In post 0, chkflip wrote:- Do not ask about roles, the setup, or if you should have received a PM.
Just gonna assume the mod's answer is a giant ASCII middle finger because he seems to be anti clarification.
I was going by your info on the roleblock, Zor, so if it's N3 that should be fixed. No idea if anyone else has claimed blocked, but I thought both you and BB claimed your actions failed last night and for some reason thought that was N2.
I am okay with wagons on any of {wooper/Ico/DEB/AF/Cyrus/EP} I don't particularly want to end the day just yet. I DO think mass flavorclaim shuts up a bunch of noise while giving us very little risk, as roles seem to be only vaguely connected to flavor.
Don't particularly want to lynch Elements, despite it likely being an SK. SK has to deal with both cult and scum so should be townsiding at this point and scum doesn't want to leave them alive because they're a source of kills that can target scum. It's probably self resolving. Besides, more bodies is good.
I also don't care about giving elements a pool to shoot from, because if they make a hilariously bad kill we just immediately lynch them so SK Elements is always going to at least shoot within the PoE.