Read The Rules
Be civil.
No talking about the game outside the game, unless your role PM specifies otherwise.
No editing or deleting your own posts or another’s posts.
Lynches require a majority of votes. A lynch at a deadline requires a majority of a majority of votes. You may also vote "no lynch", which will always take a majority of votes minus one (this number will not be reduced at deadline). The special "No Lynch" majority will not apply once the game hits eight [8] or fewer players.
Day One will have a deadline of three weeks. Night One will have a deadline of five days. From thereon out, every Day will have a deadline of two weeks, and every Night will have a deadline of three days. The only exception to this is if I need to replace a player within three [3] days of a deadline, in which case the deadline will be extended as many days as necessary for the deadline to be three [3] days away once the replacement officially replaces into the game. In the event of a tied vote at deadline sufficient to lynch all tied players, whoever reached that number of votes first and never went under that amount of votes will be lynched.
Feel free to ask questions in-thread, but precede these questions with a bold “
If you’re dead, you’re dead.
Do not post a “Bah” post
. (I know, that’s so not fun…)
Do not quote your role PMs. Only paraphrase them
in your own words
. To do otherwise to be modkilled, followed by an immedate night.
These rules are subject to change, but most likely I will inform the town of this publicly should this occur.
Special Note(s)
Role PMs – except for mafia role PMs – will be revealed upon death unless something prevents this from occurring. “Special Notes”, however, will
be revealed under any circumstances. The sample role PMs obviously do not meet this requirement, as they reveal their special notes: they are intended to demonstrate what a
role PM looks like for this.
Any names found in a role PM will not be revealed, instead being replaced with “[DELETED]”. Please note that even if a revealed role has a “[DELETED]” space, this does not guarantee a name actually existed in that space to begin with.
There are no “resurrection” roles that can bring dead players back into the game. There are no “mayor” roles that can prevent lynches. Once you are announced as being dead, YOU ARE DEAD, and you CANNOT replace back into the game, as you are the only player who knows what your special note entails.
There are at least four different alignments (i.e. win conditions) in this game.
All nightkills will have the flavor of “shot”. If a player is shot multiple times, the flavor will still be simply “shot”. If a player is told they will “strangle somebody unto death”, the official flavor will still be “shot”.
All mafia deaths will be revealed simply as “Mafia A”, “Mafia B”, or “Mafia C”. This does not mean a dead mafiate was devoid of a power role. It is further not guaranteed that if a mafia group exists, that they even have the power of a nightkill.
All Serial Killer deaths will be revealed as simply “Serial Killer A”, “Serial Killer B”, or “Serial Killer C”.
All Cultists deaths will be revealed as either “Cult Leader”, or “[Former Role], Cultist”, where [Former Role] will be replaced by the appropriate former role name.
Despite the fact that this game is titled “read your role mafia”, in no way am I trying to have a “gotcha!” moment based on misleading wording in your role PM. However, I
trying to emphasize that some roles have particular
, and instead of playing “hide the ball”, I want you to realize these nuances and take them into account while playing.
Feel free to ask me questions about
of these notes and rules of the game. If possible, I will inform you of the logical extensions of the questioned note or rule, or I will alternatively state that the rule is as clear and concise as I can think to make the questioned note or rule.