You rush over to Vyolynce's house, wondering what horrors you will encounter there. You bust open the door and see her, collapsed on the floor. You check her pulse, and are relieved to know that she is just unconscious. In her hand is a grapple hook, proving that she was indeed
You notice Quig in the corner with a smile on his face. He holds up an empty syringe in a satisfied stance. And why shouldn't he be happy? He just cured the last cultist.
You gather Vyolynce and put her on the bed. You all look at each other with exasperated relief. The town is finally safe.
Or is it? Apparently not, as Lloyd has just taken his shotgun and blasted Sotty7 at point-blank range in the face. Quig and AniX's stare at the blood-covered Lloyd, confused by what has just happened and frightened for what is going to happen next. Lloyd tried to explain himself...
"I had a hunch that Sotty7 might be the last killer" he says. He walks over to Sotty's motionless body (or whatever's left of it) and searches him thoroughly. He finds his wallet and opens it up. Inside is a few meager pesetas and a collection of family photographs that suggests he was, and always has been, a
And so our story ends. Leon (Lloyd) returns back to his simple life of being a highly-trained government agent. Ada (Vyolynce) mysteriously disappears into the night. Luis (Quig) goes to live life as a simple Spaniard, leaving the sole townie (AniX) to live happily ever after by himself.
Osmund Sadler (Cultist)
You are the leader of the Las Plagas infestation. Each night, you can choose to convert one innocent person into a Ganado. On a successful conversion, that person retains his/her original alignment, in addition to becoming a Ganado. That person's victory condition also changes to that of the Ganados (have all surviving roles be Ganados and Sadler). Upon conversion, you and your victim will be notified of conversion and they will learn that you were the one who converted them. No other Ganados will know who else has been converted. The only thing they have to go on is your actions during the day. *NO* night conversations may be made between neither you nor the Ganados. Once you are killed, no one else can be converted to a Ganado.
Albert Wesker (Mafia #1)
You are the infamous Wesker, whose current goal is the revival of the Umbrella corporation. Krauser (**Glork**) is your loyal lackey, whom you may talk with each night. You may choose somebody to be killed each night, either by your hand or by Krauser's. If you die, Krauser will make the decision. You win when everyone is dead except you and Krauser.
Jack Krauser (Mafia #2)
You are an agent of Wesker(**Kelly Chen**), whom you may talk with each night. Each night, Wesker decides who to kill and whether he will do it directly or leave it in your hands. Talk to him about who you think is the best target during the night. If he dies, you will make your own decision. You win when everyone is dead but you and Wesker.
Leon Kennedy (Vigilante)
You are Leon, a bodyguard hired to defend the innocent lives of the town. As they say, the best defense is a good offense. Therefore, you are armed with a shotgun to kill who you think is scum. You may choose one person to kill each night, but be wary because you could kill an innocent in the process. You hold a lot of power in your hands. You win when the town is safe from any danger. Good luck.
Claire Redfield (Cop)
You are Claire, sister to Chris Redfield of S.T.A.R.S.. You came here with Leon, whom you first met six years ago, to protect the town, but got separated. Regardless, you do your best to save the innocent townspeople. You can snoop around one person's location each night to see if anything is out of the ordinary. Your investigations will prove useful if you can stay alive to tell others about it. You win when the town is safe from any danger. Good luck.
Luis Sera (Doctor)
You are vagrant Spaniard with good intentions. You can protect one person each night. That person will be protected from certain attacks. You are automatically proteted from those attacks as well. You win when the town is safe from any danger. Good luck.
Ada Wong (Doctor)
You are a lethal and stunning woman in a red dress. Armed with a grapple hook, you can get around fast, which enables you to evade attacks and protect one person each night. That person will be protected from any fatal attacks with no negative effect on you! For some reason, you are not able to preotect yourself. You win when the town is safe from any danger. Good luck.
You are townie. You farm, you raise livestock, you live a modest life, and you live in constant fear of a new religion that has come to threaten your way of life. Maybe you will be lucky enough to survive, but don't bet your pesetas on it. During the day you and the rest of the town can come together (along with a few others) to try to get rid of the evil and dangerous cult. You win when the town is safe from any danger. Good luck.
As you might have guessed, Luis DOES NOT protect from Wesker or Krauser. He protects from Las Plagas Infestation. Inversly, Ada does not protect from Sadler. Only Wesker and Krauser's fatal attacks.
Sadler could not recruit Luis, Wesker, or Krauser. He wouldn't die if he tried, but the conversion would have failed. When converted, Leon and Ada would have lost the ability to kill/protect respectively.
The cultists were not allowed to talk to each other, they only knew who was their leader. Once Sadler was dead, Luis could heal people from the cult. If the cultists were not healed after four nights, the parasite would sprout and they would gain the ability to kill.
That's it. What can I say? The town got really really lucky. Lloyd made two drastic kills the first two nights and lynched the remaining scum the next day. Also, if Quig hadn't cured AniX and Vyolynce at EXACTLY the right time, you would have had the equivalent of a Serial Killer or two on the loose.
I hope you enjoyed my first modded game. Any suggestions and comments are welcome.
Akonas pseudo-protects Lloyd
BrainMQ converts AniX
CDT investigates Der Hammer
Vyolence protects sotty7
Lloyd kills Kelly Chen
glork kills Captain DuctTape
Akonas pseudo-protects sotty7
BrainMQ converts Vyolence
Vyolence protects Der Hammer (SUCCESS)
Lloyd kills Brian McQueso
glork kills Der Hammer
Akonas pseudo-protects Der Hammer
Lloyd kills Centoaph
Quig pseudo-protects nobody
Lloyd kills Der Hammer
Quig pseudo-protects Anix (REFORMS)
Lloyd kills nobody
Quig pseudo-protects Vyolynce (REFORMS)
Lloyd kills Sotty7
Quig (replacing Akonas), Luis Sera (Doc) lived until endgame
AniX, Villager (Converted, then reformed townie) lived until endgame
Lloyd, Leon Kennedy (Vigilante) lived until endgame
Vyolynce, Ada Wong (Converted, then reformed Doc) lived until endgame
CaptainDuctTape, Claire Redfield (Cop) knifed to death Night 1
Dead Rikimaru, Villager (Townie) lynched Day 1
Centoaph, Villager (Townie) blasted to bits Night 3
Der Hammer, Villager (Townie) blasted to bits Night 4
Sotty7, Villager (Townie) blasted to biits Night 6