A Large Normal is a game that has at least 14 players and complies with the Normal Game requirements described here. Unless mith grants an exception, to sign up to mod a Large Normal, you must have run at least one game to completion. You are not allowed to simultaneously run another game until you complete two games, and even then you are only allowed to run one other game. (Newbie games do not count against your modding limit.) You are not allowed to run a Large Normal and a Large Theme at the same time. Additionally, if you signed up to mod on or after January 4, 2013 and this is your first time running a large game, you are limited to a maximum of 21 players. (This may be waived at my discretion, though.)
When you are ready, post in thread stating who your co- or backup mod is (you must select someone eligible to run a Large Normal) and the modding commitments the two (or more) of you have. If one of you has not modded before, please post your experience as well. If I approve based on this information, I will ask you to PM me all role PMs, the rule set, and the opening post for your game.
When your turn arrives, I will give you powers to start a sign-up thread in the queue forum. Players need to /in for games there, not here.
If you need anything that's urgent, PM me.
Nobody If you're qualified and you want to mod a normal in as quickly as a review takes, jump right in!
Mafia 164 - mastin2 (backup: AngryPidgeon) - Day 4
Mafia 165: A Large Normal - PeregrineV (backup: DeasVail) - Day 3
Mafia 166: Knight-Errant 18p - The Knight-Errant (modding hydra consisting of Alduskkel and Venmar) - Day 1
This is current as of July 23, 2013 at 7:20 PM MDT.
Completed games are here.