↑ forehead7 wrote:This game is slow though, perhaps we should speed up the process (either by Jason bringing the deadline forward or by us moving into the latter stages and move towards lynching someone).
↑ Sawyer wrote:I'd have to agree. Not much progress is being made. I'll be fine with either of those.
Uh...correct me if I'm wrong, but don't shorter days mostly benefit the Scum side since it gives Town less time to discuss and form opinions? And isn't requesting shorter days an inherently scummy thing to do?
↑ The Gobbledy Gooker wrote:Lance you AtE doesn't do anything for me, guess we'll see what my other head thinks about it when she returns from vacation.
Appeal to emotion? More like appeal to common sense. You obviously have a problem with the CJ Miller wagon, but instead of questioning the players who are actually
on the wagon
, you're focusing all your attention on...me? Am I really the only one who finds that unusual?
Let me ask you this. You think CJ Miller is a mislynch, right? So that means you think he's Town, right? I've seen you and a couple other players say that CJ Miller is a mislynch, but I have yet to see any of you explicitly argue that he's
. Here's what I want you to do (and this goes for everybody who opposes a CJ Miller lynch): ISO him and point out the specific posts of his that indicate that he's Town. If you can convince me that he's Town using facts and evidence from his posts, I'll leave him alone. How does that sound?
↑ Sawyer wrote:So I'm not allowed to express interest in lynching extremely scummy people?
If you chastise a player for performing a certain action and then proceed to perform that same action yourself, don't be surprised when people question you about it.
↑ Sawyer wrote:You on the other hand voted me with awful reasons that don't make sense. But keep at it. It's amusing to see how you'll try and make me look bad.
I love you too, Sawyer. Hugs and kisses forever.
↑ Nexus wrote:Like, retardscum tend to play even worse than CJM is playing now.
I apologize if this is a newb question, but since this is a non-bastard game, that means there are no Jesters or similar roles, right? Your comment here got me thinking that it's almost like CJ Miller is
to get lynched...and that led me to consider some other unsavory possibilities. Not sure whether Jesters fall under the "bastard" umbrella or not.
↑ pappums rat wrote:Lance's #322 might be good to look back to regarding associative tells with CJMiller. This post looks like he is saying he is willing to vote CJMiller yet wont commit to anything regarding him (as in, he is keeping his options open).
↑ pappums rat wrote:Yeah see, he even admits that he is fencesitting on CJMiller ("you've completely overlooked the fact that I have not voted for CJ Miller myself -- and, in fact, I might not even do so at all "). And LOL at him trying to shift attention away from himself with his "you're ignoring the other people on the wagon" bullshit. You gave shitty reasoning for why you *might* vote CJMiller and were completely non-committal, that is why people are looking at you and not others.
Alright, alright, you made your point. Sheesh. Yes, I can see how my actions could be misconstrued as fence-sitting. My Sawyer vote is going nowhere, so if you want me to put my money where my mouth is, all you had to do was ask nicely.
UNVOTE: Sawyer
VOTE: CJ Miller
There. Happy now?
↑ Sawyer wrote:would anyone be ok with a PM lynch today?
If PMysterious is the day one lynch, you won't hear any objections out of me.