Mini 544/Mars 4 - Keyboard Mafia - Mod Abandoned

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Post Post #525 (ISO) » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:58 am

Post by eldarad »

Heh, funny how you all say you knew who the mafia were now that ryanjunk has revealed our role PMs 8-)

I was convinced SM was the SK. We also had a plausible fake RC that at least one of us could have used to avoid being lynched, short of a cop coming out with a guilty result.
This was the 'catchup post' I wrote for HackerHuck once we were able to talk to him (Night 3 I think). I think it is quite a good summary of where we were, as mafia:

Code: Select all

Well, that day could hardly have gone better
[quote="mod"]ZeekLTK, B, Backup Doctor, Lynched D2[/quote]
Welcome HackerHuck. Quick recap for you:

Night 1 we were defeated by the grey screen of death and didn't submit our kill choice in time. The mod selected SeraphicMirth as our target, and there was no kill.

Night 2 I used my investigative ability to see if F1 was in the game (it is, but then F1 was killed at night by us anyway...) and ryanjunk asked if S was in the game. I don't know the answer to that, ryanjunk can fill us in with that result.
We killed kabenon007.

Now you know those two results, that gives one of us a plausible fake RC (of flavour cop, or something along those lines) as we can confirm whether or not 2 keys are in the game (plus your answer once you get it), plus our own 3 keys if required. That gives us quite a lot to go on in terms of faking that role for the rest of the game if one of us needs to.

Here's my take on the game:
Peers - I believe his claim. That means he is the psychiatrist and will cure the SK if he targets him. He's probably the most dangerous townie in terms of finding us.
liamcool - I think he was clever enough not to reveal everything about his role, which gave me even more ammonition to attack Zeek with, and made my attacks on Zeek ring true. I think his role is either one-shot (so he is now a vanilla townie) or he is a jailkeeper (ie, he protects and roleblocks someone). He'll struggle to make anything stick on us tomorrow, especially if we successfully kill tonight.
SeraphicMirth - I think she is the SK. She has been pretty quiet, and has been keen not to antagonise people. Whenever she has attacked someone, she has backed down once they answered. It makes her look like she is scumhunting when she isn't. Since she isn't mafia, that makes her the SK or some townie power role. Either way, I think she should be our night kill tonight.
KradDrol - Very lurky, and hasn't committed too much. Isn't really a threat right now.
Angelmouse/ryan - I think she was bang on the money with her analysis so far (apart from the ZeekLTK part...), so she could be dangerous. She'd inheriting ryan's actions, so I will attack her on that. HackerHuck, you've pretty much locked yourself out from doing that by saying that ryan strikes you as townie. There's an opportunity there for you to defend Angelmouse/attack me as a way of creating some distance.
ryanjunk has gone very quiet. There is potential there for bussing if necessary, for example if liamcool really can stop all kills tonight. I also need to ask the mod what result ryanjunk got last night, in order for our fake flavour cop claim to work.

Any thoughts?
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Post Post #526 (ISO) » Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:18 am

Post by ZeekLTK »

eldarad wrote:Heh, funny how you all say you knew who the mafia were now that ryanjunk has revealed our role PMs 8-)
No. Within 7 posts of the next day starting, you and Hacker both voted for KradDrol - after spending all of the previous day attacking me for my attacks on KradDrol.

When people suddenly change their opinion of other people for no apparent reason it's usually a good scumtell, but for some reason a lot of people don't notice it.

I mean, maybe it was easier for me to spot because I was directly involved, but you spent all of Day 2 telling me I was wrong for attacking KradDrol, and then after I am mislynched you come out Day 3 and completely contradict yourselves by doing what you attacked me for doing (going after KradDrol, sometimes using the exact same attacks that I had used). I was disappointed none of the town really noticed it. :/
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Post Post #527 (ISO) » Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:18 am

Post by angelmouse »

Zeek I did spot this, but as I said before I kept quiet as i had the power to kill him that night and I didn't want to be an obvious target for him. At the time of me voting you I truely had you as scum (funny that cause I lynched you!) and when you turned up town I thought about your play on Krad. Then i noticed the push again for Krad on day 3 and where it was coming from, Eldarad primarily, who was your prime attacker on day 2. I also noticed when he wasn't hammered after the claim and I was more worried on the people on the waggon, Ryanjunk, SM and Eldarad. Now i come to think about it I should have been watching HH since he was the hammer in the whole operation, but I didn't see him at all. The whole 'No Lynch' Thing threw me off as I didn't have him pegged at all. I had him as cop. Now I think of it, that is why he pushed for a SK claim, ahhhhhh!

Eldarad played a very tight game though and I knew i would be taken to peices if I mounted a strike on him and I wouldn't have the back-up. I kind of got the impression in the game that most players kinda looked up to him and he wasn't someone to disagree with, well i thought that anyway so I stayed on his good side. He breadcrumbed well and was able to read deep into people and pick holes out of nothing, I mean he practically set your lynch up Zeek without looking like he did (that came with hindsite of knowning El was scum on a quick re-read, not game observations in real time). Out of ryan, SM & El, (my suspects), Sm looked like the easiest one to get the rest of the town in favour of voting which is why i went after her.

