Empking wrote:I don't see why I'd have to wait till midnight. It seems to me that it'd resolve immediately.
Lady Lambdadelta wrote:I want to confirm some things Empking.
The investigation ability I received was sold to me by an unknown party, for 40 AP.
This was the second time I was offered the deal, the first time being for 60 AP, so the price dropped.
I bought the ability, and used it on Parama.
The ability is a one-shot, and I lose it now that I have used it.
It tells me if the player is 3rd party, Town or Scum.
I assume it would Target Parama, but don't have confirmation of this.
How does your ability work? On what conditions are you informed?
I'm confirmed when somebody uses an investigative role.
Yeah I was right. That's pretty obvious what mistake was made. Town wouldn't comment on such an obvious rushed mix-up of words.