Mafia 401-Music of Capcom-Game over

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Post Post #400 (ISO) » Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:16 pm

Post by Akbar »

1. ugh. I'm not really feeling Akbar's last post at all.
Your first rebuttal is not really an answer, it's just a He's the scum, not me sort of statement.

The 1st accusation is that I didn’t know who Mafia was on Day 1. How is this scummy?

2. Next point is again similar, mere statement that something is the case. I have to say, it doesn't look like you were happy you hit the SK.

The 2nd accusation is saying I’m scummy because the wording of my posts did not give off enough “happiness.” This does not change the fact Mafia did not know Chamber wasn’t town and thus reasoned my FOS of everyone on that wagon. I have already answered this question. Go back and read it. You’ll see it was IH who used it against me originally and now it’s being pitched by Primate. Go figure.

3. The Remus to Kilmenator thing is interesting. I personally would note that when you made your case against Remus you never voted him. I would also note however that there wasn't really enough time to see whether you were actually dropping the Remus case to attack Kilm. So that's inconclusive in my mind.

Try and remember we were Lynch or Lose that day. And I guess you’re not drawing any conclusions from Primate engineering the facts on that accusation?

4. Next point I agree with Akbar.

Bout time.

5. And the next, though I would add that it looks an awful lot like a planned disatncing attempt.

Again, we were Lynch or Lose.

6. Next one strikes me as a misinterpretation on Primate's part.

That’s a nice way of acknowledging his 3rd fabrication during the post.

7. The Ih thing next... not sure about this

If you had to make a group decision, why would you want to eliminate a known town voice and create a higher ratio of scum?

8. urgh.... I really really don't like that next statement. How would taking into account the possibility that Apeiron is scum blow the game for us? I would say the opposite is much more likely to be true.

If we vote Apeiron, we lose. What’s confusing about that?

9. Next statement... I would say that IH's lynch pretty much was guaranteed after everyone decided I was clear. I don't think it needed to be scumless, either: it's possible the scum wanted to get one last piece of distancing done. Also, the idea that Primate waited because he wanted to try and stop the lynch is ridiculous: by the point the entirety of the other players had already statde a willingness to lynch IH.

If we were committed to the lynch, why did we give Primate time to defend him? Obviously we weren’t completely decided.

10. The bit you address to me misses the point somewhat. That was really the weakest point of my argument, an amusing coincidence probably. The fact that both scum have acted in a manner towards you that is consistent with the way they acted towards their other scumpartner is at the very least worrying.

I can’t vouch for your speculation. I can only answer the facts.

11. I looked through your posts again and found another thing that worried me. in your 31st post and your 36th post, you indidcate that you have been trying to work out what roles people have. That is not a pro-town thing to do.

If this was a Day 1 fishing attempt at power roles, I would agree with you. However this was an attempt to locate the surviving Mason to avoid a mislynch. This is no different than trying to analyze who your teammates are in general, to gain confidence in who to believe throughout the thread.

12. Oh, and that statement at the bottom of your last post doesn't fill me with confidence. It might be clear from your viewpoint who the scum is, but it definitely isn't from mine.

Apparently not. What’s really frustrating is your desire to swim upstream at endgame just because Primate is such a good player. I still haven’t understood why it’s my responsibility to illustrate a no-brainer case condemning Primate and absolving me at the same time. If you’re going to say voting Mafia is just a distancing tactic, where does that leave room for me doing my job?

Look at the facts, Primate’s so called case against me had 3 points in it that I didn’t even have to defend because he altered the facts to make it fit his presentation! Look at the language he uses in his questioning:
Primate wrote:@Akbar, if you were the last mafia, what would be your rationale for killing Ectomancer?
Primate wrote:He's unquestioning about Ecto's claim, but that's fairly reasonable either way, considering that he was itching for the cop to claim earlier.
My reply:
Akbar wrote:oooo, I was ITCHING for the cop to claim. I can hear the dramatic music in the background now. Unless you have a reasonable case against the roleclaiming that saved us from a Lynch or Lose situation, don’t try to make it sound suspicious. It was a good strategy that yielded 2 lynched scums.
Primate wrote:You make it sound like you were responsible for it. And stop trying to find melodrama in my words. All the day you had been pointing out the benefits of the cop claiming. If that isn't 'itching', I don't know what is.
Notice how he skipped right past the part about explaining why it was a bad idea and instead decided to reiterate the definition of “itching” to maintain the image of suspicion. He also tells me to stop trying to find melodrama in his words. Yet, he’s the one using phrases like:
Primate wrote:he was itching for the cop to claim earlier
Primate wrote:you have been guns blazing against me,
Primate wrote:Akbar was attacking Chamber like a dog,
So you tell me who’s using Melodrama.

