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Post Post #125 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:55 am

Post by midwaybear »

In post 122, innocentvillager wrote:do we know that there are exactly 3 scum? or is it merely probable

please don't read into this question from an alignment perspective I just want to know thanks
In post 123, innocentvillager wrote:^i would ask this as town or scum.
Does anyone else think this is sorta awkward?
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Post Post #126 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:01 am

Post by innocentvillager »

I just want to know what people's thoughts are on this, I don't have a good sense for closed game setup spec. But I've seen people ask this stuff multiple times in past games and it leads to some speculation about their alignment, so I wanted to acknowledge that I was conscious of this fact to make people read into it less. I hope me saying that doesn't make people read into it more -_-
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Post Post #127 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:23 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 125, midwaybear wrote:
In post 122, innocentvillager wrote:do we know that there are exactly 3 scum? or is it merely probable

please don't read into this question from an alignment perspective I just want to know thanks
In post 123, innocentvillager wrote:^i would ask this as town or scum.
Does anyone else think this is sorta awkward?
Sorry Umlaut, but happy birthday!
superficially yes, but:

A. It's innocentvillager, so it's NAI.
B. No obvious motivation to post this as scum.
C. I've only ever seen him in Open setups, so I buy the justification.

I would say it stands out to me more that you didn't make this observation when you first responded to the post, and instead answered the question at face value, and then returned 20 minutes later to throw that shade.
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Post Post #128 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:25 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 126, innocentvillager wrote:I just want to know what people's thoughts are on this, I don't have a good sense for closed game setup spec. But I've seen people ask this stuff multiple times in past games and it leads to some speculation about their alignment, so I wanted to acknowledge that I was conscious of this fact to make people read into it less. I hope me saying that doesn't make people read into it more -_-
thinking about this, I'm gonna say it's mildly town indicative, as you deliberately posted something for no reason which you knew might instigate speculation about your alignment.
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Post Post #129 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:28 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 111, Mafia Goon wrote:Why aren't you using any emojis, Battle Mage? I miss them. You make some good points on the bear - I know he's mislaunched frequently though so I'm gonna look at some meta first.
If I kill some scum, I'll post some emojis.

And yes that's fair, he was elimmed Day 1 in my only game with him. I remember him being less scummy there though.
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Post Post #130 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:30 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 117, CantHateAPuppy wrote:i really don't think blair's reaction shows anything at all and isn't worth dissecting like this
In post 118, Ydrasse wrote:i agree with the puppy.
Ydrasse - how come you didn't agree with me when I said that earlier?
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Post Post #131 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:35 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 114, midwaybear wrote:@Mafia Goon I'm apparently scummy as town and I believe that I am scummy as scum. I will be interested in how your meta dive works.
I don't think I considered you scummy in Newbie 2011, but from recollection you didn't claim at L-1, and I hammered you to avoid a deadline no-lynch.
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Post Post #132 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:38 am

Post by Nosferatu »

In post 77, Umlaut wrote:
Vote Count 1.2
(3): , ,
(2): ,
(2): ,

Not voting
(2): Nosferatu, Battle Mage

With 10 alive, it takes 6 votes to launch.

: (expired on 2020-08-04 23:30:00)

  • Seeking a replacement for Nosferatu.
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Post Post #133 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:45 am

Post by midwaybear »

In post 126, innocentvillager wrote:I just want to know what people's thoughts are on this, I don't have a good sense for closed game setup spec. But I've seen people ask this stuff multiple times in past games and it leads to some speculation about their alignment, so I wanted to acknowledge that I was conscious of this fact to make people read into it less. I hope me saying that doesn't make people read into it more -_-
Ok, that's fair. I'm a little interested why you thought there could be 3 scum because I am thinking there are 2.
In post 127, Battle Mage wrote:I would say it stands out to me more that you didn't make this observation when you first responded to the post, and instead answered the question at face value, and then returned 20 minutes later to throw that shade.
Meh, I think that is NAI. Both town and scum me would do it.
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Post Post #134 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:50 am

Post by Nosferatu »

In post 100, Blair wrote:Dunnstral put you at L-1, then a mere six minutes later, thought
"ehh, maybe not..."
then voted for Puppy instead, and made it look like an innocent opportunity to make a joke with Puppy username in the process. It felt a little too self conscious to me to be genuine.
lmfao who's the third?

