Organic Chemistry [GAME OVER]
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- pirate mollie
pirate mollie thingmaker
- pirate mollie
- Doduo
Doduo Goon
- Doduo
- Goon
- Goon
- Posts: 652
- Joined: October 13, 2013
"The brains in its two heads appear to communicate emotions to each other with a telepathic power."
- Doduo
Doduo Goon
- Doduo
- Goon
- Goon
- Posts: 652
- Joined: October 13, 2013
squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk
"The brains in its two heads appear to communicate emotions to each other with a telepathic power."
- pirate mollie
pirate mollie thingmaker
- pirate mollie
- thingmaker
- thingmaker
- Posts: 18584
- Joined: September 5, 2012
- pirate mollie
pirate mollie thingmaker
- pirate mollie
- thingmaker
- thingmaker
- Posts: 18584
- Joined: September 5, 2012
- Antihero
Antihero al;kdjfal;kj
- Antihero
- al;kdjfal;kj
- al;kdjfal;kj
- Posts: 15872
- Joined: March 30, 2009
Alkene Metathesis
Vote Count 1.1
Bipolarchemist - 2 (Lying Cat, PeregrineV)
Lying Cat - 1 (ZZZX)
PeregrineV - 2 (Guilty Gunsmith, Perpetual Nonsense)
Not Voting: beastcharizard, Bipolarchemist, Doduo, Majiffy, mastin2, MTD, pirate mollie, Speedy Saki, Titus, vezokpiraka, Wickedestjr, zabriel
9 to lynch. Deadline: (expired on 2014-06-09 12:00:54)The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.- Saki
Saki Jack of All Trades
- Saki
- Jack of All Trades
- Jack of All Trades
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- Joined: May 19, 2013
- Location: Seoul, South Korea
Doduo you're really damn annoyingretired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
ZZZX Survivor
- Survivor
- Survivor
- Posts: 10389
- Joined: July 7, 2013
... Resist ... town reading... this...In post 27, Doduo wrote:squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-squawk-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-quack-quack-squawk-quack-squawk-squawk- Doduo
Doduo Goon
- Doduo
- Goon
- Goon
- Posts: 652
- Joined: October 13, 2013
In post 28, pirate mollie wrote:you are making me uncomfortable
"The brains in its two heads appear to communicate emotions to each other with a telepathic power."
- Lying Cat
Lying Cat Mafia Scum
- Lying Cat
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 1222
- Joined: September 27, 2013
9:30 am on my day off. Plus I'm dogsitting and they were super drooly this morning.In post 24, pirate mollie wrote:why were you taking a shower in the middle of the day
thinking big bird is town but I also think he is lying cos of set up which I didn't read at all.
AP's just screwing around, but we know there are inventors in the setup.
it's a mating call. hide AP.In post 28, pirate mollie wrote:you are making me uncomfortable- Doduo
Doduo Goon
- Doduo
- Goon
- Goon
- Posts: 652
- Joined: October 13, 2013
- vezokpiraka
vezokpiraka Jack of All Trades
- vezokpiraka
- Jack of All Trades
- Jack of All Trades
- Posts: 6034
- Joined: June 17, 2010
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ZZZX Survivor
- Survivor
- Survivor
- Posts: 10389
- Joined: July 7, 2013
Daymn ZZZX love started already?In post 36, vezokpiraka wrote:Everyone we lynch zzzx today.
If you want to have a clean game without the same immense post being quoted every three or four posts just to add another line come with me.
vote zzzx
Well you cant stop me from conquering the quotes <3- Guilty Gunsmith
Guilty Gunsmith Mafia Scum
- Guilty Gunsmith
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 1098
- Joined: April 16, 2014
Hey Mollie lets not get caught up in reading each other over how many reachIn post 14, pirate mollie wrote:can some1 give me the tldr version of wat this game is about cos I am already confused.
I am tired of being confused in gamz.aroundsouts we're willing to give each other, 'k? Cause that seems to be working poorly for us in general. I already don't know how I feel about this little ? of yours. I mean there isnt anything to get. There are 4 inventor's and a backup inventor (of ??? alignment). There might be other PRs.
All neighborize actions are to be POLICY LYNCHED upon claim. Please see Baby Seal Mafia for reference.
There are 4 townies and 13 scummies. Its a p simple game afaict.