We were Lynch or Lose the day Remus was lynched, yesterday AND today. For you to think Primate is not the last scum, you have to convince yourself that a full mafia team would bus 2 scumbuddies back to back and not even try to win both days.

Look at the vote counts. There were 4 lynches. Draygen Mage/Primate voted both times it wasn’t a scum team member. He skips the two that were. Is that coincidence too?
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Post Post #401 (ISO) » Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:16 pm

Post by Primate »

so, erm, yeah.

we should lynch akbar, he's the last scum

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Post Post #402 (ISO) » Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:52 pm

Post by Thok »

I'll get around to putting the lynch scene, role PM's and night choices back up sometime tomorrow.
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Post Post #403 (ISO) » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:12 am

Post by Apeiron »

What happened? :?
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Post Post #404 (ISO) » Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:56 am

Post by IH »

Crash, deleted posts, etc etc.

You still lost.

Primate still gets the majority of the credit.
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Post Post #405 (ISO) » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:25 pm

Post by Thok »

Akbar was lynched. He was The Moon, Ducktales, NES, vanilla townie.

Standing there, Primate starts wiggling his eyebrows before jumping into his flying saucer.

"Dad?" comments Apeiron before he is shot by a large energy ball.

Apeiron (Theme of Zero, MMX/SNES and MMZ/GBA, one shot vig) and Shanba (Ken, Super Street Fight, SNES, mason) are endgamed.

Primate (Wily's Last Stand/Suicide Mission, MM7, Mafia Godfather) , IH, and remussaidow win!

[If this feels like the same night scene rehashed, that's because it is the same night scene rehashed. Roles and night choices coming in the next post.]
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
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Post Post #406 (ISO) » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:43 pm

Post by Thok »

Primate/draygenmage wrote:You are the theme from the final boss battle with Dr. Wily from Mega Man 7, for the NES. (I've seen this called Suicide Mission or Wily's Last Stand.) Your time with Dr. Wily has made you decide to rule over the other songs. You've teamed up with villianous IH and inHimshallibe to wreak havoc on the other songs. You are the Mafia Godfather. Each night your group may submit a kill. Your other group members may have powers, so feel free to talk with them. You win when you control the lynch and the nightkills.

As a Godfather, having seen Dr. Wily fool do-gooders many a time, you are immune to cop investigations.

Midi: ... m7wily.mid

Youtube Link: Here's a speed run of Megaman 7. Unfortunately the battle with Dr. Wily is at the very end.
Mod Note: Kills by a giant ball of energy
IH wrote:You are Vega's theme from Street Fighter II (an arcade game, but this song is from the SNES version). A vain and evil person, you've teamed up with villianous inHimshallibe and draygn_Mage to wreak havoc on the other songs. You are Mafia. Each night your group may submit a kill. Your other group members may have powers, so feel free to talk with them. You win when you control the lynch and the nightkills.

In addition, you are aware that there are other Street fighter's around. Each night you may submit a name, and you may get information if they are a Street Fighter.

Midi: ... s/vega.mid

Youtube Link: Here's a video of a Tool Assisted speed run with Zangief. His tenth victim (the second boss) is Vega.
Mod Note: Really a mafia mason hunter; if he targets a mason, he will learn their role PM but lose the ability to search at night. Kills by claw slash before finding the masons, by punch afterwards.
remussaidow/inHimshallibe wrote:You are Flashman's theme from Mega Man 2, a classic game for the NES. You desire to help Dr. Wily rule over the other songs and you've teamed up with villianous IH and draygn_Mage to wreak havoc on the other songs. You are Mafia. Each night your group may submit a kill. Your other group members may have powers, so feel free to talk with them. You win when you control the lynch and the nightkills.

In addition, you are aware that no other songs from Mega Man 2 are in the game.

Midi: ... ashman.mid

Youtube Link: Here's a walkthrough of Mega Man 2; the third stage featured is Flashman's Stage.
Mod Note: Kills by freezing in time

chamber wrote:You are Time of Confrontation from Clock Tower 3 (PS2). Yes nobody's heard of this game. Yes it features a crazy serial killer (The Scissorman) who stabs people with oversized scissors. That must make you the Serial Killer.

