↑ TehBrawlGuy wrote:I had a game as Amumu with Ankamius, and I'd land these amazing 4-5 man QRE combos, but we'd still lose the fight. I kept wondering aloud why we were losing fights when I was repeatedly hitting perfect ults. I still don't know exactly why.
It was the timing. I remember noting several times that not everyone on the team was there, or someone was out of position, or something similar. If you're playing some kind of initiation champion, keep very close track of where your team is and keep in mind what they will have to do in order to follow up on your initiation. It's all well and good to catch someone in a bad spot with a bandage, but it's not going to amount to a whole lot if you went over a wall and the rest of your team doesn't have any blinks.
↑ TehBrawlGuy wrote:Oh, man, that game. Another few things that can definitely be learned from that game are that you have literally no excuse for dying in lane, and that you should always, always, try and slow the bleeding, even in an obviously lost lane. I countered myself super-hard in champ select, (was thinking quinn = adc, forgot she was also a bruiser) but I ended up only dying once in lane, and that was on an all-in I had entirely screwed up. Quinn managed to win in CS by a lot, and took my tower, but I managed to entirely prevent her from outputting presence. I let her push waves into turret and got the CS from those that I could, (she could still poke me very easily, even farming under turret) but I just stayed in lane and willingly missed lots of CS to avoid poke. Because I was constantly in lane, I was not behind in levels, and Quinn was pinned there all game while Anakmius snowballed. Quinn didn't snowball (she lost in kills, thanks to Ahri ganks) and still built pretty squishy, so I wrecked her in teamfights by simply flinging her into 4 people and watching her blow up.
It was amazing. Zilean + Singed is also incredibly hilarious.
Having played with me, is there anything on that lists I don't do?
My memory sucks. I remember the general gist of the games, but very little about the details. I don't have replays either, so I can't go back and look.
All I can really suggest is to be critical of what you are doing in a particular instance. If you die in lane, ask yourself what you did to get into that position and how you could have improved on it. If you're playing a squishy carry and you instantly get blown up at the start of a teamfight, figure out exactly what happened to get yourself caught. For example, AD Carries should never be in the middle of the rest of the team unless you're doing research on what exactly causes Malphite to become an unstoppable force.
I know this can be difficult if you don't know what you're looking for, but it should make a good start. If you have trouble with this, ask me to spectate one of your games sometime and I'll take notes. I can't really offer a whole lot when we're playing in the same game since I'm more likely to be focusing on my own mistakes and what caused them. I noticed at least a dozen really retarded things I did in that Ahri game.
EDIT: That quote pyramid looked ugly as hell.
EDIT2: I'd recommend against picking Vayne in solo queue at low levels, especially if you can't be sure your support is on par. Her laning phase is garbage and she's really reliant on getting fed early to be able to snowball fast. She's also unsafe in teamfights unless you're really good at positioning and kiting. If you really want to bully the hell out of your lane opponent, go Tristana or MF. Ezreal and Caitlyn are great for this too.
↑ mykonian wrote:basic selfreliant adc. Trist, cait, ashe, maaaaybe vayne. Something that can kite oncoming stuff somewhat well/has range to stay out of the ball.
Ashe is not self-reliant. She has no escapes and that slow doesn't cut it. She has no real steroids either so she has a harder time standing toe to toe with champions.