Okay first things first
equinox - I'm v/la until Monday, April 20th
I will be able to post but it will probably be sporadic, and I probably won't be able to do anything substantial or that requires a whole lot of thought until then. I'm defending on Thursday and my final manuscript, considering all goes well, is due on Monday. My brain is kinda fried right now.
I need to reorient myself to the game as I haven't really thought about this game a whole lot in over a week.
Couple things:
Regfan - why would you really consider yourself a nightkill target over marble last night?
Any lingering doubts I had about antihero were wiped away when he asked nacho's team to join him on psyche. Yeah fake Dumbbells yada yada, it didn't look like a fabricated wink wink I really know I killed nacho's teammate last night.
I'd like two of my Townreads to stop going at each other. Though it looks like zach now has anti as town, so that's looking up.
I'm planning to take a break from real life work tonight and drink some wine. I'm going to try to at least read through my town reads to make sure I'm not overlooking anything. Of the reads I had, the ones I still feel good about are regfan, antohero and zach. Regfan is probably causing me the most concern of those based on things that might just be tiny and me being silly.
Beyond that I'll probably be posting in fits and bursts until Monday evening.