alignment, Awakener role)
Each night, you may attempt to participate in a special awakening ritual. Each time you (or a fellow member of your faction) successfully perform the awakening ritual, you will grant your faction newfound power.
successful ritual: 1-Shot Factional Tracker: Once per game at night, you may target a player. You will attempt to learn who they targeted that night.
successful rituals: 1-Shot Factional Doctor: Once per game at night, you may target a player. You will attempt to protect them from a single kill attempt that night.
successful rituals: Factional Watcher: Each night, you may target a player. You will attempt to learn who targeted that player tha night.
successful rituals: Factional Poisoner: Each night, you may target a player. You will attempt to poison the player, causing them to die at the end of the following night. This kill may be used in addition to the traditional factional kill many antitown factions possess.
successful rituals: 1-Shot Factional Combined Elite Seraph Knight Neighborizer: Once per game at night, you may target a player. You will become that's player's seraph knight for the rest of the game, protecting them from any and all harm. You will protect them from all kills as well as prevent their elimination as long as you remain alive. In addition, you gain a neighborhood to speak with your chosen target.
successful rituals: Your faction immediately win and exit the game. If the game has no remaining threats to town-aligned players left, then the game immediately ends. Otherwise, the game continues as normal until a winning faction is declared.
Exception: If the awakener is
-aligned, then the game immediately ends.
Only the last benefit applies to
-aligned awakeners.
Mod Notes: The town
faction is excluded from receiving any of these benefits except the last one (requiring thirteen successful rituals), in which case the town wins and the game ends. These benefits become factional powers, usable by any living player in the awakener's faction. Dying does not cause an awakening ritual to fail nor does it remove any of these powers. Alignment conversion of the awakener does not disable already obtained powers for the original faction; however, powers are accumulated starting from the lowest tier again in the new faction. The number of successful rituals is considered on a per-faction basis. This means that having two awakeners with the same alignment can progress through the ritual tiers twice as fast as one with only one awakener.