trees
bruh wtf why me im villy

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 5:46 am
by Enchant


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:46 am
by Nancy Drew 39

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:51 am
by Don Draper x Mistress
In post 16, SCRRRDBEAR wrote:ONLY
Is this a Pooky alt?


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:19 am
In post 21, Don Draper x Mistress wrote:
In post 16, SCRRRDBEAR wrote:ONLY
Is this a Pooky alt?


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:29 am
In post 18, furtiveglance wrote:
In post 17, SCRRRDBEAR wrote:
In post 14, furtiveglance wrote:How's it going, fellow trees
bruh wtf why me im villy

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:35 am
by Aisa