VOTE: ready2rock
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Post Post #135 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:54 am

Post by Umlaut »

Vote Count 1.3
(3): , ,
(2): ,
(2): ,
Battle Mage

With 10 alive, it takes 6 votes to launch.

: (expired on 2020-08-04 23:30:00)

  • Nosferatu is keeping their slot (but incurring one prod since they did not post for 48 hours).
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Post Post #136 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:59 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 103, Dunnstral wrote:
In post 102, midwaybear wrote:I was thinking your strong reaction was based on him quickhammering/almost quickhammering me because he does that a lot as scum.
You acknowledging this makes your earlier arguing look weird
So what are you going to do about it? For the record, I am not scumreading you right now. I think you should address Blair's point though. What you did could be perceived as scummy self consciousness.
Translation: If you dare fking scumread me, I'm going to OMGUS the living shit out of you. Now don't look at me!
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 104, Battle Mage wrote:In any case, by your own admission, this wasn't an important topic anyway, so is your answer being lost a particularly bad thing?
I agree that me not answering is not very important, but I was just answering your question.
I'm not sure how this stacks up against your original attack on me for answering the question for you, where you suggested you were very worried about your answer being lost. Please can you remind me again why you're voting for me?
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 104, Battle Mage wrote:You've made it clear in your answer to C that me answering the question was constructive in enabling you to sort my slot
But I didn't...
Why are you lying about this?
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 104, Battle Mage wrote:It was, from my perspective, a pointless line of questioning, and I wanted to nip it in the bud. To continue to pretend something is AI when it isn't, and wilfully waste time talking about inconsequentials, are more typical scum behaviours.
This is fair and may be an accurate representation of what I did.
In post 104, Battle Mage wrote:Can you explain why that would be scum-indicative here when you know I have done it as town elsewhere?
I don't remember you doing it in our previous game, but I believe you because it's risky to lie about it.
Good answers.
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 104, Battle Mage wrote:A less generous intepretation would be that you are not appraising me in good faith, and perceive me as an easy target, against whom you can pursue a lazy ill-considered argument.
I do not think you are an easy target and it follows that I would need better arguments to launch you.
On reflection, I believe you don't think I'm an easy target. But if you feel that you need strong arguments to elim me, why are you tickling me with nonsense? Reaction testing?
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 106, Battle Mage wrote:Why did you not ask, either originally, or subsequently when you realised your mistake, why Blair didn't respond to Innocentvillager's fake hammer? If you thought her reaction to Dunnstral was an over-reaction, did you not also think that her failure to acknowledge innocentvillager was an under-reaction? Surprised you didn't comment on this.
I'm not really sure about this. You have a good point here. I think I remembered Dunnstral more because he also thought Blair's reaction was "over the top".
Maybe she didn't care because she knew it was fake.
Isn't this you doing exactly what you accused me of? Answering a question for Blair. Only in this case, it's a relevant question, and rather than even seek to ask her, you simply give a justification for her.
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 106, Battle Mage wrote:Is your acknowledgement in blue above, paving the way for you to vote Dunnstral?
Ok, we'll see.
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 110, Battle Mage wrote:This feels like an unusually serious line to take so early, although some players are just like this. This isn't consistent however...
Is this scummy or what?
Is it? Are you asking for a town view before you commit your own? Good to have an explanation on this.
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 110, Battle Mage wrote:"my gut tells me you're town" on page 2? sounds like an informed minority.

scummy answers to the 4 questions.
Not really, but whatever you say :D
As you know, I have a bit of form using this approach - you don't care for my opinion though? Even though you were quick to ask Mafia Goon for his view on the same earlier?
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 110, Battle Mage wrote:Very jokey, and not taking the bait of being friendly - which I think is slightly scum-indicative, as town are often more liberal with their allegiances.
Wouldn't it be the opposite where scum would be more inclined to buddy up?
Not in my experience, no. Scum tend to get overly nervous about being buddied - maybe too much attention, maybe they worry it's a PR crumbing, or most likely they see it as an easy route to attack someone. Town on the other hand, often try and form townblocs, and when successful these can be very effective. And fundamentally town have less to lose from doing so, because they arent so worried about how people perceive them.
In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 110, Battle Mage wrote:In the last game I played with Midway, this same approach was used, and the same conversation ensued about why it was done.
Last game I played with you I was town.
...I know. Your alignment in that game isn't relevant, my point was that you had already asked the same question about the exact same thing in another game, and so you asking the question here must not be genuine, as
you already know the answer.

