Also, if we are going to grave rob, I definitely do not want to rob Fate. Since he had an insanity and only one night to get it, he cannot have any equipment, meaning you would never know if either of us skipped robbing him. The best way to pair the graves to rob is Fate with LB and RC with the lynchee. Doing otherwise makes no sense.
By the way, we have another similar pair in xvart and Baby Spice. The odds that both of them had lied about warding MoI are so very low that they could also be paired to rob two graves, with a similar guarantee that one of them has to be town as with me and nopoint.
Would he? Maybe this was the case in SAII, but many things have been changed from that game. The way I've understood it, if both the cult and a murderer chose the same target, and the target was not resuscitated, then the murder would succeed and the ritual would fail, since they resolve in that order.Wickedestjr #2618 wrote:#2 isn't a possibility. If both cult and a murderer tried to kill LB, then, unless somebody protected them, Percy would have said that they were killed by the ritual and murdered.
I think this is probably a moot point, since it is most likely that the cult tried to kill you, but for the sake of being thorough:
I'm positive this is incorrect. A player cannot choose psychopathy, that insanity can be gained only by choosing the murder action a second time. The murder also does not have to succeed, you can become a murderer even when either of your murders failed.Wickedestjr #2618 wrote:Not true. A player can't become a murderer until they have gotten another insanity (psychopathy can't be the first insanity you choose). You don't have to wait until you have killed twice successfully to become a murderer, but if you do kill twice successfully you automatically become murderer if you weren't already.
I'm afraid you're being optimistic. For one thing, if we manage to lynch any cultists during the coming days, they might not have any items to rob. That would mean we cannot be certain whether they were actually robbed by two people - the same problem we now have with Fate and LB. Also, since we need to pair pro-town players with suspect players to prevent the cult from getting corpse dust, that limits our choice in grave robbers.Wickedestjr #2618 wrote:We have three nights to use the grave robbing on murderers. Over the course of those three nights we will probably have about ten players that need grave robbing and that means ten grave robbers.
nopointinactingup is an excellent example of this. He would not need to grave rob to prove himself not a murderer, because we already know he cannot be.
Furcolow #2621 wrote:i found feysal #2605 to be IIoA
i would quickwagon him
You know, since you make posts like this, I cannot blame MoI for being upset with you.Furcolow #2622 wrote:and the information he used to refute me he probably found in my own post
furthermore, just because one action creates explainable noise, it does not mean there is not unexplainable noise with it
...just a quick refutation
First, if my post was information instead of analysis, your post was something worse: incomplete information and flawed analysis. I produced an actual list of players who cannot have fetishes of them and are therefore potential ward targets, which you failed to do. The information and reasoning necessary for making that list was also missing from your post.
Second, while you are correct that players who heard noise may have had multiple causes for hearing noise, that matters very little. The players who have never heard noise without being warded cannot have been stalked or have fetishes of them, period. The three players who were passed fetishes can theoretically have been stalked, but since there cannot be fetishes of them in existence, they are still potential ward targets. Also, it is very unlikely that they were stalked, except in the case of Wraith.
This was obviously a quick refutation, since you obviously did not think it through. Your list was just plain wrong, so I fixed it.