↑ RayFrost wrote:I can't see what about the extra 9 points in the offense tree makes it worth more than the potential sustain / tankiness options in the defense or utility trees given how abusive a lot of his early-level matchups are
The 9 points in utility are literally worthless on fizz. He doesnt need ms because he has 2 gapclosers already. He doesn't need extra "sustain
either because if you're facing a tough matchup then you should be starting flask/3 pots. In fact, in MOST matchups you should be starting flask. Let say you're facing brand for example. Taking flash means you're trading your health for his mana. If he starts Dorans/2 pots, then he's going to go oom way before you run out of sustain from the flask.
I can see the case made from the defense tree, but again, the 9 points in utility are much better seeing as his q deals 100% AD physical damage, and he autos a crapton.
↑ Oman wrote: ↑ Ser Arthur Dayne wrote: ↑ lil g wrote:3 MS and a biscuit always in midlane if you use mana. always!
30/0/0 Fizz would like to counter that.
Anyway everyone should jump on the Fizz hype train because he's one of the last remaining assassin who's good and isn't completely nullified by exhaust.
Sure, give me a primer on fizz plz
Umm, seeing I'm 8-1 with him in ranked (and that one "loss" being me having to emergency leave 5mins into the game), I must be doing something right... maybe. So I guess I'll say what I'm doing.
9 hybrid pen marks - obv, since fizz's q deals physical damage and he autos
9 flat health yellows/armor - if you're facing an ap that wouldn't try to get you out of lane by autoing, then take health, otherwise armor.
9 flat mr blues/ap - unless you're facing an ap that deals significant ap in the beginning, then take flat ap (ex. vs akali, kat, diana)
3 ap quints
Masteries 30/0/0
Summoner spells: Ignite/Heal
You basically have to understand that Fizz is an early game champion, and without an early lead, you will fall off hard. However, his early game is VERY strong, so you shouldn't really have a problem with gaining a lead unless the enemy is playing suppppppper safe, which then means they're missing out on farm.
Most starts should be flask, unless you're sure you can kill an enemy with one to two all ins max, then start dorans.
If you're vs a meele, start w. Auto them as soon as they get into lane. I basically got fb on a diana yesterday because i just kept walking and autoing them as soon as they came to lane. It was pretty funny. If you're vs ranged, start e, wait for them to use blow their first ability (if they ever do). Lets take the brand example again. Say he uses pillar of flame (right, thats what brands starts with? idk i dont play him) to try to harass you and push the wave to gain an early lvl 2. E out of it, and go on him, auto him a few times, back, and drink flask. Keep doing these small trades where you will get out on top because of a) your damage and b) flask. At level 6 you should have no problem killing the enemy.
Build order should be sheen -> dfg -> lich bane -> ap stuff (rabadons, zhonyas, void, etc).
Mid/late game you can destroy teams with your ult. And can delete anyone squishy with dfg. Try to stay in the back and have the tanks fight it out first, then see if you can get to the backline and delete someone.
Last note: Fizz does have a high skillcap (imo) and I did play a TON of games on my smurf with him first.
vezokpiraka: If you are playing on EUNE we can duo.
chesskid3: I play on NA because i enjoy my freedom.