Mini 117:Marvel Superheroes Game Over
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Interesting choice of word. Isn't it usually "the" serial killer in most games?mneme wrote:but also "lost"aserial killer.
Not to cast aspersions, but wonder what you know that we don't...
We still have enough scum to deal with, I suppose. Surely, a vig (if around) does not kill N1?
Unless, there
two SKs...with one, now in the past tense.No random vote from me.
Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
Do you mean two SKs and a mafia team of two? Or two SKs and two mafia teams?lulu wrote:are two SKs and two mafia too much?
The kills would indicate either two mafia and an SK, therefore making the Punisher part of one mafia team, or one mafia team and two SKs with the Punisher being SK 2.
If you are indeed thinking of two SK and two mafia teams...
If he is a vig, he got very lucky on N1, but it was dangerously poor play.
Night 2 should make things clearer. we can only hope he
indeed looking for Venom.That brings me to question 2: Was there any history between the two? Are the part of the same comic? If not, it brings us back to him being SK. (I have no clue on either character, so I will probably be wrong)
vote: lulu
. It's just a feeling. I'm open to suggestion elsewhere.Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
Yoululu wrote:like i said, just trying to cover all bases. please don't let a feeling turn into a lynch just because i'm into the theme.
covering all bases. Aceptable. And you even came up with a link with info. However I'm just keeping my vote on you on the basis of feeling and lack of a better place to put it. Toodle's was random. You still need four more. You're not being lynched. Don't worry.Speaking of which, at two votes, Toodle unvotes lulu which was her "random" vote. Quailman has voted in between for an entirely third person and Toodle calls two votes 'the beginning' of a bandwagon. That sends bells ringing. Defensiveness and pre-emptiveness combined?
Call me paranoid. Call me wrong.
Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
My my.
That is a rather nice bandwagon that's been started.
DP's hunch, I'll respect it. I'll also respectfully say, he is off the mark here. Calling it a hunch himself, he can hardly provide more definite evidence as to my "scuminess". If any of you bandwagoners can come up with it, I will try and rebutt it. Till now, I feel like a flock of sheep is coming towards me. Lynching me is not quite in the town's interest. My intentions are quite honourable and if we are to defeat scum, you need to start thinking and stop following blindly.
I call that crap logic. If I say now, that I have a hunch about DP or any other player for that matter are you gonna follow along? If you get a choice, what would you choose? Would you think about it? Or just run along with the nearest bandwagon? Or not care less where your vote lies because you actually might be oppurtunistic scum?
Coming back to my suspicions of you.
Agreed that maybe you got panicky thinking it was 4 to lynch when Yanqush voted for you on the same day (the 28th). Simple mistake, given the explanation we recieved later. However, at that time you threw a vote on Yanqush just because he was the latest one to vote for you. It was OMGUS and you did not call it as much. You were just grasping at straws with panic? At this point, even DP is voting for you and you try and explain your earlier crap logic with an excuse which was accepted for the time being.
The first above, is not quite crap logic, no. It's double standards. Practice what you preach? Hmm?
I have an fos on you Toodle, I'll
At first, I thought you and lulu were working together. You threw your first "random" vote on her - a common scummy practice - and then were the first to jump off the "bandwagon". Toodle's later vote for you and a couple subsequent posts will lead me to downgrade my vote to an
As always, there are two sides to each story and you might still be scum mates. However, I think one of you is SK and the other, scum.
Also, a vig who kills on day one? Makes me think you are SK.
Lurking - An informal definition would be not posting in a particular game while posting in others. Therefore, lying low to avoid detection adn blending in to the crowd.
Admittedly, my "lurker hunt" post was on the 30th. DP voted me on his 'hunch' on the 5th. I did not post in the meanwhile. Please indicate high posting frequency in any game during that period. School keeps me from posting loads and loads. Especially with not much happening in the game that needs commenting at that particular moment. I just updated my modded games and then usually logged off those few days. There were
Also, the three votes were piled up in the last 36-48 hours. There will have been no posting from me in that period,
I don't think I'm missing anything of what I wanted to say. However, it's bed time, so it will have to wait another 12 hours, if I have. I also do not role claim unless it is absolutely necessary. I consider it bad play and useless for us if we give scum an idea of what might be easy claims. So at four vote, I don't think you'll get one.
