Rainbowdash wrote:@FA - I would prefer to get somepony else confirmed town then myself since I think that I can prove it through actions before game ends, but I would be happy getting NtW copped since it would finally get him out of the lynch pool or
clear me and my other neighbor by association
For character I am one of the Aliens, we use the claw to vig ponies. Oooooooo the clawwwww.
I look forward to your 'proof' later on then. (I also want it to prove your alignment, not just that you can DO stuff) If you can't then I think a copping on you would be fine, no? Also, to the underlined, I don't understand how you and your other neighbor can be cleared by association when you and your other neighbor had
on Nanook and supposedly tried to kill him.
Also, now is your argument of Nanook = town still in effect? What is your thoughts on him now that you know it was ME who targetted you?
Also, D2 you voted Mike Hart. Was this also related to the Neighbor thing?
I also am going to state I don't like this ??? neighbor thing but I'll withdraw for now. I do hope you have a good reason for that.
I DO like the Flavour
diddin wrote:Flavour Analysis wrote:Farside
: Jakalope, Nanook, Rainbow, you, and bob are scum.
CLAIM TIME. I'm actually a joat. I wouldn't have claimed 1 shot vig like that, but I was outed by Fourseen. >_> All my abilities are one shot.
Rainbow, I jail kept you. My options were: Rainbow, Jmurph, and Spy. Then narrowed it down to [Rainbow, Jmurph], and chose you. I was choosing suspects that were least suspicious, yet if I was wrong, you'd also be protected as a side effect.
Rainbow, how would you feel about being copped, or Nanook?
fuckin saw the JOAT claim A MILE AWAY
I don't really think Rainbow is telling the truth.
I don't think so either. I'm interested in how Rainbow plans to prove herself.
farside22 wrote:Flavour Analysis wrote:Farside
: Jakalope, Nanook, Rainbow, you, and bob are scum.
And yet your reasoning's are still missing. I get Jak, hell even I have a scum read on Nanook and bob. But Rainbow and myself. Are you still up in the ass about me calling you out and looking at you as scummy?
Oh wait my town read on Glow as crap, right?
What is your thought now with Rainbow's claim on NtW?
diddin wrote:Nah, I'm just almost certain there is at least 1 scum in your neighborhood.
This was my thought process.
Rainbow because I jailed her, and no kill. No not your reasoning for Glow. I didn't like that you unvoted Nanook and jumped to Jakalope. Made it seem like you knew more than you should, because Rainbow moved to Jmurph wagon and thus you left after she did, if you were really suspicious of him you would have questioned Rainbow at least but you didn't.
I don't believe it. It seems like a very convenient excuse for a scum team to say, but that is why I propose one of [Rainbow, Nanook] be copped. I felt she was scum coming out trying to bait town and call them scum for blocking her kill. I feel the 'randomly chosen' passive ability would cover for speculation on who would kill the next night. So she could fall back and say "OH NO SADLY IT RANDOMIZED TO MAH OTHER NEIGHBOR SO NO IT WASNT ME". The claim seems like a solid safe claim to me. I'm willing to see where she will go with it though.
Another thing, I don't like how she said she was trying to use the A/B scum team slip from Umbrage to try to clear her Neighbors, because it can be also a good tactic for her if she was scum. If she tried to clear others besides her neighbors or had other intentions as well, then it would be a bit better.
The Flavour can fit, but it also can fit as a safe claim in my eyes. Or fake claim.
What is your thoughts on Rainbow's claim? Oh lol you quoted Diddin saying that was your thought process... (thought you were responding to him)
I think it's possible there is more than one. I also think if Rainbow is scum, stating that there is a neighbor as ??? is good to cover up another scum mate. It is possible Nanook is scum with her. We don't really know if she and her other mystery neighbor targetted him or not as a kill.
Rainbowdash wrote:diddin wrote:role stuff points against that
Yeah I know. I don't like this role too much, im probably one of the more paranoid ponies to start and now I have to try and trust others that share a kill ability with me. I liked it more when I thought Umbrage was part of an A/B scum faction and just auto-cleared all my neighbors because of balance from that.
Lack of scum actually blocking me, I mean damn FA I actually breadcrumbed entirely because I thought you were a full vig and wanted to wave around a "shoot elsewhere" sign, does take away most of the reasons I defended him.
Stupid role.
; _ ; I'm sorry I don't really look out for crumbs. Again, does this change you read on Nanook again?
chkflip wrote:Beefster wrote:unvote
VOTE: SodaSpirit
I don't feel like catching up.
As promised, this scumbucket is finished. Today.
VOTE: Beefster
Don't like a lot of what he's done; really exhausted right now though, have a big day I prepared for tomorrow. Therefore my actual case will be posted in my next available moment.
I'll actually have to take a single day's LA to get acclimated at the junior college I'm going to. First day of year two, now we get serious!
Lol Chkflip u scum? Because you didn't seem to catch that I have said Beefy is town. You seem to be trying to push a scumpick you started on D1. (Meaning that you voted Beefy D1 because you liked Ray's case, but then nothing else has changed your read on Beef? Nothing else has caught your eye? [besides Nanook] Me no likey. Btw, that post you quoted was Beefy sheeping me because he saw my Joke Crumb. LOL Sorry that has to ruin the win for your faction tho bro.
You haven't even given an opinion on much people. I want your thoughts on Rainbow's claim? Thoughts on my claim? Thoughts on Nanook, Farside, Ray Montano, PJ, and Jmurph.
And where are those questions you said you were gonna give out bro? I'm not trying to badger you man sorry about irl shit but you GOT TO PUT OUT.
farside22 wrote:TheJakalope wrote:@FA, My bad, thanks.
I 95% believe FA is telling the truth.
75% with Rainbow.
No reason's and active lurking still noted. The % difference between the two is just crap posting.
Still no reason found to change my vote.
In other news
I've decide to file everything I feel for FA under the I told you so file.
So lets do this a bit more openly, but not so openly the scum know everything the town is doing (hey I always think scum have roles that are screw you roles to counter PR's in this game). You have your list of suspects there. I'm betting with JOAT you have a 1 shot everything ability (don't discuss what). Why don't you use the one that can clear people in some way, shape or form.
Also I'm thinking if Shadow is saying this neighbor group has a QT that has a day talk then it's possible scum has a day talk. Something to keep an eye on.
I agree Jakalope's statement is useless. Sounds like filler. Thus why i'm still voting him.
I'm not telling you what abilities I have ToDay. Use your best judgement as to why. If you have a problem with my suspects list then I will discuss
with you.
I will say I chose a specific order for my abilities, and once I chose the specific path I wouldn't want to stray from it, reason won't be given ToDay. I felt JK was a safe n2 action. N1 I felt was a good night to vig just in case I might have been nk'd. Do you think I chose wrong?