Reznikov looked up, some eyes fixated on him. He felt uncomfortable and kind of singled out. He had recently signed onto the Bomb Squad, but so what? So what if he was from another country? He's here now.
"Listen, I'm here to help. I just sat on one of those damn things. I did it to stop it from hurting anyone here. You think I set these things up? You think I trapped this building? You think I killed anyone here?!"
"Someone had to have had the knowledge of these devices. Who better than the son of a soviet engineer, Gary?"
"This is preposterous. I'm... I'm finding a way out of here. You guys can screw around all you want-"
As Reznikov began to back away from the crowd, some of the others began to follow him, others slipped away, trying to talk some sense into the majority, but it was no use. The man was surrounded and beaten until he stopped moving. At least he couldn't do anymore harm to them.
- AntB(5) (DrippingGoofball - Fate - Nobody Special - AurorusVox - SpyreX)
AurorusVox(2) (AntB- StrangerCoug - Benmage)
Nobody Special(1) (AntB)
Benmage(0) (Nobody Special)
Not Voting(1) (SpyreX-AurorusVox- hitogoroshi)
Bomb possessed by: AurorusVox
With five votes, that's a lynch and an end to day 2.