Is this a joke?In post 249, WhemeStar wrote:Im claming masons with mylo
Because I don't see why you'd randomly claim that...
Is this a joke?In post 249, WhemeStar wrote:Im claming masons with mylo
SO YOU GUYS JOIN MY ALL TOWN PARTYIn post 250, mutantdevle wrote:In post 249, WhemeStar wrote:
Im claming masons with mylo
Is this a joke?
Because I don't see why you'd randomly claim that...
In post 249, WhemeStar wrote:Im claming masons with myloIs this a joke? Because I don't see why you'd randomly claim that...
If you're gonna fakeclaim mason at least do it with a townieIn post 249, WhemeStar wrote:Im claming masons with mylo
no he's being dead seriousIn post 250, mutantdevle wrote:Is this a joke?In post 249, WhemeStar wrote:Im claming masons with mylo
Because I don't see why you'd randomly claim that...
I do not remember that game.In post 255, Ausuka wrote:There is roughly a 0.01% chance this is a real claim lol. Wheme did something similar the last game I played with him.
Ergo ... Don't doubt me on thisIn post 237, Tazaro wrote:In pursuance to this, I **In post 71, Tazaro wrote:We could always do unofficial voting for whom to "remove" and that could be taken as disqualifying a person as a nominee for president, if I am not mistaken?
So that was a post to make sure I post before I go for some hours (I say that so don't post at me thinking I'll reply very soon), but really we should do this^Disqualify** Whemestar. Whom do you wish to disqualify, If I may ask of our good fellow people? post 256, WhemeStar wrote:I do not remember that game.In post 255, Ausuka wrote:There is roughly a 0.01% chance this is a real claim lol. Wheme did something similar the last game I played with him.
What scum motivation do you believe scum!Wheme has for what he's doing?In post 257, Tazaro wrote:.... Ergo ....Ergo ... Don't doubt me on thisIn post 237, Tazaro wrote:In pursuance to this, I **In post 71, Tazaro wrote:We could always do unofficial voting for whom to "remove" and that could be taken as disqualifying a person as a nominee for president, if I am not mistaken?
So that was a post to make sure I post before I go for some hours (I say that so don't post at me thinking I'll reply very soon), but really we should do this^Disqualify** Whemestar. Whom do you wish to disqualify, If I may ask of our good fellow people?
Bold join shit posting partyIn post 264, Firebringer wrote:How do I join whemestar party
In post 120, mutantdevle wrote:First of all,@everyoneplease provide a list of everyone on this player list and specify if {You've never played with them before | You've played with them once | You've played with them multiple times | You've hosted a game they were in}
In post 117, mutantdevle wrote:@Aronis, would you say that your own reads are typically bad?
Because I'm bad at reading players.
I'm pretty sure Nico is bad at reading players.
So if you are also typically bad with your reads, then I think we found the reason for why us 3 are in central park.
And that would tell us that scum is more likely to be within the players that know the 3 of us.
In post 269, mutantdevle wrote:
In post 269, mutantdevle wrote:
The only person I am familiar with from another game I know of here is Wraith.In post 269, mutantdevle wrote:
Forcing everyone to join a party or create their own gives us more information and hopefully get the game moving in a meaningful way. (Though, keeping the game moving is less of an issue for larges.)Mutantdevle wrote:Umm, why?
Yeah, I kinda figured as such......Fighting Dreamers (The Worst) wrote:1-9 a few of the issues you took with Ruby there can be directly attributed to her personality & overconfident playstyle, as well as team mafia memes.
I had no idea who you were when I signed up, so the answer to that is no. It was your first post that biased me against you.Ruby Red wrote:numbers did you start off wanting to scumread me and then come up with reasons or something
it seems like you have some sort of preconceived bias
My issue with you was probably well explained in 198, so I'll defer you to that. As far as reading fake, well, that's your opinion...Ruby Red wrote:like what is your fucking problem with me and how do you already trust worst and simyk that much
it reads as fake tbh because i can't believe someone would actually have that reaction
I figure that I'll be able to read SIMYK in due time. Besides, they are probably one of the stronger town players, so they'll likely get off'd fairly early in the game whereas I probably won't. And again, if they aren't killed, then I figure I'll be able to read them before LyLo.Ruby Red wrote:especially coming after simyk just snowed you as scum in 724 you need to explain that shit
Clarify what you mean by "and generally use president power in a VI way". As far as I'm aware, VI generally stands for Village Idiot here, and I don't think that's what you mean.Ausuka wrote: What I meant by "competent" wasn't "decent townplay and decent reads" just "will not make a hero shot on obvious town and generally use president power in a VI way" so that means we can elect Mylo or me too. And that's just the townies that are obvious via meta
I honestly don't get that impression.WhemeStar wrote:Fighting Dreams is trying WAY TO HARD to be town
Which party sent this post? Was it poop posting party?Party post through proxy of jjh927 wrote:DO YOU LIKE PUZZLES?
Do you like gaining PRs as the game goes on rather than losing them?
Did you send 222? I don't see the connection to your party ideals, but whatever...Mutantdevle wrote:I mean, clearly no one wants to join my party. And I get to use this ability every 36 hours. With nothing else to say, why not?
I don't think there is a mechanic related to the crier ability. I feel like it is just an additional way for parties to try to recruit people.Ausuka wrote:I would be very, very surprised if there is no mechanic related to the crier ability considering that we can post policies ourselves and it feels like the mechanic would just have no purpose unless there were PRs involved. One thing that's crossed my mind is a cop/lie detector role- I thought about this a bit earlier which is why I put the "my alignment is x" in the crier formatting post. Another possible role is a sort of assassin based on crier posts? but I don't know exactly how that would work and I don't think there's a way to use it unlike the lie detector thing.
(I don't like this post.)Tazaro wrote:^But Whemestar is evil whether intentionally or not