Uh, 739 was DTM. I assume that's who you meant? And if you did put any original thought into your vote, why didn't you say what those thoughts were when asked about your vote later? Instead you just said you were following someone you had a town read on and left it at that.Chronopie wrote:The "nominally town read" post was Nik's #739
And I had already stated that BE was doing nothing but following others posts to make attacks, without original thought. I'd like to think I put in alittleoriginal thought before jumping on to a wagon.
Regarding Gandalf's claim, I think it's similar to chesskid's claim in that it seems like an anti-town ability that is potentially confirmable, but not quite as easily since we would need to out other PRs to confirm it. If he is telling the truth about his ability, it sounds more likely to be an SK power than that of a scum faction, otherwise that would be incredibly powerful. All in all, it's not a claim that should make us back off the wagon at this point in the day.