Page 10 - Pine goes on about Derpy and whisper's comments on being prodded. meh. inte and noob go on about Matias not being around. inte wants to lynch Matias but doesn't put a vote down. Noob does. I have a town read so far on noob....inte not so much. inte reverses course and decides Philla and I are scum. He has his vote on Phil att but puts no vote down on me (until his LOL vote on page 15). Derpy
agrees with inte's observation towards me @Derpy
.....what observation of inte's are you referring to? You also state that you think I could be scum based on my
"play (or lack there of) this game."
How does that work? Is my play scummy or is the fact I have not been playing a lot scummy? And if it is my lack of play...(this coming over a 5 day holiday period where I was farily absent in all my games) then why not just look at activity levels and vote the two players with the least amount of votes
I keep going back and forth on Derpy....leaning scum atm. I do not get
Phil's Post 246.
if you suspect derpy AND inte....why do you have to vote one or the other? Why not both like you were doing before inte confused you?
Page 11 - Gunny has meta suspicions towards me. Just noticed
Post 254 from Derpy,
...have we played before? Because you are responding to a question from Gunny about how I play when I'm town. What are you basing your input on his question on? Laughing at Code liking Matias'
Post 256...I thought it was pretty crappy. I especially liked his comment at the end where he tells others to
"step their shit up"
when it's only his 6th post of the game and the previous 5 were a RV, a miller question, and 3 nothing.
Page 12 - While I have suspicions towards derpy and inte...I find
Phil's suspicions towards them very weak and his supicions towards whisper ridiculous (The prodding fiasco? That was a fiasco?). I think one of Derpy or inte is scum but I do not think they both are.
@Matias and Gunny
....please respond to my questions towards you in my
Post 279. Re: Derpy's response to my Post am I not willing to take a stand? Voting is taking a stand. As of Post 280 I had voted 5 people (2 only in the RVS) while you had voted 8 (only one in the RVS). Who can't make a stand? In
Post 288 D3f comes to the conclusion Derpy is scum (but without a vote) and follows that up with a Phil post where he deems Phil scum and actually places a vote. ATT D3f only has one vote in play. Why?
Page 13 - And in
inte vote 1s Phil despite already having his Vote 1 on Phil for most of the game. Nice. And noob catches it. Phil's grand effort to save himself is a pretty lame post what is 95% quote and %5 zzzzz.
@MattP is Gunny's Miller claim the worst you've ever seen? Is it the only one you've ever seen?
Page 14 - Ok...MattP explains his worst claim comments. I like Gunny's explanation more than MattP's implication re the Miller claim. Shifting town on Gunny. I do not see the motivation for scum to claim Miller right out of the starting blocks. Gunny was at L-3 but 1) that is early to claim, and 2) Gunny made no mention to his claim being related to the size of his wagon. So for now, IMO, he is a regular player based on his play. MattP's strong push on Gunny for no reason I can see other than his claim is suspect IMO.
Page 15
In summary...I really don't care for inte's play but I think he's just bad abrasive town. Pine was playing pretty crap and MattP's entrance has not done that slot any favors with his ~PL push. I was of the opinion either Derpy or inte was scum (but not both)...and since I've revised my read atm on inte that leads me back to Derpy...who I think has made some inconsistent comments/votes and as he puts unwilling to take a stand. I really do not like Phil's game so far....little to no contribution (aside from his 3 suspects) of value and currently no votes out. WTF
I usually don't do these types of breakdowns but for some reason with a two wagon mechanic I feel inclined to.
Town: whispersilk
Leaning town: PerV, mafia
Null-town: Action, inte, Gunny
Null-scum: Code_X, D3f Scum: Phil, Derpy, Mattp, Matias
VOTE: 1 Phil <-- L-1
VOTE: 2 Derpy
I could support a MattP wagon2 as opposed to a Derpy one if his wagon shifts from 1 to 2.