In post 113, midwaybear wrote:
In post 110, Battle Mage wrote:I've already covered the substance of this in some detail, but the vote for me here is really weak, and is likely driven by a perceived self-conciousness about posting frequently but not voting since an original random vote. Probably about the time scum might consider this at risk of looking conspicuous. Midway needs to make another vote and wants to make it sound serious so he looks like he is progressing the game. More marks for presentation than substance.
Regarding needing to make a serious vote, I feel like we were still in the early joking stage of the game. We weren't really transitioning to the more serious part, so I disagree that scum me would be inclined to do so at that time.
Are you claiming your vote on me is an intentional joke? Otherwise, I don't think you can sustain that reasoning, as it would be self-evident that you felt we were transitioning to a more serious part of the game.
In post 113, midwaybear wrote: Not really sure what to make of Battle Mage yet. Seems quite serious which is different but NAI.
Can you set out your assessment of me, maybe using 2 lists "town" and "scum" and listing points under each?
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Post Post #137 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:03 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 134, Nosferatu wrote:
In post 100, Blair wrote:Dunnstral put you at L-1, then a mere six minutes later, thought
"ehh, maybe not..."
then voted for Puppy instead, and made it look like an innocent opportunity to make a joke with Puppy username in the process. It felt a little too self conscious to me to be genuine.
lmfao who's the third?

VOTE: ready2rock
excuse me?


VOTE: nosferatu
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Post Post #138 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:07 am

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 125, midwaybear wrote:
In post 122, innocentvillager wrote:do we know that there are exactly 3 scum? or is it merely probable

please don't read into this question from an alignment perspective I just want to know thanks
In post 123, innocentvillager wrote:^i would ask this as town or scum.
Does anyone else think this is sorta awkward?
Sorry Umlaut, but happy birthday!
eeeeh. i see it as pre-emptively trying to stop any discussion about innocent's alignment when they want to focus more on the details of the setup itself? aka exactly what innocent said to explain themselves
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Post Post #139 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:07 am

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 130, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 117, CantHateAPuppy wrote:i really don't think blair's reaction shows anything at all and isn't worth dissecting like this
In post 118, Ydrasse wrote:i agree with the puppy.
Ydrasse - how come you didn't agree with me when I said that earlier?
...gonna be honest i just did not see you say it, but i agree with you too battle mage!
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Post Post #140 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:08 am

Post by Ydrasse »

battle mage and midway's big wall of quotes make my head and heart hurt.

welcome nosferatu, happy b-day umlaut!
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Post Post #141 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:12 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 139, Ydrasse wrote:
In post 130, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 117, CantHateAPuppy wrote:i really don't think blair's reaction shows anything at all and isn't worth dissecting like this
In post 118, Ydrasse wrote:i agree with the puppy.
Ydrasse - how come you didn't agree with me when I said that earlier?
...gonna be
i just did not see you say it, but i agree with you too battle mage!
Much appreciated. I'm sorry about your heart.

The dialogue with Midway is helpful for me - would you like to share your conclusions on it so far?
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Post Post #142 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:15 am

Post by Battle Mage »

Ydrasse, Innocentvillager - how about leaving the midway wagon and joining me on nosferatu. much more to be gained over here.
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Post Post #143 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:19 am

Post by Ydrasse »

it is okay, i shall recover.

i don't have too many conclusions to draw from it so far. like i said i feel that midway is acting different than the last game i played with him where he was scum but that might be by virtue of a) a wagon forming super fast on him when he thought he was pushing a miselim through and... actually yeah just a. i do think there are some things that he's said that mirror his behavior in that previous game but it doesn't have the same tone of... smugness?

for you, i tend to read these sort of early-game pushes for content as towny because it's an effort to find scum even if it's working with bare minimum. however, i don't really... get why you changed your vote to nosferatu just now? if you're putting this pressure on midway and it's helping you, why are you pivoting now?

p-edit: why tho.
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Post Post #144 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:19 am

