Day 1, Vote Count #16 - Lynching
Huntress (3) <- Mana_Ku, sthar8, Electra
Incognito (2) <- Jahudo, Raging Rabbit
Jahudo (2) <- iLord, Guardian
iLord <- eldarad
Mana_Ku <- TDC
Guardian <- Incognito
Not voting: RandomGem, Huntress.
Boost Count
TDC (2) <- Incognito, sthar8
sthar8 (2) <- Guardian, iLord
Raging Rabbit (2) <- Jahudo, Mana_Ku
Guardian <- Raging Rabbit
eldarad <- TDC
Jahudo <- eldarad
will be boosted during twilight. You now have one boost-vote each. If you were voting for two other people (Guardian -> iLord, Mana_Ku -> Guardian), your oldest vote has been removed.
With 12 alive, it's 7 to lynch/boost. RandomGem has been prodded. Mana_ku's prod has not been picked up. The
Thursday, 4th December 06:00 UTC, which is 7 days, 5 hours, and 43 minutes from this post.
I was completely oblivious to Thanksgiving when setting the deadline. If this is going to be a big deal for people, I would consider an extension; PM me if you'll have trouble posting, and how long for. I apologise for this oversight.
Succinctness is pro-town.
Passion is inversely proportional to the amount of real information available. ~ Gregory Benford