How many games have you played with Tammy to this point? Because ... okay, Tammy will be smug if I'm misreading her, I guess, but I just don't see how you can't have a solid read on that slot at this point.In post 1337, Tim Howard wrote:I basically can't pick out a read on Cerulean. I'll have a conversation with Nexus about it today, if I can catch him online.
I know you refused before, but I really would like to know what "good points" and "bad points" Sixty and Reck each made. In general this post (especially the bolded) seems like a really weird way to talk about something you later claim to have found unpleasant to read and unhelpful in understanding the game better.In post 974, Tim Howard wrote:So that entire sixty/reck discussion wasinteresting, but left me with basically nothing other than "boy they seem mad at each other." They both made good points and they both made bad points. Pretty much came out a wash at this point.
(1) You think "ignoring the Sixty/Reck thing" is something worth lynching Katsuki over.In post 974, Tim Howard wrote:The justice bones in my body really want to lynch the crap out of Katsuki for ignoring the Sixty/Reck thing while it was happening.
(2) You have nothing to say about the Sixty/Reck thing, it hasn't changed your reads and you refuse to discuss it further when asked.
Does this not seem odd to you? (I mean, I see that you're making the point that Katsuki was posting at the time, I just don't really understand why that matters. What would you have said if you were posting at the time?)
Can you remind me what your read on Reckoner was before you read the Sixty/Reckoner argument?In post 997, Tim Howard wrote:I could go back and re-read it and quote shit, but I'm really not that interested in going back and doing an in-depth re-read of a fairly unpleasant argument near the end of the game day which did not result in significant read changes. *shrug*In post 992, xRECKONERx wrote:I really don't like that quadz's opinion about the me vs Sixty thing seems to just boil down to, "That was interesting but here's why it's null."
I'd be very interested in hearing him expand on what he means by, "They both made some good points, they both made some bad ones." Which points, specifically, did you think were good or bad from either side?