If you have spam to report, it would be helpful if you would do one of the following:
1. If someone has posted a thread on this forum which is against the no-advertising rule, post here with a link to the thread.
2. If someone has registered an account which is obviously spammish in nature (including links in the profile, for example), post a link to that user's profile here.
3. If someone has PMed you with a spam link, post that user's name here, along with (optionally) the text of the PM, but
We get quite a bit of spam from the same Mafia site. A typical PM looks like this:
[This message is spam, report to mith and ignore.], [This is spam, please ignore and report to mith.]...thought I'd refer you to a pretty cool Mafia forum that started up, plenty of games to signup on or make your own and get in the moderation queue, it's pretty fun. Wink
Anyway, [This message is spam, please ignore and report to mith.], I guarantee you'll enjoy it if you give it a chance.
Check it out: