1: Be civil to each other and to your moderator.
2: Play to the best of your ability and towards your win condition.
3: If it’s not in the game thread, don’t quote, post, or link it.
4: Do not discuss this game outside of this thread unless I specifically tell you that you can.
5: Absolutely no hidden text or cryptography and preferably no steganography.
6: When you die, you are dead. No posthumous posting is allowed until postgame.
6.1: Discussion may continue during twilight, unless the deadline elapses, in which case all activity must cease immediately.
7: Votes should follow the format
Vote: RichardGHP
or something similar. Unvotes are not required, but appreciated.
8: Days will last no more than two weeks; nights will last 48 hours. No majority, no lynch. No action submitted, none taken.
9: I will prod you after 48 hours of inactivity and replace you after a further 48 hours. Three prods, or two in one day, and you’re out.
is my colour. Do not use it other than for analytical purposes.
11: Don’t do anything you know is unacceptable. If in doubt about something, ask me.
12: By signing up to play, you agree to abide by these rules and accept the consequences for violations thereof. All rights are reserved by the game moderator.
13: Have fun!
- In addition to voting towards a lynch, you can vote to quarantine a player. A player who is quarantined will not be able to perform any action the following night, nor can he be acted upon.
-The effects take place at nightfall and elapse at sunrise the next day.
-Quarantine, like lynching, occurs by majority.
-Votes toward quarantine should be formatted like so:
Quarantine: RichardGHP
or something similar, as long as it’s clear what and who your vote is for.
-No player may be quarantined twice in succession.