↑ xRECKONERx wrote:I've realized I only truly enjoy playing AD carries
Maybe I just haven't tried out the right AP carries/tanks, and I don't have the runes to jungle... who are considered the best AP carries & tanks in the game? I tried Shen out and hated him.
If you want to jungle, try it with Nunu or Warwick first. Nunu's able to do it without runes, and can even do it without Smite (For the love of Christ, DO NOT EVER JUNGLE WITHOUT SMITE). Nunu's also one of a small number of tanks who can build pure tank and still do some serious damage with his ult. He also forces the enemy team to waste interrupts on him, or scatter. His ganks are extremely strong as well, and his buff from W is great when put on to an AD carry.
For AP Carries, Veigar is really fun to play, same with Annie. Both have frankly insane amounts of damage, with Veig being able to melt almost any AP carry in the game immediately. If you want a non-standard caster, Orianna is really strong, as is Vlad. Vlad's not the best one to start with, especially if you don't play carries that much, since he needs a lot of weirder item choices to be good early game.
Also, you don't NEED runes to jungle. You need runes to jungle some champs, and you need runes to jungle others efficiently. but they are not necessary. I used to jungle Nunu/WW with the small amount of runes I had accrued, and it's quite safe to do. Save up for Health Quints, and it gets easier as well.