↑ ShadowGirl wrote:Also, I disagree that what Tierce said ruins the value of her reads. The fact that you are trying to devalue them doesn't make me think well of you.
I'm still in love.
↑ ShadowGirl wrote:Also, I disagree that what Tierce said ruins the value of her reads. The fact that you are trying to devalue them doesn't make me think well of you.
↑ ShadowGirl wrote:Also, I disagree that what Tierce said ruins the value of her reads. The fact that you are trying to devalue them doesn't make me think well of you.
↑ ShadowGirl wrote:
Anyways, for everyone on Phil's wagon or was (other than dana): what do you think of dana?
↑ izakthegoomba wrote:danakillsu (3) - RedPanda, knox, ManiacalLemon
↑ mafia-n00b wrote:@ShadowGirl
RE: dana, I don't like the "dumb wagons" part of 918, but I don't see him threatening you in 836 necessarily, could simply be a friendly pro-town warning. I don't like how he jumped on the "one of the masons has to be scum" concept. Overall, I guess I don't see how he's at the top of your list... he doesn't scream scum to me.
@dana: do you see any contradiction between being on a dumb wagon (Chimera) and calling others out for dumb wagons?
PEDIT: @Amrun, why are you so sure that mcqueen was killed?
↑ Phillammon wrote:Well. I guess that a flip would be useful to the town, even if it is a town flip. Much as it would solve arguments, I think that saying yes now would be a breach of rule 2 in that I wouldn't be playing to win if I *requested* being turned into a survivor and killed. So I guess no, but if it gets to L-1, I think taking a hit for the town would be in order, even if it would cause me to abruptly stop being town. So my answer is no, but Modkill me if I hit L-1. That way you can use the lynch to find the real scum.
↑ Tierce wrote:dana, he's choosing, as town in thepresent, to sacrifice himself for town as a whole to win. The fact that he bothered to look at the rules and see whether or not that would be viable is a towntell.
Self-sacrificing town is not unheard of. Besides, he is choosing to die and lose the moment he hits L-1, instead of trying to argue his way out of a lynch and live another day. That does not fit with survivor mentality, but with town who doesn't mind losing as long as everyone else has a chance.
Plus the pile of whole other stuff he's done that comes from town.