It was an interesting game, one of which I would have loved to have finished and I enjoyed the brief stint i had in it.
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Post Post #528 (ISO) » Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:19 am

Post by angelmouse »

Sorry double post.

Zeek can I ask why you lied abut you role? It's been bugging me.
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Post Post #529 (ISO) » Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:22 am

Post by SeraphicMirth »

Well Medicated was on my scum list way back, but I forgot about it. But, when HH came onto the scene he was just too "take control" and that rubbed me the wrong way - So, I jailkept HackerHuck last night but liamcool's power went through or whatever so there were no kills, so I couldn't really go "oh yeah, the mafia had no kill so I got the guy"

When I finally got time to re-read through the game on this day, I read my other bigger analysis post from earlier and remembered some things I had caught onto with Medicated. So, I looked further to continue that analysis with HackerHuck.

First night I kept Kabenon007, and that night no kills went through so I wasn't sure what happened but then when kab died and turned up town and liam claimed his role, then I could be reasonably sure that liam's role was real since I only kept a townie, not a mafia sending in a kill, and I didn't block anything that first night unless it was an attempt against Kab.

The 2nd night I kept KradDrol and 2 kills went through which meant KradDrol was not mafia, or was mafia but didn't send the kill through. So, when things were heavy on Kraddrol the first time, I gave more of the benefit of doubt. but, when it got heavy on him the most recent time I thought "welll maybe he's mafia and didn't put in the kill", and -truthfully, I was getting tired of the pace of the game and didn't really care :-/ oops

Eldarad was next on my list and next to jailkeep was because you just seemed a little too agreeable and smooth. Bad reasons perhaps but sometimes gut is good *shrug* lol

If liamcool used his ability tonight when I used mine, I wouldn't have found anything out. Also, if eldarad didn't carry out the kill, I wouldn't have known either. bah. :P

Anyway, it was fun while it lasted..good playing :)
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Post Post #530 (ISO) » Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:18 pm

Post by ZeekLTK »

angelmouse wrote:Sorry double post.

Zeek can I ask why you lied abut you role? It's been bugging me.
I figured if I claimed doctor I'd just be killed at night. I actually forgot about liamcool's claim (which would have meant I couldn't be nightkilled) when I claimed or I probably would have claimed my real role.

After I died I immediately realized that there were no cops or doctors in the game though. Hence the "bastard mod" - I was a backup doctor but there was no real doctor for me to replace. There was probably a backup cop too, but no cop. Hence the miller too (make it appear like you'll give a guilty, but if there is no one to investigate you that won't matter).

But I didn't figure all that out until after I was out. :/
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Post Post #531 (ISO) » Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:20 pm

Post by ZeekLTK »

Also I hoped that people would be afraid to vote for me if they thought I might be the bomb (and I tried to breadcrumb it, in that one post where I said "I could be useful if the mafia hammer me") hoping that even if I didn't claim they'd think I might be a bomb and not nightkill me.

Of course all this was under the assumption that I could become the doc and thus I wanted to not get NKed (or lynched, obviously). But then I realized after the fact there was no doctor. If I had figured that out sooner I probably would have played differently (or at least claimed differently).
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Post Post #532 (ISO) » Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:21 pm

Post by ZeekLTK »

*sorry for three posts in a row.

What I figured was: the mafia would know I'm not mafia, so they might believe my claim and therefore not hammer me.
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Post Post #533 (ISO) » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:10 pm

Post by HackerHuck »

I'm kind of lucky that this game died off. After things slowed down, I realised that I needed to scum hunt, but never got around to doing it. I was hoping that we would get to night a little quicker, but SM finally caught on. That's actually who I had pegged for our night kill, but Liam threw a wrench in the works.

As bad off as the town was, I think there was a good chance you guys could have pulled this off. There were enough "cleared" people that a scum lynch today probably would have set you up to pick off the remaining two, especially if there were no kills that night.
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Post Post #534 (ISO) » Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:45 am

Post by KradDrol »


Everyone knows your use. You take back letters that people typed. People wonder why this is. Some people think that you’re a kleptomaniac, that you like to take things and that it has affected your personality so much that you should be locked up for it. But you know what’s really going on. On the original keyboard, you had no purpose. Whenever you were hit, nothing happened. This made you feel really bad about yourself, so you started taking other characters from other keys. All of the sudden, single letters were missing. But that didn’t satisfy you. Words, sentences, even whole paragraphs went missing. Computer scientists didn’t like this, but using the miracles of computer science, they were able to harness that instinct for something useful to users. So now, you are forced to live a life of crime even though you have gotten over that a while ago. Sorry.

You are a vanilla townie. You have no special abilities other than your vote. You win when all the evil keys are dead.

The thread is here. Any post in the thread shall be considered confirmation of your role. Please make sure you read your role PM and all the rules. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
See, I read through most of that and thought to myself "cool, I get to be scum!". Then you get to the end and you're a vanilla townie. Does that make sense to anyone?
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Post Post #535 (ISO) » Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:07 am

Post by MeMe »

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