Troll has been been thinking of including some quotes on Troll's wiki page and would like to emulate the style of quoting used in the forums (including to a minor extent the ability to make quote pyramids.) The tool that came closest seems to be the blockquote but no puts the box around the quote Troll would like to have and no seems to have a convenient way to get the
Zorblag wrote:
type of format at the top of a quote. Troll wonders if any with more experience with working with wiki pages might have any suggestions? Basically, Troll would like to be able to put something that looks like:
Zorblag wrote:Zorblag wrote:This be a quote.
Troll just quoted Troll's own quote.
on a page but no has been able to figure out how that might be accomplished. It no would have to be in exactly that format but the closer Troll could get the happier Troll would be.
-Zorblag R`Lyeh