Open 809: Charge Me Up! [Over]

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Post Post #2657 (isolation #200) » Thu May 13, 2021 9:47 am

Post by VFP »

Let's just see what the claims are
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Post Post #2690 (isolation #201) » Thu May 13, 2021 7:59 pm

Post by VFP »

Dragon seems like a solid town to me.
Andante should never be the lim. And if scum we should just lose anyway.

So the reason for the role claims is because I believed all 3 scum have a power.
Without going into what was picked and who was picked etc scum will want to secure roles.

Securing Jailor, Watcher, and Tracker over Doc makes much more sense. These roles are more investigative.

I think scum thought Dk was a PR and thats why ND claimed it to play off Redirector.
VT flip just kinda screws that plan all the time.

Otherwise, if Robert is town, then ND 100% makes that kill and yessireee is a goon here (or maybe even a PR...)
Then tries to pull off a tracker result of ND to be a Watcher with a guilty. Or maybe still the above, but I still think ND always makes the kill here.

And as I'm thinking while typing, I think scum go for Redirector more than Tracker.
I think yessiree is the lim today.
Yessiree basically saying what scum thoughts are in because on knowing them. Trying to gain town cred for pointing this out!
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Post Post #2692 (isolation #202) » Thu May 13, 2021 10:53 pm

Post by VFP »

Yeah I had to go to work and was in a rush. :(
I'll gather my thoughts over it when I finish though.
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Post Post #2695 (isolation #203) » Fri May 14, 2021 4:05 am

Post by VFP »

In post 2693, Andante wrote:I started voicing doubt
Wtf Andante.
We were friends!
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Post Post #2699 (isolation #204) » Fri May 14, 2021 4:07 am

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I'll most likely sheep Andante.
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Post Post #2703 (isolation #205) » Fri May 14, 2021 5:13 am

Post by VFP »

VOTE: Robert

I'm just going to trust Andante here and vote where ever she is voting.
I think even if it were me and Andante the only 2 alive and I was a double voter, I'd probably self vote as a deep wolf.
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Post Post #2710 (isolation #206) » Fri May 14, 2021 5:39 am

Post by VFP »

Ha! Me and Andante were scum all along :)
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Post Post #2716 (isolation #207) » Fri May 14, 2021 5:57 am

Post by VFP »

Thanks Raya for flipping A50 and ND as scum for us:)
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Post Post #2733 (isolation #208) » Fri May 14, 2021 10:46 am

Post by VFP »

Thanks Raya for moddiong.

GG town and nice try scum!
So I really wanted to discuss why scum probably had 3 powers but I didn't want to risk breaking the rules or being in a grey area.
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Post Post #2763 (isolation #209) » Fri May 14, 2021 9:51 pm

Post by VFP »

In post 2762, DkKoba wrote:No, math and i caught them 2 day phases before yall just couldnt bother to read
Well, more Math than you.
Math played well.

I'm still unsure to why ND made the 1v1 there.
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Post Post #2765 (isolation #210) » Fri May 14, 2021 10:00 pm

Post by VFP »

In post 2744, Raya36 wrote:Maybe there needs to be a clearer rule set of what can be discussed instead of just strictly nothing. Strict no claiming of your target or role choice. But setup spec should still be an option
I don't think the rule was bad, and to be honest what I wanted to discuss I don't think would have really broken it, but may have been a gateway to discussion.
Keeping a decent line is always good to prevent game break.

It's a good game type though I enjoyed it.
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Post Post #2768 (isolation #211) » Fri May 14, 2021 10:55 pm

Post by VFP »

But the above was basically what every said.
I said all game Robert was scum.
I said early that ND was scum.

At this point of saying who is scum was a pretty low scum pool as available anyway. I mean, you even wanted to try and push focus towards me as scum The day of your lim as well so there's that. You most likely said majority names or leant a way to keep them available lims (from looking outside) on your last day.
If your reads were consistent I'd be me obliged to follow.
In post 2566, DkKoba wrote:i think out of spite i wanna mark the legacy PoE as Robert>Andante>VFP
I could probably go through a huge list of posts to show why I wasn't wanting to listen to you this game (I even stated this day 1 or 2).
When you're putting Andante in the PoE here, I'm never taking you seriously.
Andante should never have been there.
Thats just my opinion though.
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Post Post #2777 (isolation #212) » Sat May 15, 2021 12:26 am

Post by VFP »

In post 2772, DkKoba wrote:I get we won, but I was very blatantly town over NDmath and it was extremely embarrassing to see that I was limmed. I don't want players to repeat a mistake like this.
I didn't see you as blatantly town.
I get you are going to be bias here because its a read you want people to have on you but just to sum it up, you didn't town lock yourself and you were never in a position for town to ever go "we never lim Dk".

I read your last day and I clearly stated I was happy to lose a VT in the 1v1 if wrong.
The reason those claims should be considered more is because they do not work in scum favour to pull off (as proved this game).

I'm not saying you played badly. I'm saying there were questionable views you took that didn't convince me to just go "Oh Dk is right!"
But if you want to refuse that this is true and are going to accept 0 criticism, I'm not sure that there's any point to continue this conversation and instead I'll just go along with what you want and say "nice work Dk, you won it for us! I promise to never question or ignore your reads in future".
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Post Post #2782 (isolation #213) » Sat May 15, 2021 9:00 am

Post by VFP »

In post 2781, DkKoba wrote:You voted me over being put in PoE just admit it.
Okay, Dk :lol:
I'm not going to have a back and fourth argument here so I'm just going to say you're right and I'm wrong.