Pine, so am I a hardcore busser or a distancer? You've said both now.
I am not pushing triangle because I don't think he's scummy.
triangle, you are mistaken.
To be clear: my avatar was drawn by SaveTheDragons.
I said you haven't made a case against Soda. =True
I said you are most likely started by distancing, and are now straight up bussing. =True
When I first started playing on this site, I read a number of guides that suggested that if you aren't bussing your partner within the first couple of pages, you're doing it wrong. This is consistent with the site meta I've seen.
I don't need to try again. You're splitting hairs and still failing to make sense. Bussing and distancing are the same thing, with a distance only of degree.
I expect Pine to vote Triangle considering he's said he thinks Triangle is scummier but Soda is more of a liability (which is a good chunk of why Pine's scum).
Yeah, I think he is.
I think Pine is counterwagoning.
3rd scum I have not too clear an idea.
The low density of scumminess overall makes me suspect Reck.
Pretty sure my opinions on Soda were registered long before the Triangle wagon began. Both wagons have their origins in the first few pages. But you're right, I will happily go over to the Triangle wagon if that's the one that's going to go through today. I feel both have roughly equal merits, though those merits are different.
Soda is scummy and a liability if Town. Triangle is very scummy, and though not a liability, will not be taken seriously if Town because of said scumminess.