In post 80, LabRat01 wrote:In post 16, Aronis wrote:I hard claim some kind of Innocent Child/Mason combination. I would rather not go into the conditions and restrictions though.
Spoiler:Btw, rather earIy on, but I kinda Iiked Aronis’s tone in his first postsIn post 25, Aronis wrote:If you dont believe me- allow me to prove my townieness by getting this pagetop!
In post 81, LabRat01 wrote:Eragon is,,, probabIy fine as weII
or at Ieast for the time being xd
It’s probabIy not AI, but seeing him meme hard aIways gives me good feeIings
In post 82, LabRat01 wrote:And tbh I was thinking of shitting on duck, cuz I didn’t remember anything from him except those weak-ish, yet intense pushes, but now that I Iook at his posts, he wasn’t so infIexibIe with them after aII
In post 83, LabRat01 wrote:VOTE: moment
Bad vote
feeIs a bit Iacking as for pressure and I don’t remember Moment trying to interact with anyone in any other post
I mean, if they reaIIy care about generating content, they shouId try a bit harder imo
setup discussion obviousIy doesn’t count
In post 84, LabRat01 wrote:actuaIIy, same here, but that vote was a bit better, cuz it diiiiiiiiid kinda make the wagon Iook more "serious"
or Iike, uh, big enough
or idk
If I'm right with it being pressure, what do you think of eragon's posts so far? and did any other pIayer catch your eye in any way?
In post 85, LabRat01 wrote:Ewpop
why can't I edit posts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
grammar is not my strong suit
In post 86, LabRat01 wrote:pew pew pew!
In post 87, LabRat01 wrote:
In post 88, LabRat01 wrote:someone taIk to me
In post 89, LabRat01 wrote:I haven't pIayed for at Ieast a month, IoI xd
FM, I missed u
my onIy true Iove
In post 91, LabRat01 wrote:then why did you vote?In post 90, Vedith wrote:It has nothing to do with pressure, at least on Eragon. From what I've seen, a 4th vote won't give me any different reaction to the 2nd or 3rd.In post 84, LabRat01 wrote:If I'm right with it being pressure, what do you think of eragon's posts so far? and did any other pIayer catch your eye in any way?
and Iike, the vote did make the wagon,,, bigger
being at I-2 feeIs way different from being at I-1, so it shouId in theory make the game "more serious"
In post 105, LabRat01 wrote:h0nestIy? yeahIn post 102, Vedith wrote:So would you be for the current wagon ending to go to Moment?In post 100, LabRat01 wrote:I can’t say that my read is a str0ng 0ne 0r anything, but as f0r n0w I reaIIy w0uIdn’t mind a wag0n f0rming there
In post 106, LabRat01 wrote:I d0n't see any reas0ns f0r wag0ning erag0n and my wag0n at Ieast has a sIight bit 0f reas0ning behind itIn post 105, LabRat01 wrote:h0nestIy? yeahIn post 102, Vedith wrote:So would you be for the current wagon ending to go to Moment?In post 100, LabRat01 wrote:I can’t say that my read is a str0ng 0ne 0r anything, but as f0r n0w I reaIIy w0uIdn’t mind a wag0n f0rming there
In post 107, LabRat01 wrote:ab0ut an h0ur xDIn post 104, Eragon wrote:Holy hell how much time did you spend editing this lmfaoIn post 78, LabRat01 wrote:>:(In post 68, Eragon wrote:Shouldn’t it be eaten by a duck?
kids these days
maybe a bit Iess
are you kidding me?In post 108, LabRat01 wrote:I was b0red, 0k xd
the amount of spam here is unreal. Stop. Everybody needs to take a chill pill.