Time to
have an incredibly productive weekday morning.
play mafia.
So, let's cover our bases here:
Point A: I'm completely convinced D3f3nd3r is scum, and you should be too. I've been wrong before, of course, but I've never been this sure before either.
Point B: At least two scum were on Phil's wagon.
Point C: ActionDan was on the Phil wagon early and the D3f3nd3r wagon late.
Sidebar: Reading Dan's ISO.. he hasn't posted in eight days? What? That was a long ass night phase.
Point D: Dan's
vote on D3f3nd3r is the scummiest thing this side of, well, D3f3nd3r. He goes from defending him
here and
here(these posts are four days apart, mind you) to stating he would vote him
here with absolutely no reason given. His reasoning in
this post is madness if you take his prior posts into account, which is kind of difficult since you're bound to forget he exists between them.
Point E: Dan's posts are useless(and wrong, usually). See:
ISO#1, asking Derpy a question and never following up. Twenty posts later(ISO#2, for those playing along at home) his most substantial contribution is telling Code_X what a death miller is. Eighty posts later(ISO#3) he unvotes Code_X for some reason and says he'll be reading. ISO#4 he still doesn't like Code_X but doesn't bother putting a vote on him even though he has one open. Also see ISO#5, ISO#7, ISO#8, ISO#9 and ISO#10 for more uselessness. Keep reading and you'll find more. You might also realize these make up the vast majority of his posts, and the ones that don't appear entirely useless on the surface are also pretty useless as well.
vote1: ActionDan
Shape up or ship out.
Switching gears a little bit, I find Code_X's replacement request overnight to be incredibly bizarre. He's made tons and tons of posts today and yesterday in a different game, so we can probably assume it wasn't something preventing him from posting. For me, though he mostly posted frequently, he was drowned out throughout the game by all the miller garbage and the incredible level of scummery coming from a ton of the players(this also applies to, say, whispersilk). While I didn't find any of his play particularly scummy or towny, I think all of that noise had a huge effect on my having a null read on him. Just some food for thought.
It's times like this..