While it
That is a rather nice bandwagon that's been started.
DP's hunch, I'll respect it. I'll also respectfully say, he is off the mark here. Calling it a hunch himself, he can hardly provide more definite evidence as to my "scuminess". If any of you bandwagoners can come up with it, I will try and rebutt it. Till now, I feel like a flock of sheep is coming towards me. Lynching me is not quite in the town's interest. My intentions are quite honourable and if we are to defeat scum, you need to start thinking and stop following blindly.
I'm sorry,KingEnigma wrote:I dont have a hunch, but if someone HAS a hunch, i feel its my civic duty to follow the only hunch I have seen.
? I call that crap logic. If I say now, that I have a hunch about DP or any other player for that matter are you gonna follow along? If you get a choice, what would you choose? Would you think about it? Or just run along with the nearest bandwagon? Or not care less where your vote lies because you actually might be oppurtunistic scum?
Wow!Toodle on the 6th of July wrote:I think I will jump on the bandwagon... we've got to get things moving...
- No more comment here -Toodle on the 28th of June wrote:I personally don't like to be a part of a bandwagon lynch and I'm afraid that is where this is going.
Coming back to my suspicions of you.
Agreed that maybe you got panicky thinking it was 4 to lynch when Yanqush voted for you on the same day (the 28th). Simple mistake, given the explanation we recieved later. However, at that time you threw a vote on Yanqush just because he was the latest one to vote for you. It was OMGUS and you did not call it as much. You were just grasping at straws with panic? At this point, even DP is voting for you and you try and explain your earlier crap logic with an excuse which was accepted for the time being.
The first above, is not quite crap logic, no. It's double standards. Practice what you preach? Hmm?
I have an fos on you Toodle, I'll
unvote lulu and vote toodle
.At first, I thought you and lulu were working together. You threw your first "random" vote on her - a common scummy practice - and then were the first to jump off the "bandwagon". Toodle's later vote for you and a couple subsequent posts will lead me to downgrade my vote to an
fos: lulu
because of the original gut feeling and also because you, Toodle, are setting off my scumbells more than lulu at the mo.As always, there are two sides to each story and you might still be scum mates. However, I think one of you is SK and the other, scum.
Toodle wrote:If it is the Punisher, I believe we have a vigilante, not another SK.
Also, a vig who kills on day one? Makes me think you are SK.
Guilty as charged on the "suggestion for lurker hunting part". However, in the other part of the sentence, I beg to differ.Quailman wrote:No reaction from Phoebus to three votes? I wonder if he'll react to four. He suggested we go lurker hunting
Lurking - An informal definition would be not posting in a particular game while posting in others. Therefore, lying low to avoid detection adn blending in to the crowd.
Admittedly, my "lurker hunt" post was on the 30th. DP voted me on his 'hunch' on the 5th. I did not post in the meanwhile. Please indicate high posting frequency in any game during that period. School keeps me from posting loads and loads. Especially with not much happening in the game that needs commenting at that particular moment. I just updated my modded games and then usually logged off those few days. There were
posts in that period from my post to DP's voting me. Wouldn't that make almost everyone qualify as lurking? With next to no content in any of those posts, I would be inclined to say so.Also, the three votes were piled up in the last 36-48 hours. There will have been no posting from me in that period,
for the fact that I had to sleep over at a relative's and then I was away all day today at a country club, with subsequently, no access to the internet. You can cross check this with my Asterix game.I don't think I'm missing anything of what I wanted to say. However, it's bed time, so it will have to wait another 12 hours, if I have. I also do not role claim unless it is absolutely necessary. I consider it bad play and useless for us if we give scum an idea of what might be easy claims. So at four vote, I don't think you'll get one.
While it
two votes away, I am hoping what I have said here makes sense to you all and it won't come to role claiming time. However, if in the next 24 hours, you still are not convinced, you shall have it.Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
Hah!Toodle wrote:Caveman and Phoebusalmostseem to be working as a team to get rid of Yanqush.
And have you done that when you've had 3 votes on you? The 'out of town' excuse is acceptable especially since heToodle wrote:They both pointed out that Yanqush was online but didn't post. I think we've all done that, right?
post in LA thread but if I came back from vacation to find a bandwagon on me, I'd atleast pop in to ask everyone to hang on to their socks till I got my things in order at home. Wouldn't you?Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
Allrighty then1 Talk about convenience...
