Pacifist Tree has been telling everyone to stop stabbing each other. "Love... thy fellow Tree..."
He's just finished talking a Tree down from slapping his neighbour when someone swings an axe at a human passerby, Porkens. "D- did you just move?! I'msosorry!! Didn't know you could talk, if I did I would have gone somewhere else to, uh... nevermind probably best that you don't hear this part!"
Porkens runs off away from the Forest, clutching a wounded arm. In their haste, they drop a can of gasoline on the ground.
Porkens has been axed! They were...
This means that...
Night 3 begins now and ends in
(expired on 2022-10-22 11:35:00).
Submit any Night Actions by PM, or in an acceptable PT. I will not require Tree-stump approval to grant a fast Night.