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Post Post #14 (isolation #0) » Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:26 am

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 13, TistDaniel wrote:One thing I would like clarification about in particular: one of Micc's posts says "Do not fake claim a power role as town!" I totally get that I can win even if I'm dead, and if I'm vanilla, me fake-claiming has the potential to screw up town in a big way. But what if I'm not vanilla?
Looking at the setup, I don't see where fakeclaiming would help the town. Mafia can narrow it down to 3 possible pr distributions based on their own pr (or lack thereof), so claiming outside of that group of 3 means mafia know you are lying. Fake claiming typically gets another power role to counter claim based off of a mismatch of info. Even if that doesn't happen, the way vt players react can reveal that they are not prs (and remember that mafia has more info about the setup and so can spot this kind of thing easier)

I'm not saying never fake claim as town ever, but in this setup which is open and we can see the roles, I'm struggling to come up with a reason to fake claim. The last newbie game I played in had someone fake claim as mason, and the players reactions revealed who the real cop was, and they died night 1.
In post 13, TistDaniel wrote:Since this is a newbie game, there's a good chance that a new player has gotten a power role they've never had before, and don't know how to play. It benefits town if all town players know how to play their roles. So could the more experienced players talk for a bit about how the power roles should be played, strategy for using the powers, when it's appropriate to claim, etc?
Cop: either check people who you suspect or who are middling in your reads/hard to sort, or who have low content
Tracker: same but your action isn't 100% clearing and it's more of a toss-up
Doctor: protect players who seem likely to die by play or by claiming a role
Jailkeeper: you can do the same as with Doctor, or you can try to roleblock the kill. Keep in mind that this role roleblocks town prs if used to protect
Friendly Neighbor: Try to target someone you think is town and who isn't likely to die
Mason: avoid looking suspicious since you have extra knowledge so you don't have to claim early
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Post Post #17 (isolation #1) » Thu Feb 17, 2022 2:01 am

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 15, TistDaniel wrote:Dunnstral, I know mafia can narrow it down to three possible setups. If we have a cop, we're either in A1 or C1. Mafia knows only whether we're in A or C. Both A and C can be masons, which is why I suggested that the cop fake claim as mason. From Mafia's perspective, that is a plausible claim. From the doctor's perspective, it is not, but mafia have no reason not to believe it. And if the doctor knows not to counterclaim until late the following day (or there is no doctor), town power roles are safe, and the cop gets a scan they otherwise wouldn't have gotten.

Thank you for your advice for power roles. Follow up questions:

Should cop claim the instant they detect scum, or should they try to find the second scum role?

Should doctor/jailkeeper claim if they believe they've prevented a night kill?
The most straightforward approach to cop is to "soft" claim your info if it is an innocent so that people can look back at your posts and find your result, and to hard claim when you find mafia

Doctor should not claim when they've prevented a kill, jailkeeper should only claim if they believe they've roleblocked the kill. Unless either person is close to being eliminated
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Post Post #65 (isolation #2) » Thu Feb 17, 2022 2:02 pm

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 60, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Dunnstral
You gonna be more readable this game buddy?

Oh and for context. Dunnstral is one of those players that don’t react very strongly to any sort of pressure, which makes them hard to sort. So i expect that my vote there won’t do much. But it is an good starting point while there’s not much else to go on.
I'm not going out of my way to be unreadable
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Post Post #67 (isolation #3) » Thu Feb 17, 2022 2:13 pm

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 62, ProgoWoshua wrote:
In post 61, NorwegianboyEE wrote:ProgoWoshua you gonna come in?
Don’t be shy! Come and say hi!
I’ve got tea and crackers setting up on the fly.
I'm a little busy right now. But I pretend to respond to Daniel's strategy soon.
You mean this? I'm not sure why they said pretend, I assume they are joking.
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Post Post #82 (isolation #4) » Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:09 pm

Post by Dunnstral »

I don't think consciousness of guilt is the right terminology for what is being accused of being a slip, it seems to be something different
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Post Post #137 (isolation #5) » Fri Feb 18, 2022 5:15 am

Post by Dunnstral »

Yeah, I like Tistdaniel for town
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Post Post #139 (isolation #6) » Fri Feb 18, 2022 5:27 am

Post by Dunnstral »

I didn't assume it was a language error, I thought they were being playful. I didn't see it as a slip though.
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Post Post #142 (isolation #7) » Fri Feb 18, 2022 5:32 am

Post by Dunnstral »


If you mean NorwegianboyEE's 135, I'm fairly certain that the game is completed. We can't talk about ongoing games on this site either.
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Post Post #150 (isolation #8) » Fri Feb 18, 2022 6:52 am

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 148, TistDaniel wrote:I asked (15) if cop should claim the instant they detect scum, or wait to find the second scum. (I personally was thinking that cop should claim immediately after detecting scum, since that's vitally important information for town to have, and there's a 50% chance there will be a doctor to protect cop.) Dunnstral never actually answered this question instead talking (17) about how cop shouldn't claim when they *haven't* found any scum yet. Could just have skimmed over my post and misunderstood.
I said:
In post 17, Dunnstral wrote:
In post 15, TistDaniel wrote:Dunnstral, I know mafia can narrow it down to three possible setups. If we have a cop, we're either in A1 or C1. Mafia knows only whether we're in A or C. Both A and C can be masons, which is why I suggested that the cop fake claim as mason. From Mafia's perspective, that is a plausible claim. From the doctor's perspective, it is not, but mafia have no reason not to believe it. And if the doctor knows not to counterclaim until late the following day (or there is no doctor), town power roles are safe, and the cop gets a scan they otherwise wouldn't have gotten.

Thank you for your advice for power roles. Follow up questions:

Should cop claim the instant they detect scum, or should they try to find the second scum role?

Should doctor/jailkeeper claim if they believe they've prevented a night kill?
The most straightforward approach to cop is to "soft" claim your info if it is an innocent so that people can look back at your posts and find your result,
and to hard claim when you find mafia

Doctor should not claim when they've prevented a kill, jailkeeper should only claim if they believe they've roleblocked the kill. Unless either person is close to being eliminated
The bolded is me saying that the cop should claim if they have a guilty result
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Post Post #226 (isolation #9) » Sat Feb 19, 2022 10:24 pm

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 206, TistDaniel wrote:Dunnstral: what's your strategy for finding scum?
In post 213, TistDaniel wrote:Auto: Ok, I can see what you mean. If I'm looking for wishy-washy opinions as scum, and I say so, of course scum are going to make an effort to seem less wishy-washy in response to that.

I suppose what I should say is Dunnstral: will you be doing any questioning? Will you be putting any pressure with your vote? Are you going to do vote count analysis? Or are you just going to sit quietly and hope that someone does something scummy?
In post 214, NorwegianboyEE wrote:My belief is that Dunnstral is going to sit very quietly and not do much of anything.
But hey, open to being proved wrong.
ofmercia wrote:
In post 221, fwogcarf wrote:VOTE: Dunnstral activity read

also seems like volume tells will not work in this game

thank god honestly
I don't have a special strategy, I will push for an elimination based on who I townread and who I don't. When I think somebody is suspicious I like to case them and point to why.

I think he's lurking as town waiting for something.
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Post Post #238 (isolation #10) » Sun Feb 20, 2022 1:56 am

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 227, ofmercia wrote:Lol fix that post. I definitely didn't post that.
Not sure how that happened, I hit quote from detailed preview

Tist you definitely go above and beyond