N1 - DP - dead
N2 - me - "evil"
N3 - ? - blocked
I refer you to the last two lynches. Tell me what kind of mafia member would willingly put his buddies on the chopping block with such earnestness?
Yanqush - I was the one who noticed him being online and not posting. He came back to say that he was away. While a fact, I think this would have been a really good time for me to jump off his lynching train. Did I? No.
mneme - I was first to vote - was then alleged to be playing a cat and mouse game. Um...if I were scum and playing a cat and mouse mate ...yeah...probably mafia would sacrifice one mate to appear pro town or whatever. But two? Um? No.
Especially given the fact that mini games usually consist of a complement of three scum. Two mates lynched on consecutive days with me voting for both would hardly be ideal play. Think of the time when y'all were scum. Would you have done that? I doubt it and I have not done it here either.
I was going to let you off Toodle but now with this "investigation" of yours, I think we have a case of Celebrity X - especially since no one cross claimed Dare Devil. I believe you...yes...but I also think you are evil.
With this supposed "guilty" result and corresponding evidence of DP's actions...we have it nailed with you methinx. I personally know how DP plays as role blocker because of a discussion with him some time ago and if I'm not mistaken, he mentioned some things in a thread somewhere around here as well. DP
You've been guilty of bandwagonning on Day 1 based on pure unadulterated crap logic and when people started voting - you conveniently came up with a claim of Dare Devil even though it was not demanded from you. As I said, it's been taken at face value and so, I conclude it's a case of Celebrity X. Tell claimed day one - you are a "confirmed innocent" - why are you still alive? In two nights, even with the concession that doc *might* protect the "innocent" the day they were revealed, surely, you would've been taken out last night?
I call you an extremely clever serial killer who has decided not to use her kills and lie low due to the luxury of CelebrityX and chance her luck of not being night killed due to the claim (quite successfully, I must say) and then lynch/kill her way to victory in end game.
You cannot be working with scum, for your being tied up last night would've gotten us no kill again and ofcourse - it's Dr. Doom who killed - not Dare Devil (heh...look at the initials coincidence? ) You are some piece of goods I must say.
As long as we are on the subject of Dr. Doom -
N1 - DP - dead
N2 - me - "evil"
N3 - ? - blocked
I refer you to the last two lynches. Tell me what kind of mafia member would willingly put his buddies on the chopping block with such earnestness?
Yanqush - I was the one who noticed him being online and not posting. He came back to say that he was away. While a fact, I think this would have been a really good time for me to jump off his lynching train. Did I? No.
mneme - I was first to vote - was then alleged to be playing a cat and mouse game. Um...if I were scum and playing a cat and mouse mate ...yeah...probably mafia would sacrifice one mate to appear pro town or whatever. But two? Um? No.
Especially given the fact that mini games usually consist of a complement of three scum. Two mates lynched on consecutive days with me voting for both would hardly be ideal play. Think of the time when y'all were scum. Would you have done that? I doubt it and I have not done it here either.
I was going to let you off Toodle but now with this "investigation" of yours, I think we have a case of Celebrity X - especially since no one cross claimed Dare Devil. I believe you...yes...but I also think you are evil.
With this supposed "guilty" result and corresponding evidence of DP's actions...we have it nailed with you methinx. I personally know how DP plays as role blocker because of a discussion with him some time ago and if I'm not mistaken, he mentioned some things in a thread somewhere around here as well. DP
will not
use his blocking abilities till he is almost certain about the guilt of someone (and let's face it...DP is good at discerning these things) and he never
uses a block on N1 as some others might - hence the lack of spidey glue on D1. N2 - he got mneme, who as we consequently found out was guilty and I will vote: Toodle
on the strength of him targetting you on night 3, especially
given the fact that he would not have the ability to try again due to the need to reload.You've been guilty of bandwagonning on Day 1 based on pure unadulterated crap logic and when people started voting - you conveniently came up with a claim of Dare Devil even though it was not demanded from you. As I said, it's been taken at face value and so, I conclude it's a case of Celebrity X. Tell claimed day one - you are a "confirmed innocent" - why are you still alive? In two nights, even with the concession that doc *might* protect the "innocent" the day they were revealed, surely, you would've been taken out last night?