No I dont have a cop guilty on Perv : (. I just wanted to say "lets lynch P5 by P5 at the latest"
There are town ways to go about RVS. Bluntly?, this. is. not. town. This is scum. I want to see the town motivation in Sthar8's posts, I really really do. If they were town, we could be in-thread mason buddies and strike fear into the hearts of all the inorganic compounds together. But they aren't. I wish they were, but no matter how hard I try. No matter how many times I reread their posts....they aren't town. They are just scum, plain and simple.In post 34, Lying Cat wrote:
it's a mating call. hide AP.In post 28, pirate mollie wrote:you are making me uncomfortable
Also doduo, looks pretty town.
VOTE: Lying Cat
-mastin2- Guilty Gunsmith
Guilty Gunsmith Mafia Scum
- Guilty Gunsmith
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 1098
- Joined: April 16, 2014
Errrr reverse that.In post 38, Guilty Gunsmith wrote:There are 4 townies and 13 scummies. Its a p simple game afaict.- ZZZX
ZZZX Survivor
- Survivor
- Survivor
- Posts: 10389
- Joined: July 7, 2013
Gota say... pretty detailedIn post 38, Guilty Gunsmith wrote:
Hey Mollie lets not get caught up in reading each other over how many reachIn post 14, pirate mollie wrote:can some1 give me the tldr version of wat this game is about cos I am already confused.
I am tired of being confused in gamz.aroundsouts we're willing to give each other, 'k? Cause that seems to be working poorly for us in general. I already don't know how I feel about this little ? of yours. I mean there isnt anything to get. There are 4 inventor's and a backup inventor (of ??? alignment). There might be other PRs.
All neighborize actions are to be POLICY LYNCHED upon claim. Please see Baby Seal Mafia for reference.
There are 4 townies and 13 scummies. Its a p simple game afaict.
No I dont have a cop guilty on Perv : (. I just wanted to say "lets lynch P5 by P5 at the latest"
There are town ways to go about RVS. Bluntly?, this. is. not. town. This is scum. I want to see the town motivation in Sthar8's posts, I really really do. If they were town, we could be in-thread mason buddies and strike fear into the hearts of all the inorganic compounds together. But they aren't. I wish they were, but no matter how hard I try. No matter how many times I reread their posts....they aren't town. They are just scum, plain and simple.In post 34, Lying Cat wrote:
it's a mating call. hide AP.In post 28, pirate mollie wrote:you are making me uncomfortable
Also doduo, looks pretty town.
VOTE: Lying Cat
This post is gifted to vezo- ZZZX
ZZZX Survivor
- Survivor
- Survivor
- Posts: 10389
- Joined: July 7, 2013
In post 39, Guilty Gunsmith wrote:
Errrr reverse that.In post 38, Guilty Gunsmith wrote:There are 4 townies and 13 scummies. Its a p simple game afaict.
I thought you were just trolling him but seems it was just a typo.
Disappointed. :<- Lying Cat
Lying Cat Mafia Scum
- Lying Cat
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 1222
- Joined: September 27, 2013
- Doduo
Doduo Goon
- Doduo
- Goon
- Goon
- Posts: 652
- Joined: October 13, 2013
- Perpetual Nonsense
Perpetual Nonsense Mafia Scum
- Perpetual Nonsense
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 1759
- Joined: February 11, 2014
Gaiden you showed up!
tldr game just started and town is confused while mafia isntIn post 14, pirate mollie wrote:hey guys
wats going on
I didn't find a hydra partner in time so I am solo
can some1 give me the tldr version of wat this game is about cos I am already confused.
I am tired of being confused in gamz.We of the Collective are of one mind.
There is no Bert. There is no Gaiden.
There is only Us- Majiffy
Majiffy Go with the Flow
- Majiffy
- Go with the Flow
- Go with the Flow
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- Location: Buffalo, NY
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Not everyone's middle-of-the-day is the middle of the day, missy!In post 24, pirate mollie wrote:why were you taking a shower in the middle of the day
thinking big bird is town but I also think he is lying cos of set up which I didn't read at all.
Someone run me down on where all this is coming from because reading OPs is for noobs.In post 38, Guilty Gunsmith wrote: Hey Mollie lets not get caught up in reading each other over how many reacharoundsouts we're willing to give each other, 'k? Cause that seems to be working poorly for us in general. I already don't know how I feel about this little ? of yours. I mean there isnt anything to get. There are 4 inventor's and a backup inventor (of ??? alignment). There might be other PRs.
