Open 738: Purgatory | LA FIN
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- Eragon
Eragon Mafia Scum
- Eragon
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wheeeee i still have 45 research cards due friday BYEEEEEEEEEShow"follow your heart but take your brain with you"
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Get to know a Dark Shadow! LabRat01
- LabRat01
- LabRat01
- Keyser Söze
Keyser Söze Jack of All Trades
- Keyser Söze
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- volxen
volxen Mafia Scum
- volxen
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Wait, you still have doubts about Eragon being town?In post 2329, Keyser Söze wrote:Today for me is about solidifying my read on Eragon. That’s the game clincher here.
If he’s town, we’ve won.
Won’t be online til end of Friday. May pop in here and there until then. Sorry people x- LabRat01
LabRat01 Goon
- LabRat01
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tbh agree with that, that's p much a I0ck-t0wn read f0r me
if y0u want fresh stuff, just I00k at Erag0n's read pr0gressi0n in the Iast 2 pages and the way he answered my requests t0 quick-Iynch v0Ixen
At first he said that he thinks v0Ix is the m0st IikeIy 0ne t0 fIip scum and he d0esn't mind v0ting him, yet he didn't v0te and just f0cused 0n finding aII 0f th0se weak and undependabIe interacti0ns in Irre's IS0
then Iater 0n, when I enc0uraged him t0 v0te again, he refused, "because he wanted t0 anaIyze stuff f0r a bit I0nger", which feIt Iike he Iegit did intend t0 get s0me inf0 0ut 0f what he was d0ing
I find it rather unIikeIy that he'd be s0 set 0n g0ing thr0ugh aII 0f th0se p0sts when:
1- m0st 0f them were 0bvi0usIy undependabIe and REAIIY easy t0 fake, s0 unIess he'd suddenIy start finding reaIIy imp0rtant interacti0ns, his wh0Ie eff0rt w0uId m0st pr0b g0 t0 waste
2- IiteraIIy every0ne is TRing him rn and by 0ffering t0 quickIynch v0Ix rn, I was basicaIIy giving scum!erag0n an 0pp0rtunity t0 get quickIynched t0 heaven with0ut having t0 d0 much
3- Era v0ting v0Ix after I asked him t0 d0 it w0uId be 0k with his reads and if v0Ix fIipped t0wn, the wh0Ie bIame w0uId pr0b g0 0n me anyways
4- Erag0n said that he's busy and trying t0 retire fr0m FM, s0 he w0uIdn't even need t0 d0 anything s0 unrewarding/weak and time-c0nsuming f0r pe0pIe t0 keep TRing him. He w0uId be perfectIy fine with just writing sh0rt reads, faking s0me pushes and then pretending that he has t0 d0 0ther stuff and pe0pIe w0uId stiII have m0st IikeIy TR him
Erag0n being s0 set 0n I00king thr0ugh the scums' IS0s and anaIyzing abs0IuteIy everything feeIs very t0wn-m0tivatedIn post 2294, Eragon wrote:
im not against itIn post 2292, LabRat01 wrote:Hi Erag0n, wanna wag0n v0Ix with me? I can thr0w in s0me memes as a c0mpensati0n
Ego-wise i want Volxen to flip town and you to be the scum because that means i was only hard-wrong on one read this game
Spoiler:and c'm0n, just I00k at this sad face
Iike, I d0n't kn0w if I can even expIain it pr0erIy, but everything he did rn makes s0 much sense c0ming fr0m t0wn p0v im0- LabRat01
LabRat01 Goon
- LabRat01
- Goon
- Goon
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and v0te v0Ixen pIease
7d phases are reIativeIy sh0rt 0n this site, but it's abs0IuteIy en0ugh t0 get a read 0n just 1 pIayer [if we even need t0 d0 it)
y0u can as weII d0 it in the heaven phase
d0n't Iet this game r0t
Ima0, if y0u want t0, I c0uId even heIp with making a s0Iid read 0n erag0n Iater. but sweet g0d just f0cus 0n what y0u need t0 d0 n0w, y0u're 0bvi0usIy n0t m0tivated, I'm n0t m0tivated and n0 0ne is even m0tivated here, maybe except erag0n, s0 if y0u d0nt need t0 waste any0ne's time, just pIease d0n't
just. v0te. v0Ixen. and. get. it. 0ver. with.
it's reaIIy IikeIy t0 end the game, s0 pIeaaase just c0mpIy
0r if y0u disagree, then taIk t0 me ab0ut v0Ixen, THAT'S WHAT WE SH0UID BE D0ING RN- LabRat01
- Keyser Söze
Keyser Söze Jack of All Trades
- Keyser Söze
- Jack of All Trades
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He’s my #1 town read.In post 2330, volxen wrote:
Wait, you still have doubts about Eragon being town?In post 2329, Keyser Söze wrote:Today for me is about solidifying my read on Eragon. That’s the game clincher here.
If he’s town, we’ve won.
Won’t be online til end of Friday. May pop in here and there until then. Sorry people x
It’s all about tomorrow’s heaven phase (thinking long term).- Keyser Söze
Keyser Söze Jack of All Trades
- Keyser Söze
- Jack of All Trades
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Please don’t do this again. Ever.In post 2332, LabRat01 wrote:y0u're 0bvi0usIy n0t m0tivated
Please respect my due diligence in scrutinising my read on Eragon.
The amount of time I have put into this game I want to win it.
I will hammer Volxen in my OWN time.
Thank you- LabRat01
LabRat01 Goon
- LabRat01
- Goon
- Goon
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S0rry, it wasn’t meant t0 be an insuIt.In post 2335, Keyser Söze wrote:
Please don’t do this again. Ever.In post 2332, LabRat01 wrote:y0u're 0bvi0usIy n0t m0tivated
Please respect my due diligence in scrutinising my read on Eragon.