Post by midwaybear »

@Ydrasse: don't worry. It might look like a lot, but I'm still posting those one liners :)
I'll reply to BM later, but @BM what made you change your vote? Was it something I did or something Nosferatu did?
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Post Post #145 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:26 am

Post by Nosferatu »

In post 137, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 134, Nosferatu wrote:
In post 100, Blair wrote:Dunnstral put you at L-1, then a mere six minutes later, thought
"ehh, maybe not..."
then voted for Puppy instead, and made it look like an innocent opportunity to make a joke with Puppy username in the process. It felt a little too self conscious to me to be genuine.
lmfao who's the third?

VOTE: ready2rock
excuse me?


VOTE: nosferatu
ur excused
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Post Post #146 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:27 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 145, Nosferatu wrote:
In post 137, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 134, Nosferatu wrote:
In post 100, Blair wrote:Dunnstral put you at L-1, then a mere six minutes later, thought
"ehh, maybe not..."
then voted for Puppy instead, and made it look like an innocent opportunity to make a joke with Puppy username in the process. It felt a little too self conscious to me to be genuine.
lmfao who's the third?

VOTE: ready2rock
excuse me?


VOTE: nosferatu
ur excused
ur dead
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Post Post #147 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:32 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 143, Ydrasse wrote:it is okay, i shall recover.

i don't have too many conclusions to draw from it so far. like i said i feel that midway is acting different than the last game i played with him where he was scum but that might be by virtue of a) a wagon forming super fast on him when he thought he was pushing a miselim through and... actually yeah just a. i do think there are some things that he's said that mirror his behavior in that previous game but it doesn't have the same tone of... smugness?

for you, i tend to read these sort of early-game pushes for content as towny because it's an effort to find scum even if it's working with bare minimum. however, i don't really... get why you changed your vote to nosferatu just now? if you're putting this pressure on midway and it's helping you, why are you pivoting now?

p-edit: why tho.
what game was this? id be interested to read a midway scumgame.

I was never voting for midway and I feel like I'm getting loads of valuable insight from him through our exchanges. I also take the point Mafia Goon raised earlier that Midway is used to being elimmed Day 1, and we aren't likely to get anything more from him by wagonning him. In contrast Nosferatu is doing nothing, and I want to see how he reacts under a bit of pressure.

And seriously, if he doesn't do something useful, we'll just lynch him.
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Post Post #148 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:34 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 144, midwaybear wrote:@Ydrasse: don't worry. It might look like a lot, but I'm still posting those one liners :)
I'll reply to BM later, but @BM what made you change your vote? Was it something I did or something Nosferatu did?
As above, I was voting for Puppy previously but it wasn't doing much and I didn't feel really strongly about it. I'm getting town-tells and scum-tells from you - undecided as yet. Nosferatu just looks like classic lazy lurker-scum.
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Post Post #149 (ISO) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:38 am

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 147, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 143, Ydrasse wrote:it is okay, i shall recover.

i don't have too many conclusions to draw from it so far. like i said i feel that midway is acting different than the last game i played with him where he was scum but that might be by virtue of a) a wagon forming super fast on him when he thought he was pushing a miselim through and... actually yeah just a. i do think there are some things that he's said that mirror his behavior in that previous game but it doesn't have the same tone of... smugness?

for you, i tend to read these sort of early-game pushes for content as towny because it's an effort to find scum even if it's working with bare minimum. however, i don't really... get why you changed your vote to nosferatu just now? if you're putting this pressure on midway and it's helping you, why are you pivoting now?

p-edit: why tho.
what game was this? id be interested to read a midway scumgame.

I was never voting for midway and I feel like I'm getting loads of valuable insight from him through our exchanges. I also take the point Mafia Goon raised earlier that Midway is used to being elimmed Day 1, and we aren't likely to get anything more from him by wagonning him. In contrast Nosferatu is doing nothing, and I want to see how he reacts under a bit of pressure.

And seriously, if he doesn't do something useful, we'll just lynch him.
it waaaaas this one, newbie 2018.

also fair i guess, i just kind of think that pressure on someone like you were applying goes hand in hand with a vote this early on.

what is "useful" in this situation though? like you call them lazy/lurker but.. didn't they just confirm?
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