All neighborize actions are to be POLICY LYNCHED upon claim. Please see Baby Seal Mafia for reference.
VOTE: Doduo
Policy lynches are alive and well.Only playing in games at personal moderator and/or 50%+ playerlist request.
GTKAS Jiffy! (Part 1)||GTKAS Jerfy (The Sequel!)||How To Win Every Game At Mafiascum (The Flowchart)||In case anyone was unsure...
Svenskt Stål (23:38) majiffy, worst mod on ms? we talk to a surviving victim of his game- Titus
Titus She/her/hersMoon Walker
- Titus
She/her/hers- Moon Walker
- Moon Walker
- Posts: 75991
- Joined: May 3, 2013
- Pronoun: She/her/hers
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~Noted. This is the same type of metal mistake I make as scum.In post 39, Guilty Gunsmith wrote:
Errrr reverse that.In post 38, Guilty Gunsmith wrote:There are 4 townies and 13 scummies. Its a p simple game afaict.
VOTE: Guilty Gunsmith
Do you want to drink with me? I got plenty of alcohol. Or are you content being scum?
Majiffy, stop policy lynching and help me lynch scum. I think Doduo has a post restriction.ShowThe scum had the misfortune of Titus being absurdly accurate on day one.Really quite impressed by that.~Drixx
You're letting Titus win the game by herself.Good luck now I guess.You have no chance to win.~Tywin
GTKTitus Part 2
Titus Academy
Friend, Enemies, and That Other Person is now in signups. Click here to sign up.
VLA Friday nights until Sunday morning.- Perpetual Nonsense
Perpetual Nonsense Mafia Scum
- Perpetual Nonsense
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 1759
- Joined: February 11, 2014
I like efforts to get the ball rolling early on in the game! That suggestion may have been unconventional, BUT no one has said anything about the ? you speak of except youIn post 38, Guilty Gunsmith wrote:Hey Mollie lets not get caught up in reading each other over how many reach arounds outs we're willing to give each other, 'k? Cause that seems to be working poorly for us in general.I already don't know how I feel about this little ? of yours. I mean there isnt anything to get.There are 4 inventor's and a backup inventor (of ??? alignment). There might be other PRs.
Also, MARQUIS! Do you have a slight scumread on the Guilty Gunsmith thing yet?We of the Collective are of one mind.
There is no Bert. There is no Gaiden.
There is only Us- Titus
Titus She/her/hersMoon Walker
- Titus
She/her/hers- Moon Walker
- Moon Walker
- Posts: 75991
- Joined: May 3, 2013
- Pronoun: She/her/hers
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Mollie being confused early is also indicative of likely scum as she was confused really early in the game where we were scum together. I wound up having to bus her. Sorry Mollie.ShowThe scum had the misfortune of Titus being absurdly accurate on day one.Really quite impressed by that.~Drixx
You're letting Titus win the game by herself.Good luck now I guess.You have no chance to win.~Tywin
GTKTitus Part 2
Titus Academy
Friend, Enemies, and That Other Person is now in signups. Click here to sign up.
VLA Friday nights until Sunday morning.- Majiffy
Majiffy Go with the Flow
- Majiffy
- Go with the Flow
- Go with the Flow
- Posts: 23825
- Joined: November 23, 2011
- Location: Buffalo, NY
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Yeah and annoying post restrictions like this need to be lynched. And then mods promptly bitched the fuck out post-game for making post restrictions like this.
And if it isn't a real post restriction, then he's scum faking it.
So there's no reason not to lynch the shit out of it.
p-edit invasion.Only playing in games at personal moderator and/or 50%+ playerlist request.
GTKAS Jiffy! (Part 1)||GTKAS Jerfy (The Sequel!)||How To Win Every Game At Mafiascum (The Flowchart)||In case anyone was unsure...
Svenskt Stål (23:38) majiffy, worst mod on ms? we talk to a surviving victim of his game - Majiffy
Copyright © MafiaScum. All rights reserved.
- Titus
- Perpetual Nonsense
- Titus
- Majiffy
- Perpetual Nonsense
- Doduo
- Lying Cat
- Guilty Gunsmith
- Guilty Gunsmith
- vezokpiraka
- Doduo
- Lying Cat
- Doduo
- Saki
- Antihero
- pirate mollie
- pirate mollie
- Doduo
- Doduo