The amount of time I have put into this game I want to win it.
I will hammer Volxen in my OWN time.
Thank you
If y0u reaIIy beIieve that y0u need the time t0 get better reads, then tbh 0k
I think I d0n’t agree with y0u here, but it’s n0t Iike every pIayer is the same, s0 I might n0t even be abIe t0 teII
Anyways, I didn’t mean t0 be rude
Fr0m what I’ve seen IateIy n0t a I0t is happening in the game. The heaven phase was c0mpIeteIy dead untiI near E0D, where it g0t sIightIy m0re active
And n0w pe0pIe seem t0 be f0cusing 0n p0Iishing their reads, which is usuaIIy g00d, but if made int0 the main p0int 0f the game with0ut any s0rt 0f time pressure 0r the need t0 act 0n the reads, it usuaIIy just ends in making the game resembIe a ch0re m0re than a h0bby, which in turn is very IikeIy t0 just make the pIayers dem0tivated and the game dead
I d0n’t want it happening here and tbh fr0m what I’m seeing, it kinda seems Iike the game is g0ing d0wn this way
If y0u skip thr0ugh the Iatest few pages at Ieast haIf 0f the t0taI p0sts is mine, which is Iike reaIIy pitifuI f0r that number 0f pIayers
Idk. The stuff I wr0te ab0ut here sure d0 w0rk that way f0r me and if it’s reaIIy g0nna g0 that way then tbh I’d just prefer t0 get it 0ver with, s0 that I can at Ieast kn0w it there’s even a reas0n t0 w0rk myseIf hard anym0re
s0rry if the p0st makes n0 sense, I'm in a hurry and w0n't be abIe t0 edit it rn- LabRat01
- LabRat01
- Eragon
Eragon Mafia Scum
- Eragon
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Show"follow your heart but take your brain with you"
"Get away... from me...!"
Get to know a Dark Shadow! LabRat01
LabRat01 Goon
- LabRat01
- Goon
- Goon
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mine t00, I have a fake, pIasticine 0ne attached instead s0 that n0 0ne n0tices the difference
- LabRat01
- LabRat01
LabRat01 Goon
- LabRat01
- Goon
- Goon
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- LabRat01
LabRat01 Goon
- LabRat01
- Goon
- Goon
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- LabRat01
LabRat01 Goon
- LabRat01
- Goon
- Goon
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the way pe0pIe are g0ing 0n ab0ut the game rn wiII just make it stagnate
I0I, the game is aIready in stagnati0n, s0 if this reaIIy c0ntinues, idek h0w much w0rse can it get?
and tbh taIking ab0ut the next phase Iynches d0esn't even I00k that appeaIing t0 me
it might be just a big waste 0f time and even if it isn't, whatever if y0u discuss stuff "bef0re the Iynch" 0r "when y0u have t0 d0 it", d0es actuaIIy make a difference im0
the discussi0n is much purer and m0re pe0pIe actuaIIy care
if y0u get aII the arguments f0r y0ur 0ther reads n0w and paste them when pe0pIe think V0Ix is scum, pe0pIe wiII m0st pr0b end up caring Iess than if y0u pasted it when they kn0w that it actuaIIy matters
Iike, it's n0t that IikeIy t0 even create a discussi0n rn and if we use the time n0w t0 d0 it n0w, then what d0 y0u think wiII happen in the heaven phase?
idk, I reaIIy hate where the game seems t0 be g0ing rn and I think it w0uId be a g00d idea t0 at Ieast try t0 d0 sth ab0ut it- Eragon
Eragon Mafia Scum
- Eragon
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Give me the weekend to read through at leastIn post 2342, LabRat01 wrote:are y0u sure y0u d0n't want t0 v0te v0Ixen?
I can wait tiII he makes his case 0n me and any0ne eIse he wants t0, but this is reaIIy n0t g0ing anywhereShow"follow your heart but take your brain with you"
"Get away... from me...!"
Get to know a Dark Shadow! Eragon
Eragon Mafia Scum
- Eragon
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Btw I don’t feel wolf!labrat would talk about quicklynching (even if it’s to help the gamestate) when he is likely the next lynch after volxen ig volxen were to flip town.
Also just wolves want stagnate, so it could be LAMIST but it feels genuine to meShow"follow your heart but take your brain with you"
"Get away... from me...!"
Get to know a Dark Shadow! Eragon
Eragon Mafia Scum
- Eragon
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Oh sorry mines metalIn post 2340, LabRat01 wrote:mine t00, I have a fake, pIasticine 0ne attached instead s0 that n0 0ne n0tices the difference
Show"follow your heart but take your brain with you"
"Get away... from me...!"
Get to know a Dark Shadow! Eragon
Eragon Mafia Scum
- Eragon
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(Oh also quicklynching is a terrible way of LAMIST-ing, so there’s that tooShow"follow your heart but take your brain with you"
"Get away... from me...!"
Get to know a Dark Shadow! LabRat01
LabRat01 Goon
- LabRat01
- Goon
- Goon
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- Joined: November 5, 2018
thxIn post 2345, Eragon wrote:
Give me the weekend to read through at leastIn post 2342, LabRat01 wrote:are y0u sure y0u d0n't want t0 v0te v0Ixen?
I can wait tiII he makes his case 0n me and any0ne eIse he wants t0, but this is reaIIy n0t g0ing anywhere - LabRat01
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- Eragon
- Eragon
- Eragon
- Eragon
- LabRat01
- LabRat01
- LabRat01
- LabRat01
- Eragon
- LabRat01
- Keyser Söze
- Keyser Söze
- LabRat01
- LabRat01
- volxen
- Keyser Söze
- Eragon