Each night you may choose one person to kill. If successful, that person will be found stabbed and with tears in their eyes. You win if all other players are dead (in particular, you need not be alive to win.)

You are also unnightkillable. You are also aware that the following games are not represented in this set up and are a source of safe claims:

Any Breath of Fire
Devil May Cry
Bionic Commando

Midi: ... tation.mid
Mod Note: Victims found stabbed with tears in their eyes (a reference to the song "Don't Cry Jennifer", but also so the SK could claim that their kill was caused by something from Devil may cry.)


Ectomancer wrote:You are the song Investigation:Cornered from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney which can be played on the DS. Hanging around a brilliant legal mind gives you some investigative insight, and you are a Cop. Each night send me a name and I will tell you if they are innocent or guilty.

Midi: ... red_v2.mid

A link for you:
kilmentor wrote:You are the theme of the Save Room in Resident Evil (called Biohazard in Japan), which was originally for the Gamecube. Each night you can choose one person to prevent being nightkilled, this effectively makes you a Doc.

Midi: ... erooms.mid

Link: Sorry, but I don't have a good link of a video with this song for you.
mathcam wrote:You are Ryu's theme from Street Fighter II (an arcade game, but this song is from the SNES version). You've noticed that your friend and fighting rival Ken is here also under the name Ameliaslay. The two of you are Masons and can talk to each other at night.

Midi: ... sf2ryu.mid

Youtube Link: Here's a video of a Tool Assisted speed run with Zangief. His first victim is Ryu.
Ameliaslay wrote:You are Ken's theme from Super Street Fighter (an arcade game, but this song is from the SNES version). You've noticed that your friend and fighting rival Ryu is here also under the name mathcam. The two of you are Masons and can talk to each other at night.

Midi: ... en_UAZ.mid

Youtube Link: Here's a video of a Tool Assisted speed run with Zangief. His eighth victim (right before the bosses) is Ken.
One shot vig
Apeiron wrote:You are Zero's theme (from either Mega Man X for SNES or Mega Man Zero for GBA). Once in this game at night, you may submit the name of somebody you wish to slash with your sword, killing them. You are a one shot Vig. Please let me know if you choose not to use your power on a given night.

Midi: ... Theme1.mid

Youtube video: Here is a speed run of Mega Man Zero; the first stage features the Theme of Zero.
Mod Note: Kills by sword slash. Kill night one failed due to chamber's UNK.

Akbar/Eon wrote:Did you know that Capcom used to make games for Disney? One of the most famous is Duck Tales. Scrooge McDuck wields a mean pogo stick, er cane.

You are the Moon Stage Theme from Duck Tales (NES). Unfortunately, that means you have no powers (except your posts and your vote), and are merely a Townie.

Midi: ... ctmoon.mid

Link: Here's a speed run of Duck Tales. Only 10 minutes! The moon is the fifth stage, about 5 minutes in.
Panzerjager wrote:You are the Stage 1 Music from 1943 (originally for the Arcade, but also for the NES). You'd thinking being a fighter pilot would give you some powers, but nah, you're just a Townie.

Midi: ... 3-lev1.mid

Link: Here's some footage of the game and Stage 1.
Seol wrote:You are the Haunted Graveyard from Super Ghouls and Ghosts for SNES. You're too busy running from Ghosts to do much more that be a normal Townie.

Midi: ... evel_1.mid

Link: Here's a Speedrun of Super Ghouls and Ghosts. The Haunted Graveyard is the first stage.
Night Choices:

Day 1
Panzerjager lynched

Night 1
Mafia: Kill mathcam (goes through)
Mafia Mason Hunter: Investigate Seol (not a Street Fighter)
SK: No choice submitted
Doc: Protect Akbar
Cop: Investigate Apeiron (Protown)
1 shot Vig: kill chamber (failed due to UNK SK)

Day 2
Chamber lynched

Night 2
Doc: Protect Apeiron
Cop: Investigate remussaidow
Mafia Kill: Seol (dead)
Mafia Mason Hunter: kilmentor (not a streetfighter)

Day 3
remussaidow lynched

Night 3
Cop: Investigate kilmentor (Protown)
Doc: Protect Ectomancer
Mafia Kill: kilmentor
Mafia Mason hunter: Akbar (not a street fighter)

Day 4
IH lynched

Night 5
Mafia Kill: Ectomancer
Cop: Investigate Primate (irrelevant since dead, would have gotten town due to godfatherness)

Day 5
Akbar lynched
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
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Post Post #407 (ISO) » Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:58 am

Post by MeMe »

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