Well, the tatted up, female champ isn't the next one I don't think. I'm almost positive the next champ is the dragon that was previewed. I read somewhere(attached to the speculation about the pool party poster) that CertainlyT's next champ is not the next one, and CertainlyT's next champ is tattoo girl. Attached to the same speculation, was that the next champ's name is Shin Ao, is male, and then they released the dragon art for Shin Ao.
So I have 4837 IP, but before I buy Rumble, are there any other 4800 champs that would more benefit me?
I just don't want to do anything rash and miss out on someone better
4800 IP Champs:
Jarvan IV
Lee Sin
Miss Fortune
Of those champs, I play Orianna, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, and Trundle most (in that order).
Orianna is easily my favorite mid laner these days.
Cait is a very strong ADC, MF is super fun.
Trundle I would play more often except I never play top and there are other junglers I like better. Still, Trundle is probs my 2nd favorite top laner (behind Elise).
I'm a hoot
Stream: twitch.tv/dramonic
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
I just had the joy of playing malzahar. My team was four man premade, enemy bot lane was doing cheesy deny on our red, I got double after their ez got fb. Around level 4, elise got my flash out but couldn't land stun for the gank, level 6 I kill elise, get to tower, zed ults me, I die and he dies with me. 4-1, not a bad start.
Pan to later in the game. LEGENDARY TRIPLE KILL. DOUBLE KILL. 24/3/6 Malzahar carries. 16 kill streak.
Basically what I'm saying is malzahar is insane fun if you put some time into him. Easily my favorite mid laner in the entire game (though anivia's pretty fun too, she feels very limited whereas I just feel like a god on malz even if I'm not dominating).
But, aside from that:
Caitlyn - Easily one of the safest adcs in the game. Also a strong pick that a lot of people don't really know how to handle laning against.
Jarvan IV - Currently just a strong champion. Can technically be taken top mid or jungle, though most people play him in the jungle. Very tanky, strong initiator, and decent base damage output.
Kennen - In my opinion a hard champion to learn, but a well played kennen is so unbelievably destructive that I feel he's worth buying if you're wiling to invest the time to learn him.
Lee Sin - A strong jungle (potentially good in mid or top) with a lot of mobility and strong early game damage and consistent utility. Requires somewhat fast reflexes to play at full potential (whereas the rest don't really require amazing mouse-speed). Lots of fun, though.
Orianna - I don't know enough about her to say anything intelligent, but she's a good champion.
Renekton - One of the strongest laners in top in the game. Fucking ridiculously good sustain and damage output. Enormous lane bully that relies on obliterating your opponent to get ahead and then stay ahead. Playstyle can get boring quickly.
Riven - Strong champion. I don't like her, but she's got a lot of mobility, strong burst damage, and decent laning against most things.
Rumble - Easily my most hated lane opponent in top lane. Gains a lot of damage while building tankiness, has enormous teamfighting power and a strong laning phase. Damage/level scaling on abilities makes him the biggest pain in the ass. I personally don't enjoy playing him that much, though.
Vayne - Strong adc with probably the single best single-target dps out of all the adcs in the game. Not quite as safe as Caitlyn and has some risks in early laning, but her late-game scaling is so beastly that you win even if you're a lil behind some other carries.
Vladimir - Very very fun. Can be a good bully in lane and has strong late game scaling and gets tanky with increasing his damage output. Zhonya + pool = troll as hell.
But yeah, I saw some Rumble games and I'm not as convinced as I was before
And I read some Malzahar guides and he seems really cool because of the monster thing he summons
But wouldn't Yorick do that better?
I'm just seriously confused and will probably wait for next week's free champs, hoping that I find someone I like
Thanks for the help guys!
Just play all the free champions every week and you'll quickly find out what you like to play. There's no pressure buying any champion unless you hate to see them out of rotation because you want to play them more.
Runes are a better option than champions while you're still learning the game. Don't buy anybody until you've played them to find out if you'd enjoy playing them.
After all, we have different tastes as league players than you do. Play the free weeks and find the ones you like, cultivate a taste of your own for champions. In the meantime, buy runes and use the free week as the opportunity to test everything.
I resisted the temptation and I have 5000 IP right now
I found this:
Elise (J), Jarvan IV (J), Zac (J, T), Lee Sin (J), Evelynn (J), Karthus (M), Nasus (J), Sona (S), Zed (T, M), Vayne (C), Rumble (T), Ahri (M), Thresh (S) Source
This is the "best of the best" tier according to this website, T = Top, J = Jungle, M = Mid, C = AD Carry, S = Support
Who agrees/disagrees with this and why?
Yeah, basically don't bother with stuff like that, because 98% of the time, it doesn't matter who the "statistically best" champs are. Find champs you like and are good at, and play them. *shrug*