OK as mentioned - been busy. I will be around more.. super pinky promise. Please see below for the annoying re-reads list that no one cares about:
the worst - Towniest player so far imo. Asking good questions, pointing out mistakes, not over tunneling.
Mathdino - Town read for now. Maria thing pending. I am actually assuming if one flips skum they are both skum - argument seemed almost staged tbh. Outside of that one bit, the rest of his play seems null-towny.
Nauci - Towny I guess for pushing the IC. then disappeared.
Beefster - I want to say skum for not knowing I was even in the game
but no. completely null at this point, just a string of reads lists.
Thor665 - Skum. Post 108. Asks for a player to explain how voting Town can be beneficial.. etc... go read it. Point to be taken - Town doesn't know who town is. So voting a town read from a town perspective generates action and is absolutely useful without even an arguable doubt. But a skum player would find no value in voting for town because they already know who is town and who is skum.
brassherald - null town. jumping off wagon is towny. not pushing reads before comfy feels towny.
Espeonage - talks with too much emotional investment for me to decipher anything so far really. Points about the IC are goodish. Also could be an attempt to put the ic off their game and force them to play in a way they are uncomfortable with. Still, overall towny.
MariaR - null. Opinion very much changes if Math flips.
Wisdom - Town. mostly gut, but also the timing of votes and interactions.
Judge Joseph Dredd - null
jmo16mla - soul reading for town... just a gut feeling.