Eggs, Vanilla Townie, survives and wins!
teacher, Vanilla Townie, survives and wins!
Flavour Leaf, Vanilla Townie, wins posthumously!
Irrelephant11, Vanilla Townie, wins posthumously!
Trust your gut. You waffled a bit.In post 1079, Cinnamon wrote:If anyone has thoughts on my play I'd appreciate it! Good game everyone
Flaking for whatever reason is probably never really AI. You're conflating flaking and lurking; lurking is when you stick around and don't post. Flaking is when something outside the game, either loss of interest or forgetfulness or something else, disrupts your presence completely. Out of game factors = NAI. Cherry-picked and massaged statistics from a small sample set don't prove your point.In post 1082, teacher wrote:Cinnamon - I thought you played quite a strong game. One issue with how you play, that can work to your advantage but will get you suspected, is that you are guarded. I see you thinking through posts. Editing them. Worried about how they might be perceived Not just typing and sending. I think you could towntell more just by flowing.
The second piece of advice is to be more confident about your own reads. I felt like you got pushed by others views. Take others views into account, sure. But use them to adjust your confidence levels in your own views, rather than to chance what yours are.
This was truly a fun civil game. Thank you all.
@Pine, now that its not game-relevant, do you really think posting-flakes are the same as forgot-about-site flakes?
Whoops! true. I'm sure we'll run into each other again thoughIn post 1091, Menalque wrote:And, sadly, that schadd game does have an experience requirement, otherwise I’d be signing up
Must play games with Irrelephant for this kind of posts. Must.In post 1090, Irrelephant11 wrote:If y'all liked the small playerlist, but want a wide variety of setups - check out the Micro Queue, where all games are 9 players or less! Right now skygazer's Black Site is in signups - NOTE: It uses the Geriatric Ruleset, which limits how often you are allowed post, to allow for a slower game that is easier to keep up with.
It just so happens there's also a 9-player game in signups in the Normal Queue, where the setups are hidden but follow Official Normal Setup Guidelines. Sign up soon, it's filling fast!
And what a coincidence, there's a 9-player game in the Open Queue, where all setups are public information. Grey Flag Nightless makes small changes to some basic rules of mafia, and there are no power roles.
You are not required to have any number of finished games to join these or other queues, so check them out! If you want to play another game with me, the one game I'm in signups for is Schadd's Mystery Box of Silver 5, a large theme game with a heavy third party (alignments other than town or mafia) element. Schadd is notorious for making setups that are impossible to predict and that lead to gameplay that is equally unpredictable. It's a HUGE jump from the newbie queue, but it's never too early to get absolutely in over your head
Fakeclaiming as Town is rarely a good idea, especially in an Open setup. I respect the desire to employ anti-WIFOM, but in an Open Newbie it had a lot more potential to backfire.In post 1096, Voted wrote:I would have claimed tracker, not cop if I were to claim D2. Since there were 2 goons, I wouldn't get killed anyway.