It's gonna be 5v5 afterwards.
I've become such a bad AD Carry, I'll admit that much. It used to be my main role but now... meh. Got stuck going ADC in ranked, not a big deal, they have Trist/Leona so I'll pick Caitlyn to stay far away from that shit. Stayed up on Trist in farm and made sure they didn't get a kill on me while our Nocturne ganked top repeatedly to shut down Jayce (meanwhile Swain was snowballing mid, but that's fine). I go "Hey Noc, can we do something bot soon bc Leona/Trist is getting scary." His response is to ping wildly, fly into lane, and chase down Leona while Tristana just jumps on me/Nunu and owns us. "Fine, at least I'm ahead in farm..." No, Nocturne pushes the tower and takes it early, then shoves the lane to inner turret. I have nowhere to farm safely, and that's a pretty big weakness for me as a player...if I can't farm, or there are no shinies to right click, I start wandering.
I noticed Orianna had given up top lane and just gone jungle, so I tried to go top while Nocturne dicked around bot lane with Nunu. Then they get ganked, the rage starts flying at me about "stupid noob adc farming top instead of teamfighting" and it just went downhill from there. They probably had a few valid points... I didn't know what to do after my tower was gone and lane was pushed and I couldn't farm at all, and I didn't think I'd be any help in teamfights since I was so underfarmed (that stretch from BF sword to Zeal felt like ages) but it just really irritated me that people jumped to being so mad and rude all of a sudden. I've gone out of my way recently to NOT be dickish and mean and try to keep a positive environment, but honestly,
game I play ends with SOMEONE raging like a lunatic and frothing at the mouth. This community really is godawful.