While Captain the Furret and the Misdreavus were searching for Wooper, they ran into a Mudkip with several Squirtles around them.
The Misdreavus identified him immediately.
"Hamilton, whats your report sir?"
"The President should almost be here by now and all Squirtles are in position however we lost contact with one of our agents who was keeping an eye on the Weapons themselves. Would you happen to see them, they're a Squirtle that looks like a Ninja with body paint all over him?"
This caught the Furret's attention, mostly because this was the description of his friend.
The Furret walcs off
"H-Hey Wait up! Also no, we haven't, we have to make haste because one of agents as well went missing. They were a Wooper."
"I'll send a Squirtle after you if you find them." Hamilton, the Squirtle reaffirms and the Misdreavus tries to catch up to the Furret.
Just as the terrifying presence begun to make its attack on the Wooper, a scream was heard from the distance
"MY VOICE GIVES ME SUPER STRENGTH!" And just as it was announced, the wooper slowly turns around to find a man karate chopping a Nidrasil.
The attack was very effective against the Nidrasil and the Wooper just stood there, watching as the man defended the Wooper
"I can't let my citizens be endangered, because I am the President of the United States!" The man shouts.
Because the man was in fact, Tristan Taylor, the President of the United States.
This great shout wakes up the Squirtle from his unconcious state
"The Pressssssident?!?!?! Why are you here?" The Nidrasil asks in fear as they stare at their defeat.
"Where did you get your Weapons of Mass Destruction?"
"Sssssssssir sssssssome girl just gave them to usssssss and the way ssssssshe handed them ssssssuggested to ussssss that we had to ssssssell them otherwissse ssssshe would sssset them off. We don't even know how ssssssshe got them, ssssssshe just teleported them in."
"hmmm, I see. Are you working with the Vice President?"
"W-what, the Vice Pressssssident? No of courssse not."
The President then begins to assess the situation.
Meanwhile, the Wooper begun untieing his friend, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtle.
"Huh whats going on? Where am I?"
"woooooooooper!" The wooper finishes untieing the Ninja Squirtle.
"I have to report in" as the Squirtle reaches for his communications device, he realizes he doesn't have it on him.
"Here is what we're going to do. Squirtle, report back to your boss. The Nidrasil will sell the Weapons of Mass Destruction. We'll lure the Vice President in and set him up."
"Rodger" "Rodger" the Squirtle and Nidrasil reported into the President
"You little guy, you should get to safety"
"wooper =("
Gamma Emerald was aligned with the
He was Big Boss, the Nidrasil.
~ Role PM ~
The Bossssssss sendssssss hissssssss regardssssss
You are
Big Boss
, the Nidrasil and boss of the Loan Sneks.
With the help of other Orphyll and Buddy the Snek, your right hand man, you give out loans and make sure people pay them off. You also run the auction house. If people don't pay them off, then basically, you run the mafia. Due to the help of a really weird girl who claims to be the "Aspect of Twilight", you were instructed to sell these Weapons of Mass Destruction. How she was able to even teleport said Weapons of Mass Destruction to your hands is weird, but her very carefree attitude and mistreatment of the weapons tends to imply that you should probably do as she says. Seriously, the way she handled those weapons, they could have went off at any moment.
With the news of you having Weapons of Mass Destruction to sell, the world around you seems to be falling into chaos.
And today is the day you have to sell the Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Its gonna be a big day.
Hello! Today I, The Great Kinu, will be your auctioneer!
After we sell these items, we will begin the Auction for the big item at today's auction.
Anyhow, here is the items that are up for auction today!
Today's Auction!
Auction Detective
Choose another player. You will learn all of their bidding history from the previous day phase.
Send me a private message with an order to kill someone during a day phase. That player will die.
Choose another player. That player will be protected from the night kill and also unable to act.
Choose another player. You will be informed which players (if any) that player visited during the Night.
We have the bank statement from the CEO of Loads of Money for sale. I'm not sure why you would want to see his bank statement, but here you go.
Also we have a Growlithe. We can literally sell Pokemon, hey wait a minute? Isn't that Illegal?
Make sure to check out these pair of vintage handcuffs as well as this eraser!
This Eraser was cursed with the ability to erase one person off the face of the earth. It'll be like they never existed!
In post 2068, Ginngie wrote:@Chemist, I was reading back earlier and you said something about it not making sense for you to bid something as scum for like 501. I'm not clear on how that works at all.
If scum sniped the AD (which is likely) the person bidding on it at midday (me) is likely not scum since why would they snipe it from themselves
Shoutout to PJ and Nahdia for making my amazing new avi :)
Following the previous dozen pages that cropped up in the last 10 hours I would like to congratulate Ginngie for being drunk with distinction. - Vi
In post 2068, Ginngie wrote:@Chemist, I was reading back earlier and you said something about it not making sense for you to bid something as scum for like 501. I'm not clear on how that works at all.
If scum sniped the AD (which is likely) the person bidding on it at midday (me) is likely not scum since why would they snipe it from themselves
thats one of the dumbest reasons Ive read to try and clear yourself
If you had 800 dollars and you did 500
then you do 501 to claim 100% what is potentially a seriously threatening role and now you snagged an investigative/ cheap clears yourself that hold up on the surface.
I'm not seeing how you're cleared.
Shoutout to PJ and Nahdia for making my amazing new avi :)
Following the previous dozen pages that cropped up in the last 10 hours I would like to congratulate Ginngie for being drunk with distinction. - Vi