I call you an extremely clever serial killer who has decided not to use her kills and lie low due to the luxury of CelebrityX and chance her luck of not being night killed due to the claim (quite successfully, I must say) and then lynch/kill her way to victory in end game.
You cannot be working with scum, for your being tied up last night would've gotten us no kill again and ofcourse - it's Dr. Doom who killed - not Dare Devil (heh...look at the initials coincidence? ) You are some piece of goods I must say.
As long as we are on the subject of Dr. Doom -
fos: King Enigma
who has been flying under radar. He came in to lynch Yanqush at the very end when no respite for his mate seemed possible and even at the time, admitted that he would "sem very scummy" - especially for the fact that he is
scum. I have found myself several times putting in little titbits like these when I play scum so that I don't feel guilty of totally lying and can then say to myself, that "heh. they did not spot me doing/saying it. yay!" I'm sure you'll say...well, he was the third vote on mneme. Um...granted. But look at his vote and the timing of the other two. While he did "refute" mneme's claim, there was a large period of time between his vote and the last two, which came in very close succession. He had no time to unvote and I do not know what transpired between the two but the GF discrediting his goon's claim seems to have led to mneme voting for himself. That's all the conclusion I can draw from that.Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
Grr @ 'submit'. I wanted to preview.
I'm sure I'm not going to be let off without a role claim.
I'm Shadowcat - a commuter/self protected townie type.
I have the ability to "phase through" things i.e. pass through stuff like walls and let smaller objects pass through me as I become whatever translucent mass, Shadowcat becomes. As a result, I can survive a certain number of night kills via lazer/bullets etc. However, on a night after I need to use my ability (it's not a choice. duh! it's a necessity) I am exhausted and cannot phase again for one night. So, I am vulnerable that night. I got a PM telling me I'd been targetted on night 2 when day 2 commenced and now - here we have Toodle telling us herself that she targetted me and now that I saved myself, she's telling you that I'm "evil" when she could not kill me. I'm sure she took that chance thinking I must be the GF or some such thing with night kill immunity. Clever ploy, but it cuts no ice with me.
I'm sure I'm not going to be let off without a role claim.
I'm Shadowcat - a commuter/self protected townie type.
I have the ability to "phase through" things i.e. pass through stuff like walls and let smaller objects pass through me as I become whatever translucent mass, Shadowcat becomes. As a result, I can survive a certain number of night kills via lazer/bullets etc. However, on a night after I need to use my ability (it's not a choice. duh! it's a necessity) I am exhausted and cannot phase again for one night. So, I am vulnerable that night. I got a PM telling me I'd been targetted on night 2 when day 2 commenced and now - here we have Toodle telling us herself that she targetted me and now that I saved myself, she's telling you that I'm "evil" when she could not kill me. I'm sure she took that chance thinking I must be the GF or some such thing with night kill immunity. Clever ploy, but it cuts no ice with me.
Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
OK. With seven players left, one SK (Toodle) and one scum (KingEnigma), you are ready to hand me, an innocent, in to the gallows. They both kill this night and regardless of which one of them you lynch tomorrow with 2 town and two independant scum, you are basically dooming the town to nothingness? I doubt the Punisher would be too effective if he himself were targetted.
Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
Well. Yes. Some similar discussion took place on Day one. Lulu mentioned two SKs and I picked up on it. She seemed to have cleared herself of most suspicion (though she is lurking now) and Toodle was open to the idea of more SKs earlier but *quickly* dismissed it once the Punisher came up.
Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
You did well. My personal thoughts are that maybe the Punisher is too powerful. In a worst case scenario where he gets lucky and targets killers on successive nights plus some poor play on scum's part like I must admit happened here, would make this a very short game indeed.
Bah! I knew I should've gone after Toodle. Coulda woulda shoulda...
Well played town. Apologies to scum mates for voting them off. But hey! It's a game...
Hunt y'all some other time.
I must say, holding off lynch for this while, despite the inactivity was gratifying to some extent. See how sad a person I am?
Bah! I knew I should've gone after Toodle. Coulda woulda shoulda...
Well played town. Apologies to scum mates for voting them off. But hey! It's a game...
Hunt y'all some other time.
I must say, holding off lynch for this while, despite the inactivity was gratifying to some extent. See how sad a person I am?
Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.