↑ singersigner wrote:All I heard was "don't FUCK it up, singer."
This is the one rule that ANYONE needs for LoL.
↑ singersigner wrote:All I heard was "don't FUCK it up, singer."
↑ mykonian wrote:although going both routes is going to cost you in damage, it isn't completely the end shanba. You force the opponents to buy armor and resist against you. Well that rammus did that. (Really, 4 armor items and two MR items? wow), but annie for example only had some extra MR. I imagine this becomes more of an issue if people are actually going to build defensive items.
↑ mykonian wrote:although going both routes is going to cost you in damage, it isn't completely the end shanba. You force the opponents to buy armor and resist against you. Well that rammus did that. (Really, 4 armor items and two MR items? wow), but annie for example only had some extra MR. I imagine this becomes more of an issue if people are actually going to build defensive items.
↑ Gammagooey wrote:Yeah we were losing on towers for most of the game then ALMOST killed them outright after aceing them but rammus had fort and improved fort mastery and we all took too much tower damage and had to go back.
And yeah nasus got his face melted by Yi, who in turn got his face melted by rammus if he didn't run away fast.
And I've tried flash on morgana and it's just not that useful. I don't need an escape because I laugh off ganks with black shield >80% of the time, if the guy i'm fighting in mid flashes out of my ult i can't flash back into range, it's already gone, and tele lets me miss basically no exp whenever i need to go back from mid early to get items or heal, and it's usually enough to just win mid because of it. The only reason why it WOULD be useful is for lategame flashing in but particularly that game all I had to do was walk up while gallio was ulting and use hourglass.
And if you're saying replace ignite with it absolutely not ignite gets me at least 2 kills a game and is so so good at finishing off the enemy mid champion.
LAST THING- morgana's ult keeps going if she dies while under zilean's ult and it'shilarious
↑ Espeonage wrote:You're really showing your level.
Firstly, Morgana's snare is so slow that if you get caught buy it in open fighting you're an idiot.
Secondly, Morgana has no escape. You need an escape spell. I assumed you would've at least had ghost seeing as not having an escape spell is stupid in the first place and on a champ that has no escape of their own it is even more stupid.
Thirdly, Black Shield doesn't stop against damage.
Fourthly, Of all the good junglers Nocturne is pretty much the only one you are going to be able to get away from. And even then he has a way to speed himself up. A way to negate your snare and does physical damage meaning he doesn't even need CC to kill you if you fall out of position. Nunu, while his projectile leaves time to react can still use his support skill to make both your enemies have more dps which your shield doesn't protect against. Unless you have godly reactions and build a chain vest on your first trip back any half decent laner opponent and jungler will be able to gank the shit out of you midgame.
You are naive to think that your spells will save you in an environment when champs that have great escapes already still take flash and where none of your skills are a true escape + require optimal conditions to actually be used that way.
↑ mykonian wrote:flash does make sense gamma. If it is just to dodge those specific attacks or spells of your opponents, it's already great. In case of morgana, any assassing jumping in the fight can cause you trouble. If you can dodge that crucial third hit of xin, if you can outwit an annie by flashing from under hear damned bear, then it's already doing better then the small advantage teleport gives you in lane. Flash is so much more then an escape. It's a dodging tool, a gap closer, the way you can towerdodge earlier because you can jump out of range just before you get that one extra shot.